Lab Grown Diamond Engagement Rings

5 Reasons to Choose Lab Grown Diamonds for A Dazzling Engagement Ring

Nature has a minimal stock of natural diamonds, whereas the demand has no signs of going down. The phenomenon naturally makes the diamonds expensive. Also, the extraction process is causing so much stress on the environment. This is one of the reasons to go for synthetic diamond rings, but the character of such manmade diamonds makes them more popular.

Specific points about lab-grown diamond engagement rings prove that these diamonds are no less than natural. Also, it can be purchased in more carats than natural diamonds with similar price tags.

1. Less Expensive:

This is one of the essential points taken in the case of manmade diamonds. As these diamonds are created artificially with similar climate room, the price of the stone goes down. Due to this point, a person can go for a larger diamond with desired cuts and color at fewer prices. This makes the ring larger and more dazzling.

2. As Real as A Natural Diamond:

The only difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds is the surroundings. These diamonds are the same in all three aspects: chemical composition, physical attributes, and visual effects. This is the fact that makes the lab created diamond rings indifferent to the natural ones.

3. Environment-Friendly Option:

Manmade diamonds are the most nature-friendly option because they do not create any stress on the earth. No extraction is involved as these diamonds are made in controlled surroundings. This doesn’t only save time but also lets the natural procedure take its own time.

4. Unique Yet Stylish:

Manmade diamond rings are always seen as unique as natural diamonds. Artificial diamonds can be cut into most stylist shapes and have distinct clarity with no flaws. The structure of the gem is unique with better shine. These stones also offer various colors to choose from, which doesn’t affect the shine of the diamond.

5. Origin Certificates:

Natural diamonds undergo a lot of handling, making them unsure of their origin. Compared to natural diamonds, the lab made diamond rings easily come with a genuine origin certificate. This process is done in one place, making it easy to print the lab's name on the certificate.

Concluding Note

Manmade diamonds were not readily accepted initially, but as they proved their worth, it became easy to prefer them over the other options. The genuine origin and same characteristics as natural diamonds made the Vanscoy Diamonds very popular.

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