The Internet User Protection Bill, which would further erode online freedoms and access to the global internet, remained pending. In September, an executive directive was issued further limiting access to online content.

Iran faces intensified climate change challenges, including from severe droughts, which are restricting agricultural production at a time when global food prices and food insecurity are on the rise. While higher oil prices, due to a recovery in global demand and the war in Ukraine, have raised oil export revenues, higher prices of other commodities, including food items, have significantly increased the import bill. This increase poses additional strain on government finances as direct food price subsidies stood at 5 %of GDP even before the recent price surge.

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But positive results depend on overcoming two major obstacles as well. The first is navigating a difficult global economic situation. And the second is building a competitive and flexible domestic economy that will serve as a suitably strong platform for growth. I want to talk about those challenges today.

First, the global growth outlook is for continued recovery, but one that is weak, and holds formidable economic and political downside risks. The bottom line for Iran is that in the near future the global economy is unlikely to be the driving force to lift up emerging economies that it was in the past.

Our most recent forecast has global growth remaining largely unchanged this year at a subdued 3.2 percent rate, with only a slight increase to 3.5 percent in 2017. Overall, the outlook has weakened a bit over the past half year.

So, what does all this mean for Iran? I suggest that while Iran will gain from pursuing integration with the global economy, your ultimate success depends on what you do at home: strengthening macroeconomic policies in the short run and forging ahead now with deep structural reforms for the long run. It is time for a plan of action on the economy. Let me talk about the short run and long run components in turn.

With the oil sector regaining access to export markets, with businesses and banks facing lower transaction costs as they reintegrate into global trade and financial systems, both the oil and non-oil economy will gain.

I spoke earlier about the perspective on economic trends that the IMF brings to bear across countries and regions. I would add that we also can draw upon decades of experience with economic transformations. This global and historical frame of reference is very useful in assessing where Iran now stands and where it might go in the coming years.

A more prosperous Iran also can help to put the global economy on a sounder footing. The process of reintegrating with the global economy will not be without its challenges, but the potential rewards are worth the effort.

Is the world entering a new age of global disorder? Signs point to yes: we see simultaneously the biggest armed conflict in Europe since World War II, a war in the Levant, and a short, sharp war in the Caucasian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. These seemingly separate conflicts are in fact connected not just by a coincidental moment in time, but by the actors involved. From Russia to Iran to a veritable smorgasbord of terrorist groups, bad actors have unleashed turmoil in a swath of territory stretching from Ukraine to Azerbaijan to Yemen.

Is this burgeoning period of global history truly different from what preceded it? After all, there is no period in living memory in which the world can truly be said to have been at peace. Since the close of World War II, the United States has fought wars or engaged in military interventions in East Asia, Southeast Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Insurgencies and civil wars have been regular features across much of the developing world. Terrorism has been an ever-present concern since the 1970s. The Rwandan Genocide occurred during what might be considered the high-water mark of global order in the 1990s, with the genocide in Darfur following just a decade later.

In the meantime, Xi is likely assessing what he can get away with in this incipient age of global disorder. He may already be trying to take advantage, most notably in the South China Sea. The past year has been marked by near-unrelenting pressure on the Philippines. That it is targeted at the only American treaty ally with South China Sea claims is no accident. Beijing is clearly testing the Biden Administration at a time when it is grappling with other conflicts and has been signaling that it is eager to stabilize US-China relations. Put another way, he is testing both the legitimacy of an order in which international differences are supposed to be solved peacefully and whether American (and allied) power is capable of upholding it.

The main point. The United States has an interest in defending the global order in which it has thrived. If Washington fails to do so, a Chinese turn to aggression will become far more likely.

Global warming has resulted in variable patterns in rainfall causing flood or drought from place to place. It affects the water cycle with consequent more severe and frequent extreme weather disasters such as droughts, floods, tropical cyclone and tsunami activity, tectonic and volcanic activity, and famine.3 Drought, flood and extreme temperature significantly affect the economy and decrease the agricultural product and global food supplies by about 10%.1,4

The Colloquium for Global Iran Studies (CoGIS) provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholars, intellectuals, artists, public figures, faculty, and students committed to deepening our knowledge and understanding of modern Iran in its global, regional, and historical contexts. Through a series of roundtables, public lectures, and events, as well as a sustained research and writing group, CoGIS supports the Northwestern community to consider the productivity of a global framework in the study of Iran and its diverse diasporas and peoples. CoGIS sets out to build the analytical and pedagogical tools necessary to un-learn persistent misconceptions and prevalent oversimplifications that explain away modern Iran and its diasporas and learn from those voices committed to rigorous and imaginative inquiry.

Recent scholarship has reinterpreted and expanded histories of the Iranian Left, troubling national/global and homeland/diaspora dichotomies and foregrounding the complexities of revolutionaries' social, intellectual, and emotional lives. Moving beyond conventional "failures of the left" discourse, these openings highlight the forms of theoretical and methodological creativity required to study multiple, dynamic meanings of leftist politics and the possibilities they hold for contemporary thought and praxis.

As a global technology company, Apple is committed to complying with all applicable trade regulations in all countries in which we operate, including, but not limited to, all export and sanctions regulations. It is our policy to continually adhere to these regulations in all activities that we engage in.

On September 23, 2022, OFAC issued Iranian General License D-2 (which superseded General License D-1, dated February 7, 2014), authorizing the exportation or reexportation, directly or indirectly, from the United States or by U.S. persons, wherever located, to persons in Iran of "certain services, software, and hardware incident to personal communications". General License D-2 enumerates certain categories authorized for export to non-prohibited end-users and end-uses in Iran. Some Apple goods and Apple software fall into these categories. For scope and further details, see General License D-2 and the Annex to General License D-2, available from OFAC's Iran Sanctions Resource Center at -center/sanctions/Programs/pages/iran.aspx.

This Iranian violation came amid escalating tensions in the region between Iran and the United States. On June 20, Iran shot down an American surveillance drone. U.S. officials assert that the drone was in international airspace, while Iran claims that it was within Iranian territory. Hours later, President Trump approved retaliatory strikes against three sites in Iran before he called them off at the last minute. A month earlier, four oil tankers were attacked in the Strait of Hormuz, a vital waterway through which 30 percent of the global supply of crude oil transits. The U.S. administration said Iran was likely behind the attacks and sent an additional 1,500 troops and military hardware to the Middle East. In early June, two additional oil tankers were attacked in the Gulf of Oman, near where the other four oil tankers were attacked. Once again, Washington blamed Iran for the sabotage, and sent an additional 1,000 troops to the region. Iran has denied any involvement in the two incidents.

The Global Sanctions Dashboard provides a global overview of various sanctions regimes and lists. Each month you will find an update on the most recent listings and delistings and insights into the motivations behind them.

Marie Ranjbar, assistant professor of women and gender studies and an Iranian American, has been conducting research on social movements in Iran for the past decade, with an emphasis on feminist and environmental movements specifically around human and political rights. She explains the unprecedented nature of these protests, why the global community is responding the way it is and what could happen next.

What may make this particular movement more notable to the West is that these protests in Iran parallel the current moment that we're experiencing in the U.S. with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Women and feminists in the United States are thinking about state surveillance of women's bodies, about reproductive justice and about who legislates our right of choice and how women are able to traverse public and private space. This is a moment of global solidarity, a unified transnational uprising to reclaim women's bodily autonomy. 17dc91bb1f

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