You may not have to do anything that drastic. Try deleting the viber app, then restart your phone before adding it back. Just a normal restart or a forced restart (neither will result in any data loss)


I am trying to find out how to make viber desktop working. It is allowed in application control settings. 

It is working when HTTPS inspection is disabled. But when is enabled it doesn't sync. I tried adding domain exceptions(*, * in the https proxy inspection but it is still not working.

Do you have suggestion how to configure the inspection so Viber will works but also the inspection for the other sites remains?

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I have one rule allow with all des and all service, filter with application control and web filter. Application control allow viber and web filter only allow some website. When use this rule, user only chat viber and can't send image to other user. Please help me to fix this error.

I prefer to go into airplane mode and then turn back on wifi - easy to do - so that I don't get unwanted phone calls at $1 per minute.

I have had great luck with viber, both receiving calls from my kids overseas and making calls for work when I was there. I didn't use viber out though. Everyone I spoke to or texted was willing to load viber on their cell phones.

No, it doesn't seem to be qt5-quick1 related since the same happens whether I have qt5-quick1 installed or not. On my laptop, viber6 works whether qt5-quick1 is installed or not. I'm inclined to believe that something is botched with my Qt5 installation because of

I just got rid of mistake "QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled"

by copying /usr/lib64/qt/plugins/xcbglintegrations/* to /opt/viber/plugins/xcbglintegrations/* (with backing up original files)

But Viber doesn't work either.

Ok I've solved my problem. It seems that my LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/lib which causes mixed library issues since Viber ships with Qt 5.5.1 and we have Qt 5.6.0 on our systems. Therefore, just unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running viber does the trick. For a more elegant solution, modify /usr/bin/viber as follows:

I have similar problem and unfortunately your solution doesn't work for me.

I have inserted the extra unset line to /usr/bin/viber file but no change in this message. Should there be a file in the viber's directory at /opt/viber? Any idea?

hey yourself,

somehow I didn't get any notification for your answer and since than I was missing viber on my desktop. Now I was searching for solution again and found your post here.

I don't want to necrobump this thread just posting here that the suggestion of yourself was working (removing /opt/viber folder and reinstalling). Thanks.

i have set up viber on grapheneos system and havent noticed anything like this. how do you know you are flagged? did they send you an email or something in-app? or did someone in your contacts tell you that?

I have not reported this incident to viber yet but after applying Fedora update, reboot then after viber worked with no issue at all. Most probably the problem was dependencies. This is a closed issue. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts. ff782bc1db

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