Attendance Report

Attendance reports can only be generated from the host account that stores the meeting link.
IT is currently exploring options for program management to be able to access attendance reports directly.
Any advancements will be communicated accordingly.

Step1: Sign in to the Zoom web portal

On the menu, click on "Reports" and choose "Usage".

Step 2: Select the meeting you want to generate the report for

You can see a list of usage reports, organized by meetings. Select the meeting for which you want the attendance report. You can click on the number in the column "Participants".

Step 3: Attendance list or download .csv file

When you click on the number, a pop up appears where you can select "Exclusive Users" to get the below list which shows each participant and the total time they have been connected. You can also download the information in a .csv file, by marking the corresponding option and clicking on "Export".

Step 4: Converting .csv file to "something readable"

When you open the .csv file the information is difficult to read. You can easily convert the file into a normal Excel.

Open the .csv file in Excel, click on "Data" and the option "Text to Columns"

Highlight the column which includes the text that you want to convert (column A)

Choose "Delimited", click "Next"

Select "Tab" and "Comma" and click "Next".

Keep the default "General" and click "Finish". The information is now organized in columns. Save the file with a new name.