How Mobile Phones Will Shape the Future of eCommerce

A few decades ago, who would have thought that we’d be able to conduct our entire lives from a small device that fit in our pockets? That is right. Mobile phones have come a long way and show no signs of stopping. In fact, they’re quickly becoming the preferred device for online shopping. According to a survey by, mobile commerce will reach up to $638 billion. So what does that mean for the future of e-Commerce?

The rise of mobile commerce

Today, over 60% of all online traffic comes from mobile devices. This number is only going to grow in the years to come. Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through mobile devices, such as a Smartphone and tablets. As more and more people switch to using their Smartphone as their primary means of accessing the internet, it's no wonder that m-commerce is on the rise.

How mobile phones are changing the way we shop

The ubiquity of mobile phones has already begun to change the way we shop. According to a study by Criteo, a global performance marketing company with over 60% of all online transactions had been made on mobile devices now. And that number is only going to continue to grow. Why? There are a few reasons.

  • First, mobile phones are always with us. We can shop anytime, anywhere.

  • Second, mobile phones are convenient. We can easily browse and compare products online.

  • Third, mobile phones are personal. We use them to connect with friends and family, and we use them to connect with brands.

The rise of mobile payments

It's no secret that mobile phones are changing the way we shop. In fact, a recent study by Criteo showed that just under 50% of all e-commerce transactions now take place on mobile devices. What's even more staggering is that this number is only going to keep rising. We can shop anytime, anywhere, without ever having to leave the comfort of our home.

How to prepare for the future of mobile commerce

In order to be successful in the future of mobile commerce, you need to start preparing now. Here are a few things you can do:

  1. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. This is essential, as more and more people are shopping online via their phones. In fact, a recent study found that mobile commerce will make up 50% of all online sales by 2020.

  2. Invest in a mobile app. With a mobile app, you can offer a more personal and convenient shopping experience for your customers. They'll be able to browse your catalog, make purchases and track their orders all from their phones.

  3. Use location-based services. This is another great way to provide a more personalized shopping experience for your customers. With location-based services, you can target them with ads and special offers based on their current location.

The future of mobile commerce is looking bright, and businesses that are ready to capitalize on this trend will be the ones that come out on top. By preparing for the rise of mobile payments and making your website and products mobile-friendly, you can ensure that you are ready for the future of ecommerce.