Why is Society so F*cked Up?

By Some Bhadra and Vaughn Schnoebelen

Why is Society F*cked Up?

This forum covered systemic issues that effect us all, but they also disproportionately effect racial minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, etc. We covered the historical context, current issues and how to get involved to make real change in society.

Student Loans

Leslie Limper of Pacific University Financial Aid spoke about the differences between income-based repayment and forbearance. She also touched on the pros and cons of consolidation and refinancing loans.

Climate Change

Deke Gunderson spoke on climate change, how bad it truly is, what people knew and when they knew it. He ended by asking us to be more cognizant of your own personal actions.


Emma Morton from West Tuality Habitat for Humanity spoke about the housing crisis, and how her group is trying to combat it. She told us how poor people, racial minority, members of the LGBTQ+ community and people with disabilities are disproportionate effected by rising housing costs.

K-12 Education

Dr. Cichy-Parker spoke on K-12 education, and how some of the things in our current system are problematic. Dr. Cichy-Parker also spoke on why we should change it, and how that can be accomplished change it. He ended with the harm neoliberalism causes by trying to privatizing public goods.

Contact Information:

  • Vaughn Schoebelen - schn1714@Pacificu.edu
  • Some Bhadra - bhad1000@pacificu.edu