I have an OSM vector layer that I want to clip with another vector layer for the boundary of a city. Now I can do this easy enough in QGIS, but I wanted to do this in python since I have a collection of images to process and clip.

I imagined that clipping is such a common operation, that there must be clip functions in the major geospatial packages, but I have not been able to find anything like that so far. I was kinda surprised, or was wondering if I was looking under the wrong headings, terminology?

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I have high res raster data covering 2million km sq, with a field where each cell has a value from 0 to 100. I need to create a "mask" using the cells with a value over 12 in that field. I then need to clip vector data to that mask.

I was wondering if there is a good method for selecting cells from rasters and using that selection (with reduced noise and smoothed edges) to clip vector data? I don't have spatial analyst extension. I am using ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1.

You cannot clip a vector file with a raster file. So you need to convert your raster to polygon first. In ArcGIS, you can use "raster to polygon" from the Conversion toolbox (no need for an extension). The problem is that you first need to create the mask, and there is no built in tool in ArcGIS without spatial analyst. So this step has to be done in another software. It is a basic operation, so that you have the choice (GRASS -> r.reclass , gdal_calc -exp A>12, OTB with BandMath application, etc...). If you really want to do it within ArcGIS, you can use arcpy and "RasterToNumPyArray" (also needs numpy), reclass with numpy and go back to raster with "NumPyArrayToRaster".

If you do have ArcGIS and no SA: you might consider converting to points, deleting the values below 12, making the rest of the values a single integer, convert to raster, and then converting to polygon.That polygon would be used in the clips and advanced drawing layer masks, I tested this on an SRTM, and it worked well:

I've tried all of these solutions (How to clip a line layer based on polygons with QGIS?) and still can't clip a shapefile. I'm trying to create a coastal shapefile for one region (NW France) from a world coastline. I created a custom rectangle to use as the clip extent and used vector> geoprocessing> clip to attempt the clip. Still no progress. Has anyone had success using other techniques or can anyone see a problem with my method?

If checked, output geometries will be automatically convertedto multi geometries to ensure uniform output types.Moreover the geometries will be clipped to the extent choseninstead of taking the whole geometry as output.

I can't seem to find a method to help me do this in GEE. I have two FeatureCollections. Both are collections of around 50 polygons, one of study sites and one of regions and I want to find out where the sites overlap the regions and if they overlap, what proportion of the site is in each region it overlaps. I have tried to use "intersection" but this only shows me the area of the intersection between sites and regions. There is a "clip" method that would be useful to clip the sites to the regions they are in but this appears to only be available to images not feature collections.Do you have any suggestions of how I might do this?

I have a vector box named "study_area", and another vector data "floodplain". Now I need to clip the floodplain vector data to produce a floodplain layer that is within in the study area. I am required to use postgis, writing queries for this specific job.

you can export your vector back into a shapefile (right-click) and then see if it is still at the correct location in a GIS. Otherwise something went wrong at the import already or the projections do not match.

I am also wondering why the results are that big? I mean, when I mask (clip) the area that is really small, it still has more than 3GB. The black area around the area of interest that I masked. Can I make it smaller somehow?

Cloning vectors are available for SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag fusion protein expression and labeling in mammalian and bacterial systems. The mammalian SNAPf and CLIPf vectors express faster-reacting variants of the SNAP- and CLIP-tags than previously available vectors. Improved polylinker sequences both upstream and downstream from the tag allow expression of the tag on either end of the protein of interest, under control of the CMV promoter. SNAPf-tag and CLIPf-tag expression vectors contain a neomycin resistance (NeoR) gene for selection of stable transfectants, together with an IRES element for efficient expression of both the fusion protein and NeoR. Codon usage has been optimized for mammalian expression. Control plasmids encoding fusion proteins that are localized to the nucleus (H2B), mitochondria (Cox8A) and cell surface (ADR2, NK1R, GPI) are also available through Addgene (addgene.org/New_England_Biolabs/). The pSNAP-tag (T7)-2 Vector (NEB #N9322) is an Escherichia coli expression plasmid encoding the SNAP-tag protein. The codon usage of the SNAP26b gene is optimized for expression in E. coli. Expression is under control of the IPTG inducible T7 promoter.

The example below shows you how to clip a set of vector geometries to the spatial extent / shape of another vector object. Both sets of geometries must be opened with GeoPandas as GeoDataFrames and be in the same Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for the clip function in GeoPandas to work.

The object to be clipped will be clipped to the full extent of the clip object. If there are multiple polygons in clip object, the input data will be clipped to the total boundary of all polygons in clip object.

The object on which you call clip is the object that will be clipped. The object you pass is the clip extent. The returned output will be a new clipped GeoDataframe. All of the attributes for each returned geometry will be retained when you clip.

Recall that the data must be in the same CRS in order to use the clip method. If the data are not in the same CRS, be sure to use the GeoPandas GeoDataFrame.to_crs method to ensure both datasets are in the same CRS.

A clipping path is conceptually equivalent to a custom viewport for the referencing element. Thus, it affects the rendering of an element, but not the element's inherent geometry. The bounding box of a clipped element (meaning, an element which references a element via a clip-path property, or a child of the referencing element) must remain the same as if it were not clipped.

By default, pointer-events are not dispatched on clipped regions. For example, a circle with a radius of 10 which is clipped to a circle with a radius of 5 will not receive "click" events outside the smaller radius.

By default, pointer-events are not dispatched on clipped regions. For example, a circle with a radius of 10 which is clipped to a circle with a radius of 5 will not receive \"click\" events outside the smaller radius.

In default, boundaries of clip map are dissolved beforeclipping. Alternatively, flag -d can be ticked to retain theboundaries of clip map. Flag -b facilitates clipping by currentcomputational region.It is possible to clip vector maps consisting of points, lines,areas or combinations of these. However, the current version does notfully support clipping of mixed geometry containing points. In such acase, the output map will only store clipped lines and/or areas.NOTESv.clip is a front-endto v.overlay, as wellas v.select. Clipping of areasand/or lines can be achievedusing v.overlay. Clipping ofpoints can be performedwith v.select.EXAMPLESBasic useClip railroads by counties Wake and Johnston in North Carolina (NorthCarolina data set).v.extract input=boundary_county where="NAME='WAKE' OR NAME='JOHNSTON'" output=county_WAKE_JOHNSTONv.clip input=railroads clip=county_WAKE_JOHNSTON output=railroads_WAKE_JOHNSTON 

 Figure: v.clip example - basic useRetain boundaries of clip mapv.clip -d input=railroads clip=county_WAKE_JOHNSTON output=railroads_WAKE_JOHNSTONClip by current computational regionClip hospitals by computational region adjusted to counties Wake andJohnston in North Carolina (North Carolina data set).It is not obligatory to enter name of clip map. In case it is stated,the clip map will be omitted.v.extract input=boundary_county where="NAME='WAKE' OR NAME='JOHNSTON'" output=county_WAKE_JOHNSTONv.clip -r input=hospitals output=hospitals_clip 

 Figure: v.clip example - clip by computational regionSEE ALSO v.overlay, v.select, v.dissolve, v.in.regionAUTHORZofie Cimburova, GeoForAllLab, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech RepublicSOURCE CODE Available at: v.clip source code (history)

Resizing the contents in vector layers does not reduce the quality of the content in the layer. So, you can resize parts of the drawing in the vector layer as many times as you want. They will remain sharp and clean instead of blurry.

Drawing with brush tools in vector layers is missing in Photoshop. A Pen tool in Photoshop can be used to draw by placing and moving the points, but in Clip Studio Paint, you can just draw. Clip Studio Paint has many features regarding the vector layers that are helpful for beginner digital artists. They can help to reduce and fix mistakes and get better lines.

Erasing content made in Vector layers with a normal eraser is troublesome since it erases multiple points and has less control. There is a Vector eraser to make this process easier and better. The vector eraser is located inside the Eraser Sub Tool panel.

If you have already started drawing in a raster layer, you can still convert it to a vector. Right-click on the layer and click Convert Layer. This will also change the colour of the contents in the layer to black by default. You can turn off Output all in black from the Vector settings while converting the layer. 0852c4b9a8

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