Support Resources in Response to COVID-19

Welcome to our temporary hub of links to people, tools, information and resources which may help during the COVID-19 crisis 

Below are categorised listings of people/businesses who may be able to offer support in various areas

Assistance for your COVID-19 response

Assistance for transferring to online delivery

Children at Home

Digital Technologies

Education Courses


Fun and live music

Industry Feedback

COVID-19 Industry Feedback: from Ai Group - provide input as to how the virus has affected your business and how Ai Group may support

Onboarding Support

JollyDeck - Offering essential businesses the free use of our platform and services to aid with the sudden rise of onboarding and elearning being faced right now.  JollyDeck helps companies train and onboard staff through elearning.

Online Student Management Options (LMS / SMS / CRM Systems)

Skills Supply

Social/emotional Support


Topical, relevant professional development (PD)

Below are links to resources that may be of assistance

Blog Information

Business Templates for Remote Working Arrangements

Corporate Consultancies


BlendED: Getting the most out of your eLearning Strategy - by Francis Kneebone


TVET peer support in response to COVID-19: See the link for further links to support resources. From the UK but with valuable learnings and insight from a global TVET community

How to keep your home clean and free from coronavirus

Links to Digital Transformation Information

Links to info on setting up online meeting software

Adobe Connect

Microsoft Teams


See the ACCC website to stay up to date on scams being run to defraud people with COVID-19-related misinformation

Know of another business, service or resources listing that could be helpful to others? Email us at 

Below are links to resources from authoritative sources

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Health Organization:  Advice for the public

World Health Organization: How to protect yourself against COVID-19

World Health Organization:  Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19 - Download PDF

World Health Organization:  When and how to use masks

World Health Organization: Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak - Download PDF

World Health Organization: Key planning recommendations for MASS Gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak - Download PDF

World Health Organization: A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma - Download  PDF

World Health Organization:  Q&A on COVID-19 in the workplace WHO's Dr Rosamund Lewis

World Health Organization: Coping with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak - Download Infographic

World Health Organization: Helping children cope with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak: Download Infographic

World Health Organization: Whole-of-society pandemic readiness - Download Report

Australian Government

Prime Minister's Media Statement:  Update on Coronavirus Measures 30.3.20

Prime Miister's Media Release: $130 billion JobKeeper payment to keep Australians in a job 30.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Statement:  National Cabinet Statement 29.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release:  $1.1 billion to support more mental health, Medicare and domestic violence services 29.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release: Update on coronavirus measures 27.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Statement: Extraordinary G20 Leader's Summit 27.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release: Further statement on hairdressers, barbers and funerals from National Cabinet 26.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release: National Cabinet update 26.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release: Elective Surgery 25.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release: National COVID-19 Coordination Commission 25.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Statement:  Update on coronavirus measures 24.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Statement: Joint Statement by the Prime Ministers of Australia and Singapore 23.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Release: Supporting Australian Workers and Businesses 22.3.20

Prime Minister's Media Statement:  Update on coronavirus measures 22.3.20

FACT SHEET: Economic Response to the Coronavirus 22.3.20

Australian Government, The Treasury: Economic Response to the Coronavirus - Cash flow assistance

Australian Government, The Treasury:  Delivering support for business investment

Australian Government, The Treasury: Stimulus payments to households to support growth

Australian Government, The Treasury: Assistance for severely affected regions

Australian Government, Department of Education, Skills and Training: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Minister for Industry, Science & Technology, the Hon. Karen Andrews: An important update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Tuition Protection Service

Tasmanian Government: Support for retrenched and redundant workers - Rapid Response

Australian Department of Health 

Department of Health: COVID-19  Health Alert

Department of Health: Coronavirus Health Information Line - 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1800 020 080.  

Department of Health: Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19

Australian Department of Education Skills and Employment

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information 


ASQA - ASQA releases guide to support providers to meet default obligations under the ESOS Act 1.04.20

ASQA - Registration hold now available for providers significantly affected by COVID-19 31.03.20

ASQA - ASQA approves extended transition period for further qualifications due to COVID-19 pandemic  27.03.20

ASQA - RTOs—ensure you are ready for AUSkey to be decommissioned on 27 March 2020  26.03.20

ASQA - Temporary changes notification form available  24.03.20

ASQA - Improvement to timeframe to submit initial accreditation applications  23.03.20

ASQA - A joint ASQA and TEQSA statement regarding regulatory flexibility  20.03.20

ASQA - We’re publishing FAQs to help providers  20.03.20

ASQA - Greater transparency and consistency of data displayed on the national register for VET accredited courses  19.03.20

ASQA - Two deadlines extended due to COVID-19  18.03.20

ASQA - Transition periods extended for 51 qualifications 18 March 2020

ASQA - Update on COVID-19 and student travel 10 March 2020

ASQA Update - March 2020 4 March 2020

ASQA: Compliance arrangements

ASQA: Coronavirus


Queensland Government, Business Queensland: Novel coronavirus small business support

Queensland: Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce:  Series of Practical Business Webinars to Support Businesses Resources During COVID-19

Victoria: New website to help closed schools continue teaching

Tasmania: Department of Health: Coronavirus

Tasmanian Government: Business Tasmania: Coronavirus information

ITECA: COVID-19: Provider information

Safe Work Australia

All listings are curated free of charge and are posted in good faith.  VET PD Group accepts no responsibility for the accuracy and/or viability of any listing