Ecommerce Marketing Tips

Launching an online store is a huge undertaking, but it’s not impossible. With the right strategies in place, you can not only establish a successful e-commerce presence, but also maximize your sales and grow your business.

There are numerous e-commerce marketing tactics that can be used to drive visitors to your online store beyond traditional ways. In this segment, we will review some more creative and essential e-commerce marketing strategies that will help you drive more traffic and conversions to your store.


Personalization can help you stand out from the crowd and drive more customers to your website. People who are browsing online tend to look for products and services that are relevant to them. For example, if you are searching for a new mattress, you'll likely be looking for a new mattress for your home. A personalized email that says that you're offering a new mattress at a discount because you know that you and your family would appreciate it is going to pique a customer's interest.

User-generated content (UGC)

What if you could have your customers market for you for free? That's exactly what user-generated content, or UGC, is. It's about finding ways for your customers to promote and share your business.

This helps in some ways:

1) It will drive the traffic to the e-Commerce store

2) It will build an authentic subsequent of people who had been interested in what you offer.

Coca-Cola did a really amazing job with regards to this with their campaign of Share a Coke through making that customized Coke bottles and with an individual’s name on it, which normally was allocated across the social media platforms.

Below are some effective means to drive UGC:

➔ Create a Facebook page for your business and invite your customers to share their photos, thoughts and even ask you questions.

➔ Create a YouTube channel for your business and invite people to share videos about you.

➔ Create a Twitter account for your business and invite people to share your tweets.

➔ Create a LinkedIn business page for you and invite people to share your job positions.

➔ Create a Pinterest account for your business and invite people to share your pins.

➔ Create a blog for your business and share stories about you.

Loyalty Program

A loyal customer is a long-term customer, and who doesn't want repeat business? A loyalty program gives a customer an incentive to keep on doing businesses with you through related discounts and offers. While building a customer loyalty program takes some planning and work, it pays off in repeat business, UGC, referrals, and retention.

Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)

Word-of-mouth marketing is an effective type of marketing. It is based on the premise that people want advice from others like themselves. In a market where prospects are increasingly wary of advertising, word-of-mouth marketing can be increasingly necessary for your business.

If you want your customer service initiative to really hit its mark, you'll need to look beyond the ways that you might naturally create WOMM and instead focus on ways you can encourage WOMM in particular ways.

The more you do to market your business, the more your customers will see your brand and notice your business. This is how your business will gain traction and grow. You can do this by thinking outside of the box and using the power of UGC and marketing tips.