Tomcat is not a Java EE compliant application server, so you won't have EJB or CDI out-of-the-box here. Instead, use JBoss Wildfly or TomEE which are built on top of tomcat. Or, change to a complete different Java EE implementation like GlassFish.

Since its introduction in 1995 as the open, inclusive process to develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations, and technology compatibility kits, the Java Community Process program has fostered the evolution of the Java platform in cooperation with the international Java developer community. More than 120 Java technology specifications are in development in the Java Community Process program, which has over 350 company and individual participants.

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Sean Neville: That's right. When a client gets a remote reference to me after I've performed discovery, then I can give him all the stubs I know about, which is a collection that might include your stub in addition to mine. Then he has all the stubs locally and can choose you without actually coming to me. The way he would choose stubs depends on a plugged-in algorithm. The algorithm is a serializable object that is passed along with the stub collection.

Remote object clustering is an aspect of the EJB invocation mechanism. When you deploy an EJB into a container and the client looks up that EJB via JNDI, if the client is remote then the client actually gets a remote reference to that container -- in our case, this remote container reference is actually an invocation broker, a remote object sitting in the container. Locally, it appears that the client has an object that implements all the methods implemented in the EJB, but actually the client has a stub to the container. Every time the client invokes a method, the invocation is passed to the container and a series of aspects, or intercepting filters, manipulate the call. Eventually the invocation arrives at the correct instance, the bean implementation instance, and the invocation result then flows back through the container on the way back to the remote client.

Originally posted by Mario Ciliotta:



 I am new to the Java/J2EE as I am from a Cold Fusion and ASP background but recently my company has asked that we develop some of our applications ontheir new J2EE environment. I am basically a manamge of a group of programmers with various backgrounds some with Java and some without. I am interested in finding out if this book is more geared towards me as I only need to understand what is out there that we can do in Java/JSP/J2EE as I will not be coding anymore to speak of. I would also like to know if there are any good books that I could get for my group as say some sort of reference material or for initial learning




Originally posted by Solveig Laura Haugland:

 Hi all,


 This week is a promo for the book I wrote with Mark Cade and Anthony Orapallo, "J2EE 1.4: The Big Picture." Ask a question, get enrolled in the free book giveaway!


 It's a little different from the other books out there, so here's the basic deal. It's a guidebook to understanding the key points of J2EE, whether you're a marketing person who just needs to understand the big picture. or you're a developer who wants to get the big picture before you dive into the details. It goes from "what's a container" and continues through the key J2EE technologies, with a few side notes on things like how faster garbage collection affects the usefulness of bean pooling. The writing style is conversational with some humor--halfway between Peter van der Linden and Head First.


 It's not Head First, and it's not For Dummies, since it doesn't teach actual J2EE software development. 


 This the book that you can recommend to your less-than-technical manager, or anyone who asks you a lot of non-coding J2EE questions.


 Bring on the questions; Mark, Anthony, and I are standing by.





 "J2EE: The Big Picture" by Solveig Haugland, Mark Cade, and Anthony Orapallo

 Knowledge without coding.

 Understanding without boredom.

 And occasional references to badgers.

Instances of the JmsTemplate class arethread-safe once configured. This is important becauseit means that you can configure a single instance of aJmsTemplate and then safely inject thisshared reference into multiple collaborators. To beclear, the JmsTemplate is stateful, in that itmaintains a reference to a ConnectionFactory,but this state is not conversational state.

The JmsTemplate requires a reference to aConnectionFactory. TheConnectionFactory is part of the JMSspecification and serves as the entry point for working with JMS. It isused by the client application as a factory to create connections withthe JMS provider and encapsulates various configuration parameters, manyof which are vendor specific such as SSL configuration options.

When using JMS inside an EJB, the vendor provides implementationsof the JMS interfaces so that they can participate in declarativetransaction management and perform pooling of connections and session.In order to use this implementation, J2EE containers typically requirethat you declare a JMS connection factory as aresource-ref inside the EJB or servlet deploymentdescriptors. To ensure the use of these features with the JmsTemplate inside an EJB, the client applicationshould ensure that it references the managed implementation of theConnectionFactory.

Spring provides an implementation of theConnectionFactory interface,SingleConnectionFactory, that will return thesame Connection on allcreateConnection calls and ignore calls toclose. This is useful for testing andstandalone environments so that the same connection can be used formultiple JmsTemplate calls that may span anynumber of transactions. SingleConnectionFactorytakes a reference to a standard ConnectionFactorythat would typically come from JNDI.

Destinations, like ConnectionFactories, are JMS administered objects that can be stored and retrieved in JNDI. When configuring a Spring application context you can use the JNDI factory class JndiObjectFactoryBean to perform dependency injection on your object's references to JMS destinations. However, often this strategy is cumbersome if there are a large number of destinations in the application or if there are advanced destination management features unique to the JMS provider. Examples of such advanced destination management would be the creation of dynamic destinations or support for a hierarchical namespace of destinations. The JmsTemplate delegates the resolution of a destination name to a JMS destination object to an implementation of the interface DestinationResolver. DynamicDestinationResolver is the default implementation used by JmsTemplate and accommodates resolving dynamic destinations. A JndiDestinationResolver is also provided that acts as a service locator for destinations contained in JNDI and optionally falls back to the behavior contained in DynamicDestinationResolver.

This example uses the MessageCreator callback to create a text message from the supplied Session object and the JmsTemplate is constructed by passing a reference to a ConnectionFactory and a boolean specifying the messaging domain. A zero argument constructor and connectionFactory / queue bean properties are provided and can be used for constructing the instance (using a BeanFactory or plain Java code). Alternatively, consider deriving from Spring's JmsGatewaySupport convenience base class, which provides pre-built bean properties for JMS configuration.

You can choose to have your MDPs implement this interface (in preference to the standard JMS MessageListener interface) if you want your MDPs to be able to respond to any received messages (using the Session supplied in the onMessage(Message, Session) method). All of the message listener container implementations that ship wth Spring have support for MDPs that implement either the MessageListener or SessionAwareMessageListener interface. Classes that implement the SessionAwareMessageListener come with the caveat that they are then tied to Spring through the interface. The choice of whether or not to use it is left entirely up to you as an application developer or architect.

The element also accepts several optional attributes. This allows for customization of the various strategies (for example, taskExecutor and destinationResolver) as well as basic JMS settings and resource references. Using these attributes, it is possible to define highly-customized listener containers while still benefiting from the convenience of the namespace.

A reference to a Spring JtaTransactionManager or a javax.transaction.TransactionManager for kicking off an XA transaction for each incoming message. If not specified, native acknowledging will be used (see the "acknowledge" attribute). be457b7860

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