What You Can AND Can't Do With Advertising Vape?

According to a report by Research & Markets, the vape ads and e-cigarette industry would reach $43 billion by 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of 15%. (CAGR).

The negative effects of tobacco and cigarette smoking have fueled the growth of the vape business. Every year, 7 million people die as a result of tobacco and cigarette use, and vaping is an effective way for smokers to quit.

Because vape goods contain little or no tobacco, they are universally accepted, creating a huge commercial opportunity all over the world.

However, there are various stumbling barriers in the process of opening an online vape shop, the most significant of which is marketing!


If you can't promote something, how can you sell it?

Yes, the FDA has tight guidelines on how to open and sell a vape business. To open an online vape business, you must first obtain FDA approval and meticulously follow each process.

This article is solely for marketers and store owners who are looking to promote their online vape shop. With some real-life examples, we'll go through what you can and can't do when it comes to promoting your vape items.

Let's start with the methods that you can't use for vape products, but that are normally available to other firms.

What You Can't Do To Promote Your Vape Shop Online?

If you already manage an online vape business, you're surely aware that vape ads or advertising tobacco items on Google Shopping Ads is strictly prohibited. Other social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, have severe policies prohibiting it as well.

E-cigarettes and vape items have been denied access to a major source of traffic. When it comes to promoting tobacco products, the FDA is highly strict, and unfortunately, e-cigarettes are currently following suit.

But there's a lot a marketer can do to get the word out about new vape products, and that's what our next section is all about.


Sure, there are a few stumbling barriers in the way of online vape store marketing or vape ads at large. However, it has a large and empowering community all around the world.

As the owner or marketer of an online vape shop, you must reach out to all of the locations where the community gathers.

This area has a lot of promise on social media, especially Instagram, and there are absolutely no limits to how creatively you may market your platform.

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