Erasmus+ City Walls

Erasmus+ City Walls

Walls built in the past, walls used to protect, to separate, to divide people.
Walls used in the present to inspire this wonderful project, to unite people, to bring together students and teachers from France, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain and Greece.

A short presentation of castles in our region.

The Justinian Wall (Hexamilion wall)

Justinian-wall (1).pdf

Did you know Greece has about 800 castles scattered over its mainland and islands?
Walls and castles built during the
Byzantine, Venetian, and Ottoman periods.

Here are our favoutite ones. Enjoy the presentation and test what you have learned.

Castles around Greece.pptx

Click here to enter the workshops

On January 18 to 22, 2021, we are going to have our third online meeting. Our favourite writer Stanislas Cotton will be with us, to inspire students and teachers once more!

Welcome to the Greek Language Lesson for Erasmus (4).pptx

The heart elevating "opa" travels around the world!

Geniko Lykeio Velou

Ahepans 28