SSR Monitor is not meant to be a replacement for SSR-M and the main purpose of this application is only to help monitor the protection status and take corrective actions. We hope this would be a great help in your day to day operational activities and help keep an eye on failures.

Ensuring rapid, reliable disaster recovery across your entire infrastructure can be complicated and costly. With Veritas System Recovery, you can minimize downtime and avoid the impact of disaster by easily recovering in minutes, whether you're restoring a single file or email to an entire machine-physical or virtual..

Veritas System Recovery 21 Monitor Download

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Symantec System Recovery protects more than one million systems in over 40 countries and is backed by a wealth of industry awards for best high availability/disaster recovery solution. It's a winning combination that makes Symantec System Recovery the gold standard in disaster recovery.

Symantec System Recovery 2013 Management Solution supports up to 20,000 installations of Symantec System Recovery for each installation of the solution. However, network performance varies greatly among organizations. The total number of supported installations of Symantec System Recovery may be more or less for your network. Network performance should be monitored to ensure that installations of Symantec System Recovery are not extended beyond the capacity and capability of your network.

Backup Exec System Recovery, LiveState Recovery and Symantec System Recovery write backup jobs, known as recovery points, containing all of the data required to restore the machine to its state at the moment the recovery point was created.

This check monitors the Windows Application Event Log on the local device for successful recovery points and reports back any error messages discovered in the Application Log from the recovery product (Backup Exec System Recovery or LiveState Recovery).

Select the Show hidden drives check box to see alist of the hidden drives along with the list of the otherdrives.You can select a hidden drive as a location whereyou want to store the recovery points.The hidden drives are displayed in the followingformat:

Monitor, analyze, diagnose, and optimize database performance and data ops that drive your business-critical applications. Unify on-premises and cloud database visibility, control, and management with streamlined monitoring, mapping, data lineage, data integration, and tuning across multiple vendors.

Ensure user experience with unified performance monitoring, tracing, and metrics across applications, clouds, and SaaS. Robust solutions offering rich visualization, synthetic and real user monitoring (RUM), and extensive log management, alerting, and analytics to expedite troubleshooting and reporting.

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor makes Cisco network device monitoring easy with fully customizable dashboards and charts that allow you to view the performance and availability of your Cisco devices at a glance.

To monitor Cisco devices in your network, NPM polls the MIBS on your devices and obtains critical performance metrics. NPM then displays this information in user-friendly dashboards you can tailor to suit your preferences. This tool can help you ensure the performance and availability of your Cisco ASA firewalls.

SolarWinds NPM offers comprehensive Cisco device monitoring, so you can integrate your approach to Cisco network monitoring into a single tool. NPM provides support for Cisco devices including ACI devices like spine switches and Nexus leaf.

This tool allows you to view the overall health of your Cisco SwitchStack members, rapidly locate switches with problems, and monitor member data connections. You can also monitor Nexus device performance and Cisco ASA firewalls, affording you in-depth visibility into the ASA infrastructure, so you can safeguard service availability.

NPM polls data for Cisco Nexus switch monitoring through a combination of CLI polling and SNMP polling. To access accurate information specific to Nexus devices, add the Nexus device as a node to NPM and provide the necessary CLI credentials.

When you are notified of a problem, you can access a SwitchStack subview via the node details page. This subview consolidates important SwitchStack information, giving you access to individual member monitoring functionality, as well as topology maps displaying how power ports and data ports connect.

NPM monitors your Cisco ASA firewalls by monitoring your VPN tunnels to ensure connections between sites are maintained. This includes the monitoring of bandwidth usage and tunnel status. You can also use NPM to monitor your firewall health by detecting failovers and tracking high availability status.

The U.S. Congress passed the Resources and Ecosystem Sustainability, Tourist Opportuni-ties, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act) on June 29, 2012, and President Obama signed it into law on July 6, 2012. The RESTORE Act allocates 80 percent of the administrative and civil penalties levied under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to the Gulf Restoration Trust Fund within the Treasury Department (Figure 6.1). The remaining 20 percent of the CWA fines will go to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund. The amount of civil penalties that may be recovered, as well as the timing of recovery, is currently unknown, but it is very likely that the amount will involve billions of dollars.

Additionally, a November 5, 2012, settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and BP Exploration and Production, for the latter's guilty plea for a number of violations related to the Macondo blowout, provides several billion dollars for restoration, research, education, outreach, and monitoring.6 An additional settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and Transocean Deepwater Inc. was reached on February 14, 2013, regarding Transocean's violation of the CWA via the DWH oil spill.7 Included in these two settlements were awards of nearly $2.5 billion dollars to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to remedy harm and eliminate or reduce the risk of future harm to Gulf Coast natural resources and $500 million dollars to the National Academy of Sciences for a program focused on human health and environmental protection, including issues relating to offshore drilling and hydrocarbon production and transportation in the GoM and on the Outer Continental Shelf.

The final amount of funds to be directed to various activities through potentially numerous avenues depends on the outcome of legal proceedings between the Department of Justice and the responsible parties. The NRDA process and fines determined under the Oil Pollution Act, the establishment and collection of penalties under the CWA, and plans for Gulf Coast restoration create unprecedented opportunities for research and restoration, to address not only the damage caused by the spill but also the longer-term impacts of a number of human activities on the GoM ecosystem. Restoration will directly respond to damages from the spill, but it offers the opportunity for a system recovery that considers human and natural systems resilience.

tag_hash_107____________ The response technologies applied during the DWH oil spill resulted in both beneficial and detrimental effects on ecosystems and the services they provide to humans. The development of additional guidelines to improve the effectiveness of various technologies, and protocols to monitor the impacts on ecosystems and the services they provide, are of paramount importance. The decisions that determine when and where to apply these technologies are guided by decision science tools such as net environmental benefit analyses and influence diagrams, which can only be effective if there is an understanding of the mechanistic linkages among the ecosystem processes.

In summary, many groups in the GoM are building on existing data sets, ocean observing capabilities, and continuing basic observational data. For some parameters, observational data are adequate, but for others, more robust measurements are needed. In addition, current and future funding will not be sufficient to collect a full suite of background data to support mitigation of any potential disaster. Given the oil and gas reserves of the GoM, however, certain basic data should be collected as a part of a systematic monitoring system. There have been several efforts to compile background information during and after the oil spill, including the NOAA Deepwater Horizon Archive,20 the Joint Analysis Group for Surface and Sub-Surface Oceanography, Oil and Dispersant Data,21 and Naval Oceanographic Office Special Support-GOMEX Mississippi Canyon 252 Oil Spill.22 There is, however, no integrative superstructure or roadmap to available data, the development of which will be even more essential as new data arrive from current and future research activities.

Despite the tremendous amount of funding that will be available to GoM researchers, there will likely never be enough to support all of the potentially important assessment and monitoring activities needed to capture the state and function of the GoM's natural and social systems. The necessary types and amounts of baseline data that may be suddenly needed when there is an environmental disaster cannot be fully anticipated. However, as seen with the DWH oil spill, although there was an existing cache of long-term and baseline data, it was neither tabulated and synthesized nor accessible from a unified data system. With the advent of the DWH oil spill, build-out plans for physical, chemical, and biological monitoring, such as documented by the GCOOS-RA, provide a structure upon which to begin building the necessary framework for identifying baselines, physical forcing, biological communities, and ecosystem functions (Jochens and Watson, 2013). The structure and synthetic nature of such a database calls for (1) a mechanism to create, populate, and maintain relevant data sources in a public format as assessment, restoration, and monitoring activities continue and (2) a longterm mechanism for additional input and maintenance with dedicated funding. 2351a5e196

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