How Do I add the bot to my Discord Server?

Simply Press the 'Invite ' button and select your server.

How do I get Support?

Join the discord and post your question in the support channel and one of our developers will help you out.

How do I access the channel ID and Role IDs?

To Access the channel id right click on the channel and press copy ID. To get the Role ID give yourself the role and then click on it when viewing the roles from your profile.

I have Linked the channels and roles but the bot doesn't work.

To make the bot work make sure its role 'VC Roles' is above all the roles that are being changed.

How do I unlink a voice chat from a role?

To unlink a voice chat and a role, use /vcunlink

Do I have to use the same role for every voice chat?

No, each voice channel can be linked to its own role

Do I have to link all my voice channels with a role?

No, you can leave your some voice channels unlinked, and everything will still work fine

How do I link all voice channels with a role?

Read the commands page for instructions on how to use commands

When I react to the bots message the bot does not respond.

Make sure the bot has permissions to manage reactions in the server.