Welcome to the Victoria College Mental Health/Wellness Resource Web

At Victoria College, we believe that taking care of your mental health is just as important as your academic pursuits. We understand that college life can be both exciting and challenging, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Our Mental Health Resource Web is designed to provide you with a comprehensive range of resources, information, and tools to help you navigate the ups and downs of your college journey.

Prioritizing Your Well-being

We understand that being a student involves managing a multitude of responsibilities, from classes and assignments to social interactions and personal growth. Amidst these demands, your mental well-being deserves utmost attention. Our resource web is here to remind you that seeking support is a sign of strength, and that you are not alone in your experiences.

What You'll Find Here

Our Mental Health Resource Web offers a wide array of resources to cater to various aspects of your mental health journey:

Breaking the Stigma

We are committed to breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health. It's okay to reach out for help, and seeking support is a vital part of maintaining your overall well-being. Our resource web aims to foster an environment where open conversations about mental health are encouraged and supported.

Remember, your mental health matters, and you are not alone on this journey. Explore the resources available on the Victoria College Mental Health Resource Web to discover tools that can empower you to thrive academically, emotionally, and personally.

Take the first step towards prioritizing your mental well-being today.

If you notice any errors in this list or would like to suggest a resource to be included, please let us know at mentalwellness@vusac.ca

Last Updated: August 2023

Mental Health Resource Guide

UofT Mental Health Website: 

UofT My Student Support Program (My SSP):


UofT Staff & Faculty Mental Health Resources:

Sexual Violence & Sexual Harrassment Support

Feeling Distressed PDF (by UofT StudentLife):

Counselling Services

About: These services offer either appointment based or walk in counselling administered by trained professionals.

Family Counselling Services of Peel

Phone: 905-453-5775 (Intake Department)
Email: fsp@fspeel.org (For info)
Website: https://fspeel.org/
Location: 151 City Centre Drive, Suite 501 (Main Office)
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00AM-9:00PM Friday: 9:00AM-5:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM-1:00PM
Purpose: Walk-in and appointment-based counselling, trauma intervention primarily for abuse survivors.

Family Service Toronto

Phone: 416-595-9230 (Information) 416-595-9618 (Service Access Unit)
Email: sau@familyservice.org (Service Access Unit)
Website: https://familyservicetoronto.org/
Location: 355 Church Street, Family Service Toronto
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-5:00PM; Wednesday Walk-in: 3:30PM-7:30PM
Purpose: Offers a variety of services, including counselling (appointment-based and walk-in), support programs for domestic violence offenders and survivors, virtual workshops and support groups.

Health and Wellness: Personal Counsellors (U of T/Victoria College)

Phone: 416-978-8030 (Health & Wellness  Phone number: Ask to book with Victoria College Counsellor)
Email: info.hwc@utoronto.ca
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/health-wellness/
Location: 150 Charles Street West, Goldring Student Centre, Room 122 (Office of the Dean of Students)
Purpose: Free, individualized counselling, primarily short-term.

OISE Psychology Clinic (On Campus)

Phone: 416-978-0620
Email: oiseclinic@utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.oise.utoronto.ca/aphd/Home/Psychology_Clinic/index.html
Location: 252 Bloor Street West, OISE Institute for Studies in Education, Floor 7 Room 296
Purpose: Provides psychological assessments and psychotherapy.

Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario

Phone: 416-535-8501 (Information) 1-888-230-3505 (Helpline)
Email: problem.gambling@camh.ca
Website: http://www.problemgambling.ca/gambling-help/
Location: 33 Ursula Franklin Street
Purpose: Info about and referrals to problem gambling counselling services.

Schlifer Clinic 

Phone: 416-323-9149 (Ext. 234)
Non-Verbal Intake: https://schliferclinic.com/intake/
Website: https://schliferclinic.com/
Location: 489 College Street, Barbara Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, Suite 503
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-5:00PM
Purpose: Specialized clinic for women experiencing violence, provides counselling, transition services, and legal advice.

Shift Collab

Phone: 416-962-8255
Email: info@shiftcollab.com
Website: https://www.shiftcollab.com/
Location: 14 Prince Arthur Avenue, Suite #312
Hours: 8:00AM-8:00PM
Purpose: Counselling, and various workshops/online programs.

Studentcare App

Email: helpdesk@utsu.ca (For more information about your insurance coverage and assistance in filing claims)
Website: https://www.utsu.ca/health/
Purpose: A free app on Android and IOS that allows you to submit insurance claims online for a variety of services.

York Support Services Network 

Phone: 1-855-310-2673 - Hotline,   1-844-660-6602 - (Services)
Email: fsp@fspeel.org (For info)
Website: https://www.yssn.ca/
Location: 50 McIntosh Drive - Markham
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00AM-9:00PM Friday: 9:00AM-5:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM-1:00PM
Purpose: Walk-in and appointment-based counselling, trauma intervention primarily for abuse survivors.

Crisis Services

About: Many of these services are intended for short term support, either in crisis situations or in response to particular incidents. This includes crisis centres and phone lines for those in need of immediate mental health care. Some of these services have a specific focus on survivors of sexual assault and abuse. 

Assaulted Women’s Helpline 

Phone: 416-863-0511
Toll-Free Phone: 1-866-863-0511
Website: https://www.awhl.org/home
Purpose: Free, 24-hour, anonymous helpline for women who have been victims of abuse, services include crisis counselling, referrals, safety planning, emotional support, and information.


Phone: 1-866-531-2600
Email: https://www.connexontario.ca/en-ca/send-email (Link to email form)
Website: https://www.connexontario.ca/en-ca/
Purpose: Free, 24-Hour hotline, provides support and strategies, gives referrals to treatment services, does not provide counselling.

Distress Centres of Greater Toronto 

Phone: 416-408-4357
Website: https://www.dcogt.com/our-organization
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Purpose: Hotline, online chat, text, and face-to-face individual or group support services.

Gerstein Centre (Charles Street)

Phone: 416-929-0149 (For Referrals Only) 416-929-5200 (Crisis Line)
Email: admin@gersteincentre.org
Website: https://gersteincentre.org/
Location: 100 Charles Street East
Purpose: 24-hour crisis line, short term follow up support and referrals, some workshops and groups.

Gerstein Centre (Bloor Street)

Phone: 416-604-2337 / 416-929-5200 (Crisis Line)
Email: gersteinonbloor@gersteincentre.org
Website: https://gersteincentre.org/
Location: 1045 Bloor Street West
Purpose: 24-hour crisis line, short term follow up support and referrals, some workshops and groups.

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Hotline

Phone: 1-866-887-0015
Website: https://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/ovss/male_support_services/
Location: https://ovss.findhelp.ca/
Purpose: A program that provides help for male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical. 

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre 

Phone: 416-323-6040
Email: info@wchospital.ca
Website: womenscollegehospital.ca/care-programs/sexual-assault-domestic-violence
Location: 76 Grenville Street, Ground Floor, Room 1305
Purpose: Assists survivors of sexual assault, 24 hour support, appointments not necessary, available through hospital emergency departments.

Spectra Helpline

Phone: 905-459-7777
Website: https://www.spectrahelpline.org/
Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-10pm
Purpose: Helpline connecting to trained volunteer supports, multilingual helpline available 10 am- 10 pm Mon-Fri, text and chat also available.

Toronto Rape Crisis Centre

Phone: 416-597-8808 (Crisis Line) / 416-597-1171 (Information Line)
Crisis Email Form: https://trccmwar.ca/contact-us/
Email: info@trccmwar.ca
Website: https://trccmwar.ca/
Purpose: 24-hour crisis line, free one-on-one counselling, support groups, court support and accompaniment.

U of T My Student Support Program

Phone: 1-844-451-9700; Outside of North America: Call 001-416-380-6578
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/service/myssp/
Free digital application called “My SSP” available for download on the App Store and the Google Play store.
Purpose: Peer support, 24-hour and appointment-based call and chat options.

Culturally-Conscious and Inclusive Services

About: These services are all focused on serving specific groups, including women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ individuals, to provide more culturally relevant and inclusive services.

Anduhyaun Shelter

Phone: 416-920-1492 ext. 221
Email: passistant@anduhyaun.org
Website: http://anduhyaun.org/
Location: 1296 Weston Road
Purpose:  Responds to the needs of Toronto's Indigenous women at various stages of life. 

Anishnawbe Health Toronto Mental Health Crisis Line (Charles Street) *CURRENTLY CLOSED*

Phone: 416-657-0379 (Location Contact); 1-855-242-3310 (24/7 Mental Health Crisis Management Service Line)
Email: info@aht.ca
Website: https://www.aht.ca/
Location: 4 Charles Street East
Purpose: Provides individual, family, and group counselling, psychiatric assessments, and a variety of other physical and mental health services.

Anishnawbe Health Toronto Mental Health Crisis Line (Gerard Street East)

Phone: 416-920-2605 (Location Contact); 1-855-242-3310 (24/7 Mental Health Crisis Management Service Line)
Email: info@aht.ca
Website: https://www.aht.ca/
Location: 179 Gerrard Street East
Purpose: Provides individual, family, and group counselling, psychiatric assessments, and a variety of other physical and mental health services.

Anishnawbe Health Toronto Mental Health Crisis Line (Queen Street East)

Phone: 416-360-0486 (Location Contact); 1-855-242-3310 (24/7 Mental Health Crisis Management Service Line)
Email: info@aht.ca
Website: https://www.aht.ca/
Location: 225 Queen Street East
Purpose: Provides individual, family, and group counselling, psychiatric assessments, and a variety of other physical and mental health services.

Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-1259
Email: antiracism@utoronto.ca
Website: https://antiracism.utoronto.ca/
Location: 155 College Street, Health Sciences Building, 3rd Floor (Faculty Offices, Room 356)
Purpose: Provides training and workshops, addresses reports of harassment and discrimination.

Black Youth Helpline

Phone: 416-285-9944
Toll-Free Phone: 1-833-294-8650
Email: info@blackyouth.ca
Website: https://blackyouth.ca/
Location: 1111 Finch Avenue West, Suite 411
Hours: Daily from 9:00AM-10:00PM
Purpose: A helpline that provides Black youth with professional, culturally appropriate support. 

Centre for Women and Trans People (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-8201
Email: cwtp@utoronto.ca
Website: http://womenscentre.sa.utoronto.ca/
Location: 563 Spadina Avenue, North Borden Building, Room 100
Hours: Tuesday to Thursday 12:00PM-6:00PM
Purpose: Provides a safe, accessible space for all women and trans people on campus. 

First Nations House Indigenous Student Services (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-8227 (Indigenous Students Association)
Email: isa@utoronto.ca (Indigenous Students Association)
Website (Indigenous U of T): https://indigenous.utoronto.ca/students/current-students/ (Indigenous U of T)
Website (First Nations House): https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/first-nations-house/
Purpose: Culturally relevant services for Indigenous students, supports academics, personal growth, and provides leadership opportunities.

Hope for Wellness Hotline

Phone: 1-855-242-3310
Website: https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/
Purpose: Offers immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. 


Website: http://lgbtout.sa.utoronto.ca/
Instagram & Twitter: @LGBTOUT
Facebook: facebook.com/LGBTOUT.UofT
Location: 73 St. George Street (Drop-In Centre)
Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00AM-6:00PM
Purpose: A volunteer-run student group that exists to build community, providing peer support, advocacy, and facilitation of safer and inclusive spaces for all UofT students, especially those who identify as queer, questioning, or allied.  

LGBTQ Youthline

Phone: 647-694-4275
Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-268-9688
Email: askus@youthline.ca
Website / Online Chat (Top of Page): https://www.youthline.ca/
Hours: Sunday-Friday 4:00PM-9:30PM
Purpose: Peer support via call, text, and chat options available for 2SLBTQ+ youth.

Multi-Faith Centre (U of T)

Phone: 416-946-3120
Email: multi.faith@utoronto.ca
Website: studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/multi-faith-centre-for-spiritual-study-practice/
Location: 569 Spadina Crescent, Koffler House
Purpose: Supports the diversity of religions on the UofT campus, providing a safe space for spiritual study and practice. 

Salaam Canada

Phone: 416-904-9721
Website: https://www.salaamcanada.info/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Location: 519 Church Street, Toronto - Mailing Address
Purpose:  A team dedicated to creating space for people who identify as both Muslim and queer and trans

Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (U of T)

Phone: 416-946-5624
Email: sgdo@utoronto.ca
Website: https://sgdo.utoronto.ca/
Location: 21 Sussex Avenue, Sussex Clubhouse, Suites 416-417
Purpose: Provides virtual programs and events, resources, and education on sexual and gender diversity across all three UofT campuses. 

The Sexual Education Centre (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-8732
Email: sexed.utoronto@gmail.com
Website: secutoronto.org/?fbclid=IwAR0xLs9UMI0IJHXmp3DYLiRTVUHr7E-TJ_Jg2Egix-x2xwg
Location: 21 Sussex Avenue, Sussex Clubhouse, Suite 612
Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00AM-6:00PM
Purpose: Provides confidential support regarding matters of sexual health and education. 

The 519

Phone: 416-392-6874
Email: Info@The519.org
Website: https://www.the519.org/
Location: 519 Church Street
Purpose: Counselling, housing, financial, and other services that prioritize LGBTQ2S+ people.

The Trevor Project

Phone : 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678
Website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Purpose:  The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young people 24/7. 

Trans Lifeline

Phone : 1-877-330-6366
Website: https://translifeline.org/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Purpose:  A transgender-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. 

Self-Guided Resources for Mental Health and Wellness

About: These are resources that can be accessed online, intended for individuals looking for self-guided education about mental health.

Bounceback Ontario 

Phone: 1-866-345-0224 (for information)
Email: bb-referral@cmha-yr.on.ca
Website: https://bouncebackontario.ca/
Purpose: A free, guided self-help program including telephone coaching, workbooks, and online videos.

Calm: Sleep, Meditate, Relax

Website:  https://www.calm.com/
Purpose:  A free app on Android and IOS that focuses on meditation, breathing, sleeping, and relaxation techniques.


Website: https://www.happify.com/
Purpose: A free app for Android and IOS that includes activities and games based on CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) techniques, positive psychology, and mindfulness.


Email: info@headspace.com
Website: https://www.headspace.com/
Purpose:  A free app on Android and IOS that provides guided meditation, sleep exercises, mindfulness exercises, and de-stressing activities.

Jack.Org Be There

Website: https://bethere.org/Home
Purpose: An online resource providing advice to support loved ones or yourself through mental health struggles.


Website:  https://mymoodpath.com/en/
Purpose: A free app on Android and IOS that helps you track thoughts, feelings, and emotions via a daily questionnaire.


Website: https://www.superbetter.com/
Purpose: A free app on Android and IOS that helps to tackle challenges like anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, and more through game-like activities.


Website: https://www.talkspace.com/
Purpose: A free app on Android and IOS that provides counselling and therapy as well as free consultations for your ideal online therapist.


Website: https://togetherall.com/en-ca/?from=bwwca%2F
Phone: 1-866-345-0224
Purpose: Provides those coping with mental health issues a safe online forum for discussion, as well as resources and self-guided courses on mental health. 

7 Cups

Website: https://www.7cups.com/
Purpose: A free app on Android and IOS as well as an online community that offers anonymous emotional support, mindfulness exercises, and online counselling.

Community Safety and Emergency Services

About: These services are available to help students feel safer on campus, and are helpful for students who are concerned for their personal safety.

U of T Campus Safety App

Web: https://www.communitysafety.utoronto.ca/2020/09/16/campus-safety-app/

Fee: 0$

Description: An app for students, faculty, and staff at UofT that provides access to safety alerts, and academic and mental health supports, based on the specific campus. Key features include real-time alerts, live chat with campus police, and so much more.

Campus Police UTSG / St. George

Phone (Dispatch/ Non-Emergency): 416-978-2323
Phone (Urgent/ Emergency): 416-978-2222
Email: ryan.dow@utoronto.ca (For community enquiries and requests only)
Website: https://campuspolice.utoronto.ca/ 
Location: 21 Sussex Avenue, Sussex Clubhouse 

Campus Police UTM / Mississauga

Phone (Inquiries/ Non-Emergency): 905-828-5200
Phone (Urgent/ Emergency): 905-569-4333
Email: police.utm@utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/campus-police/campus-police-services
Location: 1867 1C6, Inner Circle Road, William G. Davis Building , Room 3116

Campus Police UTSC / Scarborough (Non-Emergency)

Phone (Non-Emergency): 416-287-7398
Phone (Emergency): 416-978-2222
Email: campuspolice@utsc.utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/police/
Location: 1265 Military Trail, Joan Foley Hall, Science Wing, Room SW 304

Community Safety Office (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-1485
Email: community.safety@utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.communitysafety.utoronto.ca/
Location: 21 Sussex Avenue, Sussex Clubhouse 2nd Floor
Purpose: Provides short term support for students/ staff that have experienced personal safety concerns (e.g. stalking, harassment, family violence).

TravelSafer UTSG / St. George

Phone: 416-978-7233
Website: https://campuspolice.utoronto.ca/travelsafer-2/
Purpose: Provides campus police member to walk you to your destination, on campus and to nearby subway locations.

TravelSafer UTSC / Scarborough

Phone: 416-287-7022
Website: https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/police/travel-safer
Purpose: Provides campus police member to walk you to your destination, on campus and to nearby subway locations.

WalkSafe Program UTM / Mississauga

Phone: 905-828-5200
Website: www.utm.utoronto.ca/campus-police/safety-programs/work-alone-walksafe-programs
Purpose: Provides campus police member to walk you to your destination, on campus and to nearby subway locations.

Academic Resources

About: These services are intended to support students' academic success. These services would be helpful both for students trying to get ahead on their academic success and for students struggling with mental health or other concerns who are looking for additional support in managing their academics.

Academic Success (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-7970
Email: mail.asc@utoronto.ca
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/academic-success/
Location: 214 College Street, Koffler Student Services Centre
Purpose: Connects students with learning strategists, holds events such as study hubs, exam prep sessions, and other workshops.

Accessibility Services (UTSG / St. George)

Phone: 416-978-8060
Email: accessibility.services@utoronto.ca
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/accessibility-services/
Location: 455 Spadina Avenue, Accessibility Services Reception, 4th floor, Suite 400
Hours: 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; 9am-6pm on Tuesdays. Phone line closes half an hour before the service ends.
Purpose: Provides support to students in need of academic accommodations, requires registration.

Career Educator (Victoria College)

Phone: 416-585-4494 (For Booking)
Email: vic.dean@utoronto.ca (For Booking)
Website: vic.utoronto.ca/current-students/office-of-the-dean-of-students
Location: 150 Charles Street West, Goldring Student Centre, Room 122 (Office of the Dean of Students)
Purpose: Holds career advising appointments with students.

Centre For International Experience (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-2564
Email: cie.information@utoronto.ca
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/centre-for-international-experience/
Location: 33 St. George Street, Cumberland House
Purpose: Connects UofT students with learning abroad opportunities, has resources for international students, including immigration advisors and support for UHIP.

Learning Strategist (Victoria College)

Phone: 416-585-4508 (Book through the Registrar’s Office)
Email: vic.registrar@utoronto.ca (Book through the Registrar’s Office)
Website: https://www.vic.utoronto.ca/current-students/registrars-office/resources-and-services/
Location: 73 Queen’s Park Crescent, Northrop Frye Hall Room 106 (For Booking)
Purpose: One-on-one advising to develop good learning habits, in areas such as planning study schedules, stress management, and exam prep.

Office of the Registrar: Academic Advising, Financial Advising & More (Victoria College)

Phone: 416-585-4508
Email: vic.registrar@utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.vic.utoronto.ca/current-students/registrars-office/
Location: 73 Queen’s Park Crescent, Northrop Frye Hall Room 106
Purpose: Academic advising, course planning, financial advising and bursaries, petitioning for deferred exams and coursework, non-accessibility extension requests, etc.

Writing Centre (Victoria College)

Phone: 416-585-4508 (Registrar’s office for more information)
Email: vic.registrar@utoronto.ca (Registrar’s office for more information)
Website: www.vic.utoronto.ca/current-students/registrars-office/writing-centre/ (For Booking)
Location: 73 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Northrop Frye Hall, Room 103 A/B
Purpose: One-on-one appointments to assist with planning, organizing, and editing papers.

Housing Services

About: These services aim to help individuals find places to live, whether for short term help like shelters or more permanent residence options.

Housing Emergency Support

Web: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/service/housing-emergency-support/

Fee: 0$

Description: The link contains campus-specific numbers and resources you can use when in need of housing emergency support. This includes contact information regarding who to contact if you don’t have a place to stay for the night and it’s after hours, if you are fleeing an abusive situation, and resources to access a City of Toronto Shelter.

Homeless Help City of Toronto

Phone: 311 (City of Toronto number) / 416-338-4766 (Central Intake)
Toll Free: 1-877-338-3398
Website: https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/housing-shelter/homeless-help/
Purpose: Provides resources for those seeking shelter in Toronto. 

Housing Services (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-8045 (Ext. 0)
Email: residence@utoronto.ca
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/housing/
Location: 214 College Street, Koffler Student Services Centre
Purpose: Helps students find places to live, either on-campus or off. 

Shelter Safe

Email: info@endvaw.ca
Website: https://www.sheltersafe.ca/ontario/
Purpose: An extensive list of shelters across Ontario.

Youth Without Shelter 

Phone: 416-748-0110
Email: communications@yws.on.ca
Website: https://www.yws.on.ca/
Location: 6 Warrendale Ct
Purpose: Helps youth find places to live by providing shelter and support programs.

Continue the Search

Mental health resources are not one size fits all; there are a number of resources to support people with a variety of needs. If nothing on this list feels right for you, there is so much more out there. Below are other curated resource lists to find even more information about services near you. This would be especially helpful for individuals seeking a more extensive list of counselling services.

CAMH Community Resource Sheets


Canadian Mental Health Association


Kid's Help Phone: Resources Around Me


LGBT Youth Line 


Psychology Today

Website: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists/on/toronto
Purpose: A database of available psychologists within the Toronto area. You can search by a variety of parameters to find a psychologist who is close by, fits your price range, and accommodates your needs.

SickKids Hospital Resource List


Toronto Central Health Line 


Emergency Contact

Vic Front Desk: +1 416-585-4524

Office of the Dean Students: +1 416-585-4528

Campus Urgent 911: +1 416-978-2222

Campus Non-Emergency: +1 416-978-7233

Mental Wellness Commissioner: mentalwellness@vusac.ca

Mental Wellness Co-Chair: mentalwellnesscochair@vusac.ca

Extra Resource Guide

Mental Health and Health Services

About:  These services are a mixture of short and long-term support systems for students having trouble with their health or mental health. If you are experiencing a crisis situation please refer to the "crisis services" section of this resource list, as these services are not meant to be used for crisis situations

Good2Talk Student Helpline

Phone: 1-866-925-5454
Text: Text GOOD2TALKON to 686868
Email: info.hwc@utoronto.ca
Website: https://good2talk.ca/ontario/
Purpose: Helpline for university students, connects to professional counsellor who can refer them to services, text line connects to trained volunteers.

Health & Wellness Centre (UTSG / St. George)

Phone: 416-978-8030
Email: info.hwc@utoronto.ca
Website: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/health-wellness/
Location: 214 College Street, Koffler Student Services Centre, Floor 1 (Mental Health) & Floor 2 (Primary Care)
Purpose: A variety of health resources, providing doctor’s appointments, check-ups, and mental health care.

Health & Wellness Centre (UTSC / Scarborough)

Phone: 416-287-7065
Email: health-services@utsc.utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/hwc/
Location: 1265 Military Trail, Health & Wellness Centre Student Centre, Room SL-270
Purpose: A variety of health resources, providing doctor’s appointments, check-ups, and mental health care.

Health & Counselling Centre (UTM / Mississauga)

Phone: 905-828-5255
Email: health.utm@utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/health/
Location: 1867 1C6 Inner Circle Road, William G. Davis Building, Room 1123A
Purpose: A variety of health resources, providing doctor’s appointments, check-ups, and mental health care.

Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre (U of T)

Phone: 416-978-2266 (For all locations)
Email: svpscentre@utoronto.ca
Website: https://www.svpscentre.utoronto.ca/
Location (UTSG St. George): 9 King’s College Circle, Gerstein Science Information Centre, Suite B139
Location (UTM Mississauga): 1867 1C6 Inner Circle Road, William G. Davis Building, Room 3094G
Location (UTSC Scarborough): 1065 Military Trail, Environmental Science and Chemistry Building, Room EV141
Purpose: Provides services to those who have been impacted by sexual violence, such as referrals to services, assistance receiving academic accommodations, and training/ workshops.

Telehealth Ontario 

Phone: 1-866-797-0000
Website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/get-medical-advice-telehealth-ontario (Info Only)
Purpose: A free service which you can call for health advice and information. The phone line is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a registered nurse.