To debug this, I should be able to open the link from my emulator, but I can't. I have tried both regular emulator and physical device, changing the configuration of the app so that it launches the url (replaced it with myurl in the pic, but I know it is the right one cause it opens the view), opening the url from my Whatsapp instead, and changing the build variants to "release", but it never opens the app and it always goes to the webview:

I used successfully on my home machine, but at work, it did not work. After hours of fooling around, I created a new emulator instance using the Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager, and finally the worked.

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Inside the emulated Android, go to Settings > WiFi, check if it is connected to AndroidWiFi hotspot (which represents your host computer), and then click on Advanced at the bottom, then check the Gateway address: it should point to . If not, then you have another issue, maybe changing proxy settings can fix your issue, see here how to do that with Android Studio since 2022, as the proxy setting is now hidden away: How to configure proxy in emulators in new versions of Android Studio?

In case your web app can be accessed from your host computer, but not inside the emulator, the root cause can be that your local server is restricting access to some interfaces for some reason, likely for security reasons.

Then, try to access this simple server from your emulator's Chrome browser, eg, :8000. If it works, then this confirms that your local server is restricting access to some interfaces. You need to read your local server's documentation to broaden permissions.

Now, your web app should be accessible from inside the emulator, using Chrome app, with the URL :. The last piece of the puzzle is to add permissions in your Android app to access and especially cleartext if your local webserver is not equipped with a SSL certificate (the most likely scenario for a local development webserver - just check if : works or only : from the host computer). This will allow your Android app to access your local webserver, just like Chrome does.

This tutorial only covers the issue of accessing/reaching a local webserver on the host computer from inside an Android emulator, but once this is fixed, the webapp may remain dysfunctional, even if reachable. One example is to experience an infinite loading loop. To debug further issues once reachability is resolved, you can use chrome://inspect in the Chrome Browser to attach to the Android WebView inside the Android emulator and live debug it as if it was rendered on your computer.

Only then, configure a reverse proxy on the bridge of the Android emulator that will forward localhost HTTP requests to the appropriate port (e.g. 8000) of the localhost server running on your host computer and vice versa:

To circumvent this issue, the web server should be started with the IP4 address of the local machine (ipconfig /all). Then, the emulator can access the server using the same IP address instead of using 'localhost'.

As some of you recommended, I wanted to stream the camera on my desktop and was directed to an Android emulator. I tried LDPlayer4 and Bluestacks, both are free and can mirror the Tapo app So far, I am delighted with the performance as I can access the live feed and control the camera without my phone! I will post some screenshots here, so you can get an idea of both apps.

Before using the Authentication emulator with you app, make sure thatyou understand the overall Firebase Local Emulator Suite workflow,and that you install and configurethe Local Emulator Suite and review its CLI commands.

The Authentication emulator provides high-fidelity local emulation ofFirebase Authentication services, providing much of the functionality found inproduction Firebase Authentication. Paired with the Apple platforms,Android and Web Firebase SDKs, the emulator lets you:

No additional setup is needed to prototype and test interactions betweenAuthentication and Cloud Functions or Firebase Security Rules for Cloud Firestore orRealtime Database. When the Authentication emulator is configured and other emulatorsare running, they automatically work together.

Note that the Cloud Functions emulator is automatically aware of theAuthentication emulator so you can skip this step when testing integrations betweenCloud Functions and Authentication emulators. The environment variable will beautomatically set for the Admin SDK in Cloud Functions.

With the environment variable set, Firebase Admin SDKs will accept unsigned IDTokens and session cookies issued by the Authentication emulator (via verifyIdTokenand createSessionCookie methods respectively) to facilitate local developmentand testing. Please make sure not to set the environment variable in production.

If you want your Admin SDK code to connect to a shared emulator running inanother environment, you will need to specify the the same project ID you set using the Firebase CLI. You can pass a project ID to initializeAppdirectly or set the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.

For security reasons, the Authentication emulator issues unsigned ID tokens, whichare only accepted by other Firebase emulators, or the Firebase Admin SDK whenconfigured. These tokens will be rejected by productionFirebase services or Firebase Admin SDK running in production mode (e.g. thedefault behavior without the setup steps described above).

You can use the Authentication emulator interactively via the Emulator Suite UIand non-interactively through its local REST interface. The followingsections cover interactive and non-interactive use cases.

For email/password authentication, you can start prototyping by addinguser accounts to the Authentication emulator from your app using Authentication SDK methods,or by using the Emulator Suite UI.

Instead of using the Emulator Suite UI or client code to manage email/passworduser accounts, you can write test setup scripts that call REST APIs to createand delete user accounts and fetch out-of-band email verification codes to populatethe emulator email verification URL. This keeps platform and test code separateand lets you test non-interactively.

However, for phone authentication flows, the emulator will NOT trigger deliveryof any text messages, since contacting a carrier is out of scope and notfriendly for local testing! Instead, the emulator prints out the code that wouldhave been sent via SMS to the same terminal at which you ranfirebase emulators:start; input this code to the app to simulate userschecking their text messages.

When you add a mock user to the emulator, you can enable MFA and configure oneor more phone numbers to which second factor SMS messages will be sent. Messagesare output to the same terminal at which you ran firebase emulators:start,and available from the REST interface.

The Authentication emulator lets you test many third-party authentication flows inyour iOS, Android or web apps with no changes from production code. For examplesof authentication flows, consult the documentation for variouscombinations of providers and platforms you can use in your app.

Again, check the documentation link above and make sure you're familiar withwhichever flow - Firebase SDK-managed vs. manual credential retrieval - you wantto use. The Authentication emulator supports testing of either approach.

If your app uses any Firebase SDK end-to-end flow, like OAuthProvider forsign-in with Microsoft, GitHub, or Yahoo, for interactive testing, the Authenticationemulator serves a local version of the corresponding sign-in page to help youtest authentication from web apps that call the signinWithPopup orsignInWithRedirect method. This locally-served sign-in page also appears inmobile apps, rendered by your platform's webview library.

Note that the emulator only supports signInWithCredential authenticationfor credentials retrieved from Google Sign-In, Apple, and other providers thatuse ID tokens implemented as JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). Access tokens(e.g. those provided by Facebook or Twitter, which are not JWTs) are notsupported. The next section discusses an alternative in these cases.

One approach to non-interactive testing is to automate user clicks on the sign-inpage served by the emulator. For web apps, use a control interface likeWebDriver. For mobile, use the UI test tooling from your platform, like Espressoor Xcode.

When used with the emulator, this code will successfully authenticate a userwith email at Google. Think of the sub field as a primary key,which can be changed to any string, mocking signing in different users. You canreplace firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider with, for example,new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('') or any other provider ID you wantto mock.

The Authentication emulator handles authentication with custom JSON Web Tokens usingcalls to the signInWithCustomToken method on supported platforms, as describedin the production Authentication documentation.

The Firebase Authentication emulator simulates many features of the productionproduct. However, since any kind of authentication system reliesheavily on security at multiple levels (device, 3rd party providers, Firebase,etc), it is difficult for the emulator to properly recreate all flows.

The Firebase Emulator Suite does not attempt to replicate or respect anyIAM-related behavior for running. Emulators adhere to the Firebase SecurityRules provided, but in situations where IAM would normally be used, for exampleto set Cloud Functions invoking service account and thus permissions, theemulator is not configurable and will use the globally-available account onyour developer machine, similar to running a local script directly.

In production apps, email and SMS sign-in flows involve an asynchronousoperation in which the user checks a received message and enters a login codeinto a sign-in interface. The Authentication emulator doesn't send any emails or SMSmessages, but as described above,it does generate login codes and output them to the terminal to be used intesting. 0852c4b9a8

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