An NVL-style visual novel about disgust, snuffed-out dreams, and the desire to be loved.

Veins Like Tapeworms is currently in a demo stage! This press kit reflects that. There is currently only 2 chapters available, and 1 ending to achieve. The full game will have 6 more chapters, 5 new endings, and countless new illustrations!

Log Line

Who needs a moral compass when you have a god in the gutter?

Content Warnings

Click to show warnings



Gender dysphoria

Child Abuse

Animal Abuse/Death

Blood & Gore



Body Horror



Visual Novel, Horror, LGBTQ+, Suspense, OELVN (Original English Language Visual Novel), NVL Style (NoVeL), Body Horror

About the Developer

AwesomeTrinket is an indie developer dedicated to telling stories about love, grief, and horror. Veins Like Tapeworms was created by her for the 3rd RPGMaker Horror Game Jam on It is AwesomeTrinket's fifth game.