Quantifying the Effect of Visual Impairments on Daily Household Activities in Virtual, Interactive Environments


Video Demos

Experiment Design







Visual Impairment Simulation Pipeline


The above figure shows the Performance Drop Ratio compared to the normal condition of each task, averaged across subjects. Late-stage glaucoma and cataracts significantly reduce all 6 tasks performances. 

E.g. the navigate task within late-stage glaucoma represented by the top magenta triangle shows that the subjects' performance dropped approximately 20 times in late stage glaucoma compared to the normal baseline (normal vision). See Remarks in the Results section.

The above figure shows subject difficulty ratings for each VI condition compared to normal vision. 

E.g. a higher rating implies a higher impact of VI, where 1 represents "no impact" and 5 represents "extreme impact". 

Key findings: Place with AMD and glaucoma was rated the most difficult; this is followed by AMD, cataracts, myopia, and presbyopia in the respective order.

The image carousel shows averaged dependent variables aggregated across all tasks. The table highlights the dependent variables (listed below) in each task-VI combination where a significantly low score is represented in red and a significantly high score is represented in blue. 

More information on the results can be found in the 'Results' section under 'Effect of Movement on Task Performance' in the paper submission.

Regression Model Results, each cell in the format of  [dv(coeff, p)] which represents the significant dependent variables (listed below),  and their coefficients in the model with its p-value. The dependent variables listed are as follow:

gm: gaze movement velocity, bt: body translation velocity, br: body rotation velocity, ht: head translation velocity, hr: head rotation velocity, rt: right-hand translation velocity, rr: right-hand rotation velocity, lt: left-hand translation velocity, lr: left-hand rotation velocity

More information on the results can be found in the 'Results' section under 'Effect of Movement on Task Performance' in the paper submission.

Additional Results: Empathy Questionnaire 

Previous studies has shown that immersive experiences of VI studies in VR fostered empathy among subjects. Here, we constructed a 22-question survey to measure empathy and attitudes toward VI patients. Our results show that our study fostered subjects' empathy towards VI patients

More information on the results can be found in the 'Results' section under 'Empathy Study Results' in the paper submission.

Empathy Results 17 out of 22  survey items show an increase in the average attitude/ empathy score across all subjects compared to their scores before the VR study. The increase is statistically significant for Q1.