Guidelines and Tips

All Lightning Talk submissions must adhere to the Technical Requirements. Noncompliant submissions will not be accepted.

Technical Requirements

1. Five is the maximum number of slides, although three to four is preferred.

2. Slides must have a 16/9 aspect ratio.

3. The target recording length is 3 minutes. Recordings may not exceed 3 minutes and 10 seconds.

4. Audio must be clear. Some testers found that their laptop mikes worked marvelously, while others preferred to use a plug-in mike. Minimize background noise as best you can.

5. The maximum acceptable file size is 50 Mb uncompressed. Testers found that video quality most affected file size. Using Zoom with default settings on a Mac laptop resulted in a file size of only 5 Mb at three minutes while choosing 1080 HD resulted in 35 Mb.

6. Recordings must be provided in mp4 file format. If your recording method does not save to mp4, use a free online file conversion service.

All other matters are considered stylistic and are specifically left to your discretion. The list below is provided for your convenience only and is not intended to prescribe choices.

Practical Considerations

1. Slides are generally improved by avoiding dark backgrounds and serif fonts, using DOIs for references where possible, and clearly numbering and captioning images, tables, and figures to facilitate communication.

2. Writing out a script or even just bullet points may increase your confidence and precision. Testers recommend putting your notes on a second display (electronic or printed) next to your primary screen where you can easily see both at the same time.

3. Leave yourself plenty of time to account for bumps in the process. Testers found that it took them about three tries and half an hour to record three minutes.

4. Whether or not to include a thumbnail video of yourself in the corner of your Lightning Talk is a matter of personal choice.

5. Many recording options allow you to use the cursor as a pointer.

6. Keep it clear and simple. While creativity is welcome, tangents can interfere with the flow of your talk. You will likely want to address the purpose or problem driving your research, the methodology, some results, and the implications.

7. Recordings will be made widely available on YouTube, even though they will not be public; exclude information that you do not want disseminated.

8. Have fun! If you have questions about the look and feel of your Lightning Talk, ask your colleagues for input. We will not answer any questions.