Vanni Lughi
PhD Materials - University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Associate Professor of Materials* at DIA - Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, Italy
(* holds the national academic qualification - "abilitazione" - as full professor)
Vanni Lughi's Institutional Webpage at DIA
naME Lab - nanoMaterials & Energy
vlughi at
(+39) 040 558 3769
Room 48 (228), Building B, University of Trieste (main campus of Piazzale Europa)
The idea inspiring my research goals is to utilize my background in materials science and engineering and in nanotechnology to help developing systems that promote a more efficient use of the Earth's resources.
My current research activity focuses on nanostructured materials for energy-related applications such as for photovoltaic cells, and on systemic and interdisciplinary aspects renewable energy sources.
Deputy Director for Community Affairs and Business Relations, Department of Engineering and Architecture
Faculty Member, Graduate School of Nanotechnology -
Director, School on Energy "Giacomo Ciamician" –
Member, Technical and Scientific Committee of LAMA FVG – Laboratory for Advanced Mechatronics
Member, Scientific Committee of the Collegio Universitario di Merito “Luciano Fonda" –