Assembly Language Programming is also termed as middle level language. Although it is way less powerful than the high level languages like C, C++, JAVA, etc. it is necessary to understand basics of assembly language as it helps in understanding the working and the instruction set of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Microprocessors like 8085 , 8086 and many other microcontrollers could be easily operated via simple instructions of assembly languages. MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) is a very efficient assembly language programming tool for windows and MS-DOS. It is not a emulator but an actual programming tool helps in programming with processor.

1) A simple Message Box: (with source code; most of it is in the RadASM screenshot below!)


 2) A twist on the classic DOS "Hello" program; now it's for Windows™: Although there's not much to it, you'll find an icon and all the usual Windows "Properties" (from the right-click menu in Explorer), and here's the info that many programming utilities will find:

Sample Program In Masm32

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If you are just starting out in Windows™ programming (or Assembly), you should check out the new (online) book by Randall Hyde "Windows Programming in Assembly". ( Randy is famous for his first online work:  The Art of Assembly  or just “AoA” as many call it; which has recently been revised; there's even a Linux edition now! ) He has many new web pages at his site dealing with Assembly under Linux if you'd like to learn programming for that OS!

Masm32 - A complete package for programming Windows™ using its API code and Assembly language. This tag_hash_124____ Microsoft's Assembler program MASM (included), tag_hash_125___ gets its usefulness from a number of macros, include and library files and examples which a team of people have worked on. This is not for beginners as Hutch says, but there is a forum for intermediate users to get help and discuss what they're working on.

Each assembly language file is assembled into an object fileand the object files are linked with other object files to forman executable. A "static library" is really nothing more thana collection of (probably related) object files. Applicationprogrammers generally make use of libraries for things likeI/O and math.

Sometimes you might like to use your favorite C libraryfunctions in your assembly code. This should be trivial becausethe C library functions are all stored in a C library, such aslibc.a. Technically the code is probably in a dynamiclibrary, like, and libc.a just hascalls into the dynamic library. Still, all we have todo is place calls to C functions in our assembly language program,and link with the static C library and we are set.

For the MASM version of this program, you can go purchase CRuntime Libraries from Microsoft as well.There are many versions of the library, but for singlethreaded programs, libc.lib is fine. Hereis the powers program in MASM:

A DOS program is a collection of segments. When the programis loaded, DS:0 and ES:0 points to a 256-byte section of memorycalled the program segment prefix and this is immediately followedby the segments of the program. CS:0 will point to the code segmentand SS:0 to the stack segment. SP will be loaded with the size ofthe stack specified by the programmer, which is perfect becauseon the x86 a PUSH instruction decrements the stack pointer andthen moves the pushed value into the memory addressed by SS:SP.The length of the command line argument string is placed in thebyte at offset 80h of the prefix and the actual argument stringbegins at offset 81h.

ml /coff /c /Cp msgbox.asm

link /subsystem:windows /out:msgbox.exe kernel32.lib user32.lib msgbox.obj

ml is the name of the MASM assembler. Running it will create the msgbox.obj file.

/coff instructs MASM to create an object file in COFF format, compatible with recent Microsoft C compilers, so you can combine assembly and C objects into a single program.

/c tells MASM to perform only the assembly step, stopping after creation of the .obj file, rather than also attempting to do linking.

/Cp tells MASM to preserve the capitalization case of all identifiers.

In the preceding example, I had to do manual name mangling of Win32 function names, and push the arguments onto the stack one at a time. This can be avoided by using the MASM directives PROTO and INVOKE. Much like a function prototype in C, PROTO tells MASM what calling convention a function uses, and the number and types of the arguments it expects. The function can then be called in a single line using INVOKE, which will verify that the arguments are correct, perform any necessary name mangling, and generate push instructions to place the arguments on the stack in the proper order. Using these directives, the lines related to MessageBoxA in the example program could be condensed like this:

Dear Sir,

I have downloaded MASM32 and installed it on my notebook which runs on windows vista 32bit.

I opened a source file(hello world) in the editor.

 So far I have not been able to find any commands that when I type in the editor that the programme will run and show the output file .

I will be greatful if you let me know what commands I have to typed, to get the desired output on the screen?

Kind regards


In the PrintMess procedure, I'm using print to show a message in the screen, that 10 after will move the cursor to a new line for the inkey function. Now let's go to the program that will use this DLL.

First of all, you need to do some things. Define the normal things (.386, .model and the includes), then you will declare some variables (hLib and hProc), the next will be the main program by using the DLL.

Now let's explain the code very quickly. I've declared a variable called lib that will store where the DLL is to open it and another variable called function that will store what procedure the program will execute (remember that you can create many other variables to other procedures), then the program will load the DLL using LoadLibrary that is stored in hLib variable. Next, the GetProcAddress will get the address of the procedure (PrintMess). After this, we need to call the function that is in hProc and to end we need to free the DLL using the FreeLibrary function.

Essentially, I want to try making some Artificial Intelligence programs, and perhaps even some retro-style 2D games on weekends. I probably won't get too far with those rather grand sounding projects, but it would certainly be fun to try! And I'm sure I'll be able to make some interesting use of Assembly Language along with my C++ code on these projects.

In addition to learning Assembly Language, I'm not yet fully decided upon C, or C++. I love the simplicity of C, compared to C++, but a lot of game and AI programming samples are in C++, so I think it's better I bite the bullet and just go ahead and learn the more complex C++?

See my post in Alt.lang.asm. I'll just copy and paste the majority of it 

here:Exact copy and paste from my post in A.L.asm////////////////////

HLA -- Good high level "training" language. It is a good way to learn 

assembly step by step, rather than diving in directly into assembly. It 

comes with a library (as you know) and is easily used. One of the 4 

cross-platform assemblers. RadASM works with this. The only books on 

this that i know of are written by Randall Hyde. He hangs around here, 

so he can tell you more about this.Masm32 -- This assembler offers a lower-level view of assembly than HLA. 

It doesn't provide as much for you as HLA does, but it still gives you 

the win32 api headers preinstalled and ready to go. This is not 

cross-platform at all, and will only work on a windows machine. RadASM 

works with this. Hutch owns this freeware assembler, and he hangs around 

here too. Masm has the most books on assembler, but the vast majority 

are obsolete, and is easily translated to Nasm or Fasm.RosAsm -- A still, lower level assembler. Betov probably already told 

you about this, I see it as a cool tool to write assembly with. It comes 

with a strange syntax, and is not cross platform at all (windows only) 

It does come with lots of interactive stuff that looks cool, i haven't 

worked with this much myself. Some people here claim it crashes often, 

I'll leave it up to you to read up on this newsgroup's flamewars about 

this assembler. Betov is the author of this. RosAsm is written in 

RosAsm, so if you need to see sample code, look at RosAsm's source.Nasm -- A cross platform assembler that is popular among linux users. 

This is very similar to Fasm, except that it is a bit slower. Doesn't 

matter though, all assemblers (except HLA) are extreemly fast, and HLA 

is still faster than most C compilers i worked with. It comes with a 

C-like macro language, and comes with loads of documentation. There are 

more up-to-date books on Nasm, and Nasm works on all platforms, 

including Mac OSX. Why you want to run x86 assembly on a powerPC, i 

don't know, but you could if you wanted to.Fasm -- Another cross platform assembler that looks alot like nasm, ALOT 

like nasm. This assembler focuses more on Windows than other platforms, 

but this still runs on many x86 platforms, including MenuetOS, Linux, 

BeOS, and Windows. (much less than Nasm and Gas however) The macro 

language of Fasm is different, and in some ways is better than Nasm, and 

in others worse. If you like Nasm, give Fasm a shot, you may like it 

better. One of the fastest assemblers, compiles loads in less than a 

second. It is written in Fasm assembly, so if you need to see a sample 

source code, then just look at Fasm.Gas -- The most cross-platform assembler there is. It is gnu's official 

assembler, and but it has a VERY strange syntax. I haven't used it much, 

but it appears to use the C preprocessor, so #define and #include work 

the exact same as in C or C++. GCC also produces gas code, so if you 

ever wanted to see your C code in Gas, just type in gcc -S myfile.c and 

you will see the assembly output.A86 -- The first not-free assembler i have mentioned. There is a 

freeware version, but it doesn't support any of the 32-bit instructions 

that started in the early 90s. (eax doesn't work) I haven't bought it, 

or used the full version, but from the free version, I say it sucks. 

However, it looks alot like Fasm and Nasm, aside from the macros.///////////////////Percival be457b7860

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