Vega is a free and open source web security scanner and web security testing platform to test the security of web applications. Vega can help you find and validate SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), inadvertently disclosed sensitive information, and other vulnerabilities. It is written in Java, GUI based, and runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Vega can help you find vulnerabilities such as: reflected cross-site scripting, stored cross-site scripting, blind SQL injection, remote file include, shell injection, and others. Vega also probes for TLS / SSL security settings and identifies opportunities for improving the security of your TLS servers.

Vega Scanner Download


Vega includes an automated scanner for quick tests and an intercepting proxy for tactical inspection. The Vega scanner finds XSS (cross-site scripting), SQL injection, and other vulnerabilities. Vega can be extended using a powerful API in the language of the web: Javascript.

The Vega proxy can also be configured to run attack modules while the user is browsing the target site through it. This allows for semi-automated, user-driven security testing to ensure maximum code coverage.

When you start Vega for the first time, you will be in the scanner perspective. Vega has two perspectives: The scanner, and the proxy. We'll start the introduction with the scanner. The Vega scanner is an automated security testing tool that crawls a website, analyzing page content to find links and form parameters. Vega finds injection points, referred to as path state nodes, and runs modules written in Javascript to analyze them. Vega also runs Javascript modules on all responses sent back from the server during the scan.

The screenshot above shows the complete Vega scanner perspective. The parts that comprise it, such as "Website View", "Scan Info", etc., are moveable. To restore to the original layout, click on the "Window" menu item and select "Reset Perspective". This will reassemble the UI parts into this arrangement. This does not affect the data or operation of any current scan.

Vega stores information about the current and past scans in a "workspace". Clearing the workspace will remove all scan data, including alerts and saved requests/responses. To do so, select the "File" menu item and click on "Reset Current Workspace".

Vega scans websites recursively, building an internal representation of the site in a tree-like data structure comprised of entities known as "path state nodes". Path state nodes can be directories, files, or files with POST or GET parameters. Complex websites can result in long scans and large path state data structures, so Vega offers configurable parameters that limit the scan scope in the scanner preferences. To access these parameters, click on the Window menu item and choose "Preferences". There are two sets of preferences associated with the scanner: Scanner preferences and Scanner debugging. Select Scanner debugging.

By default, Vega only saves the requests and responses that generate alerts within its database. Enabling this will result in all requests and responses being saved. They will be accessible from the message viewer.

The user can either supply a base URI As the target, or edit a target scope. Target scopes allow multiple base URIs and exclusions that will not be scanned by Vega. Another way to add or remove resources from a target path is via the web view.

Vega will start crawling the target web application. Vega sends many requests. This is because in addition to analyzing the page content, the crawling engine does several tests on each potential path, trying to determine if it is a file or a directory. Vega also compares pages to each other, and tries to figure out what the 404 page looks like. Vega modules also send their own requests.

The scan progress will be indicated with a progress bar. Note that the total number of links to crawl will grow as Vega discovers new ones and generates variations to perform the above described tests, so the finish time will be a moving target. The preferences described at the start of this tutorial control the parameters that limit scope of the scan.

Opening up the scan results will reveal a tree of alerts, with severity at the highest level, followed by type, and then path instance. Both current and previous scan results for the workspace are listed. The target icon representing the current scan will be blinking until it is finished.

The alert incorporates both dynamic content from the module and static content from a corresponding XML file. One great feature about alerts is the link to the saved request and response. To slide open a fastview with the message editor, click on the request link towards the bottom of the alert.

Here the details of the request and response can be viewed. The request can also be replayed by right clicking it in the request list just above the message content boxes. Doing this will open up the request editor, which is documented more extensively in the proxy tutorial.

Another way to get to the request viewer is to click on the icon in the status bar, in the bottom left corner. This will open up the fast view in a manner similar to when the request link is clicked on in an alert. There is also a fastview link to the console, which blinks when there is error output that has not been seen.

Vega includes an automated scanner for quick tests and an intercepting proxy for tactical inspection. The Vega scanner finds XSS (cross-site scripting), SQL injection, and other vulnerabilities. It can be extended using a powerful API in the language of the web: Javascript.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive optical imaging technique that produces real-time, 2D cross-sectional and 3D volumetric images of a sample. This technique provides structural information about the sample based on light backscattered from different layers of material within that sample, producing images with micron-level resolution and millimeters of imaging depth. OCT imaging can be considered as an optical analog to ultrasound imaging that achieves higher resolution at the cost of decreased penetration depth. In addition to high resolution, the non-contact, noninvasive nature of OCT makes it well suited for imaging samples such as biological tissue, small animals, and industrial materials. Each of Thorlabs' OCT systems includes a computer with ThorImageOCT 64-bit software installed. The software displays and processes 2D and 3D OCT data in real time.

There are two options for selecting a Vega Series OCT system: choosing a complete, preconfigured system (Item # VEG210C1(/M) or VEG220C1(/M)) that consists of components pre-selected from this page, or choosing an OCT system optimized for your specific application. When the popular latter option is taken, the Vega OCT system is configured from individual components on this page. We invite you to contact us to assist in identifying the best options for your application. Each Vega OCT system includes, at a minimum, a base unit, a beam scanning system, and a scan lens kit. Scanner options include a robust standard scanner and a user-customizable scanner. A selection of scan lens kits provides the flexibility to tailor imaging resolution or working distance. Optional accessories, also available below, further customize your OCT system to meet the requirements of your application.

The components available below can also be used to upgrade your existing Thorlabs OCT system with additional features and are fully compatible out of the box with Thorlabs' OCT systems and accessories. While most systems are upgradable, we recommend contacting the OCT Team to determine the optimal solution for your system and intended application.

ThorImageOCT is a high-performance data acquisition software that is included with all Thorlabs OCT systems. This 64-bit Windows-based software acquires and displays OCT data, as well as includes scan control and processing options. Additionally, NI LabVIEW and C-based Software Development Kits (SDKs) are available, which contain a complete set of libraries for measurement control, data acquisition, and processing, as well as for storage and display of OCT images. The SDKs provide the means for developing highly specialized OCT imaging software for every individual application.

Datasets can be exported in various image formats, such as PNG, BMP, JPEG, PDF, or TIFF. The set can also be exported in complete data formats suited for post-processing purposes, such as RAW/SRM, FITS, VTK, VFF, and 32-bit floating-point TIFF.

The OCT file format native to ThorImageOCT allows OCT data, sample monitor data, and all relevant metadata to be stored in a single file. ThorImageOCT can also be installed and run on computers without OCT devices in order to view and export OCT data. The user has full access to the raw and processed data from the device, including additional data used for processing, e.g. offset errors.

Different OCT imaging modes can be selected using the mode selector. If the ThorImageOCT software finds a compatible system connected and switched on, all operational modes will be selectable. If no OCT device is present, only the data viewing mode for viewing and OCT data export will be available. 152ee80cbc

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