How to mount Victony WiFi Extender properly

How to mount Victony WiFi Extender properly

Victony Wifi Extender Setup nothing can surpass the experience of Victony wireless range extenders when it comes to a value-driven investment. Victony makes things easier, quicker, and better for anything you do online. With the assistance of the 1200 MBPS speed it offers, Victony does it.

Hence, anything can be done in a snap, whether it is gaming, video streaming, or even downloading. The Victony extender is packed with many features and is a fantastic asset to get rid of all the problems associated with your internet.

You will know about two methods of setting up Victony Wifi Extender in this article:

  • Method WPS

  • Method for Browsers

Setup of the Victon WiFi Extender using the WPS method

Follow the steps below to mount Victony Wifi Extender with the aid of WPS:

  1. First and foremost, attach your extender to a power supply near your router.

  2. Take a look at the power LED once attached and make sure it displays a solid color light.

  3. Now, on both your router and your extender, find the WPS button. Once found, press the button on each o f the devices simultaneously for approximately 2-3 seconds.

  4. Your router has been successfully linked with the extender until you see a green blinking light on your extender.

  5. You only have to wait for about 10-15 seconds after this to let the devices recognise each other and begin working.

  6. The LED on the extender will transform into a solid green color after the connection is made successfully.

You can now feel free to remove from the location your extender and put it anywhere in the house. For full benefits, it is recommended to keep the extender in areas where the internet does not function at all.

Let's look at an alternative approach now.

Setup the Victon WiFi Extender with a Web browser

In order to set up Victony Wifi Extender with a browser, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • Begin by connecting a power supply to your wifi extender. You don't need to keep it next to your router, because wherever you want, you can do it.

  • To convert into a solid green color, wait for the extender to turn on by keeping an eye on the LED indicator.

  • Now, take a computer and open the wi-fi manager, such as a laptop or a smartphone. Link with your extender's network under the wi-fi manager. The network would, most likely, be unsecured.

  • Open a tab of your choosing after you have successfully linked to the network and head towards the URL bar. Type in or copy-paste the ap.setup website in the URL bar.After that, on your keyboard, push the Enter button

  • Finally, in both areas, you will be asked to provide login credentials and you just need to enter "admin". Click on the login button after that and you will be redirected to the dashboard. Just follow the steps listed on the website from this point on and finish the setup.

And that's how you conveniently set up Victony Wifi Extender. For now, that's all we have.

How do I configure my WIFI VICTONY EXTENDER RANGE setup?

Still facing trouble setting up your victory wifi range extender configuration or can you open the URL of Often it's because of your web browser or the website's service, so open another web browser or try with the IP address as well.

Follow the instructions given and set up the configuration for your wifi range extender?

  • Take the wifi extender setup for your victory and your router in the same space.

  • Plug in an electrical socket for your wifi range extender setup and your router.

  • Make sure that your extender has no ethernet cable attached to it.

  • Check your LED light extender. If there is only one power light that blinks, it means your router is ready to connect.

  • Link the Victory Range Extender to your internet.

  • After that, you can easily access the web.

If the problem is still not fixed, you can also call us at +1-888-880-2791 and tell our experts about the problem to help solve your setup problem.