Dear New or Returning Academy Student:

On behalf of the Health Center Staff, we would like to welcome you to VFMC and provide a brief overview of some of our services. The Health Center is open from 7am to l0pm daily for emergency care and provides nursing services during sick call hours and appointed times. We have a physician available Monday through Friday by appointment and 24-hour phone consultation. At the physicians discretion he will order treatments, medications, lab testing, outside referrals, and hospitalizations if required. For cause, drug and alcohol screening may also be ordered. All occurred expenses are billed to the student. We will request your assistance in scheduling all off campus appointments and will gladly provide transportation.

COMPLETED MEDICAL HISTORY AND PHYSICAL ARE MANDATORY. The physical examination must be dated no earlier than June 1st of the incoming school year.

IMMUNIZATION RECORDS ARE MANDATORY. All immunizations should be up to date and required for all students. Do not assume records will be forwarded from another school or from the ROTC Department. Acceptable records may come for physician office or school copy. All Students are required at their own expense to complete mandatory vaccinations.

Please note- 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) are required.

TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING: TB testing and the results are mandatory, 6 months prior to arrival to school. If the test is not completed, it will be administered by the VFMC Health Center nurse at your expense. Please read the Tuberculosis screening carefully. This is not optional and there will not be any deviation from this standard. Students outside of the US will be required to have TB testing on arrival.

DENTAL EXAMINATION: It is recommended for all students (but not required). It is best practice to have teeth examined prior to school attendance to reduce possible absenteeism for dental issues.


HEALTH CENTER STAFF will be responsible for the following:

· Will maintain possession of all prescription and non-prescription medication for students under 18 while in residence.

· The Nurse will distribute medication to students under 18 daily as ordered by doctor.

· Report to Parent, Tactical, Academic, and Counseling departments the Student’s medication compliance if under 18.

· Parent/Guardian are to be notified in a timely fashion regarding need for medication refills.

· The Health Center will retain medications for one week at the completion of the school year. Arrangements for disposition must be made or medications will be destroyed.

COLLEGE STUDENTS will be responsible for the following:

· Manage own medication except for narcotics (which will be stored in the Health Center).

· Not share, sell or dispense medication to others.

PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF MINOR STUDENTS will be responsible for the following:

· Provide in writing any and all prescribed vitamins/supplements & medications. Must be written as doctor order.

· Do not send any supplements, vitamins, or any medications directly to a minor student.

· All minor student medication must be sent to the Health Center directly at Rose Hall.

· Must provide permission in writing, email (, or via phone (610-989-1517/1518) to the Health Center in order to release medication directly to any minor Student (under age 18 yrs) for any scheduled leave periods.

· Acknowledge the Medication Management Program Policy.

· Note: there is a fee for medication management. Ask Health Center for cost.

· Send prescription directly to Babis Pharmacy or Health Center. Send co-pay directly to Babis Pharmacy.

· I give permission to have my minor student’s medication sent on an off campus event. The medication will be sent with the coach, athletic trainer, teacher, chaperone, counselor, or his/her designee and will be dispensed by them.

· Any over the counter nutritional supplement will require parental permission in writing for minor student to take.

ALL CADETS MUST BE COVERED BY ACTIVE MEDICAL INSURANCE. Coverage through the plan at VFMC is available to cadets who do not submit proof of valid insurance. If you need to be covered by student health insurance, a brochure is available through the Business Office. Please be aware of the policy limitations. International students are required to purchase VFMC insurance. In the event of an emergency, need for hospitalization, or outside consultant, a copy of the medical/prescription insurance card is mandatory. Please send a photocopy of the card (front and back) with all other Health Center paperwork.

Please note- There are co-pays and it is your responsibility to pay all deductibles and co-payments. This includes medications as well.

MEDICAL LEAVE: In the event you need to return home for any reason, a medical leave form should be completed as soon as possible. The Medical Leave request is initiated with your TAC officer. The Health Center Department will then approve the leave. Cadet must sign out from the health center and receive a referral consultation form to be completed by the Medical Specialist prior to return back to school. This completed consult must be returned after the scheduled appointment. Failure to prove medical leave may be considered an unexcused absence from class.

All students are expected to shave daily. Please provide Doctor’s note should there be limitations or restrictions. Also, students are expected to dress according to the dress of the day. Exceptions must be medically approved.

Our mission is to promote the optimal welfare and safety of each student in accordance with the Valley Forge College mission and cornerstones.

Deborah Hammer Director of Health Center Rocklan D Walker, D.O. Medical Director

All VFMC Health Center forms will be provided via DocuSign. You must attach copies of certain forms to the DocuSign materials, so they will need to be scanned and available as files on your computer before you begin signing. See below for more information.

Email: Director of Health Center: (610) 989-1519Nurses Phone: (610) 989-1518Health Center Fax: (610)989-1516