The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The topwindow always shows a list of the currently active processes, includingthe names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed inthe bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: ifit is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected inthe top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'llsee the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that willquickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLsloaded.

OneLake file explorer starts automatically at startup of Windows. You can disable the application from starting automatically by selecting Startup apps in Windows Task Manager and then right-clicking OneLake, and selecting Disable.

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To optimize performance during the initial sync, OneLake file explorer syncs the placeholder files for the top-level workspaces and item names. When you open an item, OneLake file explorer syncs the files directly in that folder. Then, opening a folder within the item syncs the files directly in that folder. This functionality allows you to navigate your OneLake content seamlessly, without having to wait for all files to sync before starting to work.

When you create, update, or delete a file via OneLake file explorer, it automatically syncs the changes to OneLake service. Updates to your item made outside of your OneLake file explorer aren't automatically synced. To pull these updates, you need to right-click on the workspace name, item name, folder name, or file in OneLake file explorer and select Sync from OneLake. This action refreshes the view for any folders that were previously synced. To pull updates for all workspaces, right-click on the OneLake root folder and select Sync from OneLake.

Starting in version, when you install OneLake file explorer, you can choose which account to sign in with. To switch accounts, right-click the OneLake icon in the Windows notification area, select Account, and then Sign Out. Signing out exits OneLake file explorer and pauses the sync. To sign in with another account, start OneLake file explorer again and choose the desired account.

When you sign in with another account, you see the list of workspaces and items refresh in OneLake file explorer. If you navigate to workspaces associated with the previous account, you can manually refresh the view by selecting Sync from OneLake. Those workspaces are inaccessible while you're signed in to a different account.

The OneLake file explorer only syncs updates when you're online and the application is running. When the application starts, the views for any folders that were previously synced refresh automatically. Any files that you added or updated while offline show as sync pending until you save them again. Any files you deleted while offline are recreated during the refresh if they still exist on the service.

If you edit a file locally and select Save, the OneLake file explorer app detects if that file was updated elsewhere (by someone else) since you last selected Sync from OneLake. A Confirm the action dialog box appears:

When you upload or download files using the OneLake file explorer, the performance should be similar to using OneLake APIs. In general, the time it takes to sync changes from OneLake is proportional to the number of files.

Starting in version 1.0.10, you can find your client-side logs by right-clicking on the OneLake icon in the Windows notification area, located at the far right of the taskbar. Select Diagnostic Operations > Open logs directory. This opens your logs directory in a new Windows file explorer window.

Tenant admins can restrict access to OneLake file explorer for their organization in the Microsoft Fabric admin portal. When the setting is disabled, no one in your organization can start the OneLake file explorer app. If the application is already running and the tenant admin disables the setting, the application exits. Placeholders and any downloaded content remain on local machines, but users can't sync data to or from OneLake.

According to here its possible to do it for iexplorer (internet explorer)so by a blind guess it might be possible to do it the same way for explorerwindows>run>regedit.exeHKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer and a new data with string as value type and window title as value name

The Windows file explorer window in my PC doesn't show and pop up anymore in my Windows 10 computer. It does highlight on the Windows taskbar where I can see that that window is opened and also, I can hover over it with my mouse cursor and then its little explorer window icon pops up on the task bar but that's it, the big window itself doesn't show up or is accessible anywhere. 

I have all latest updates of Windows 10 installed. What I tried already: I uninstalled a couple of apps which I think I had installed around the time this problem started happening. And I also updated all my drivers with my paid/premium driver update software. But all with no success. 

I never had this kind of problem before and I don't know what else to do. 

I could uninstall all remaining apps on my PC one by one and see if that fixes it but those are still quite a lot of apps and then I would need to re-install them later again. Not sure if I should do that.

I got it solved. 

I hit alt+tab until the Windows explorer window was the front-most window. Then I hit alt + pressed Space, let go of both and hit M, then used the arrow keys to move the explorer window back on-screen. Because I had 'Extended desktop' in my Windows' Display settings, it was off-screen.

It went off-screen because I used to use a second monitor but then later on I didn't use the second monitor anymore and turned it off but you can still accidentally click and drag open windows on to it.

So I used the arrow keys to get the window on the visible portion of the screen. Thanks!

OK, I give....I was experimenting with moving and hiding windows around within the CIS explorer window. Now I cannot get them back. My explorer window shows only a block at the top that says table. View visibility, part and toolbar are all checked

The PDF Shell component in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader allows you to see the thumbnails of PDF documents in Windows explorer, on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. By default, this feature is OFF. You can enable it using a specific setting available in the preferences.

At its heart, Visual Studio Code is a code editor. Like many other code editors, VS Code adopts a common user interface and layout of an explorer on the left, showing all of the files and folders you have access to, and an editor on the right, showing the content of the files you have opened.

The settings window.openFoldersInNewWindow and window.openFilesInNewWindow are provided to configure opening new windows or reusing the last active window for files or folders and possible values are default, on and off.

The window.restoreWindows setting tells VS Code how to restore the opened windows of your previous session. By default, VS Code will restore all windows you worked on during your previous session (setting: all). Change this setting to none to never reopen any windows and always start with an empty VS Code instance. Change it to one to reopen the last opened window you worked on or folders to only restore windows that had folders opened.

Yes, you can hide the OPEN EDITORS list with the explorer.openEditors.visible setting, which declares how many items to display before a scroll bar appears. Setting "explorer.openEditors.visible": 0 will hide OPEN EDITORS when you have an open folder. The list will still be displayed if you are using VS Code to view individual loose files, since they won't be displayed in the folder pane.

I noticed that this function was "broken" on my home pc. The box drive link on your website gives link to download box-x64.exe. I deleted the existing box application from my windows 10 64 pc and installed box-x64.exe. It is acting like box sync with cloud icons on all my files. search from windows explorer is broken.

Are there any plans to remove that limitation and allow box drive results to populate within file explorer? This is a huge limitation for our company as well. Box Drive Search Tool within the web app is so clunky and it's going to take me so much longer to do the copying/cutting and pasting of .pdfs to different folders this way. Which in the long run is more man hours they're going to have to pay me. If this is not currently on the roadmap can it please be included?

Windows explorer in task manager shows for me one instance. Today, after getting the Microsoft "C" band update release. Windows explorer opens to finish its health checks as well as other online checks. Perfectly normal. IMA: I normally see the instance shown below regardless. Its perfectly normal. The amount of memory usage will vary depending on the usage of the system at a given time. No one device will see the exact memory usage due to hardware differences and software.

Windows 10 and 11 registry app data somehow identifies the file explorer window or application as the 8x8 Work for Desktop app, and opens the file explorer instead of the 8x8 Work for Desktop app when a call is received in 8x8 Contact Center.

This vi will programmatically use System Executive to display a folder in Windows Explorer. It uses the file path selected by user and converts to a string which is passed to system with the command "explorer "

Multiple Explorer windows can be opened. To open a Master Group or Model Group in a separate Explorer Window; right-click on the group and select Open from the context menu. A new Explorer Window will be opened with the selected group as the top level displayed in the window. be457b7860

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