I've been playing draft since patch, and I really like the new changes! Except for the extremely short 25 second timer. I get the idea that they want Draft games to be shorter, but 25 seconds is never enough to pull off most of the combos you want, making picking packages like Bounty, pulling cards, and orders really unfavorable when choosing your cards.

In order to properly upload shorts with copyrighted music, you MUST use their ridiculous in-app creator. (It really sucks.) If you aren't ready to post what you've worked on so far, you can "save as draft."

Download Youtube Short Draft

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The Planning and Building Department has prepared hosted four public meetings on zoom and throughout the County to present an initial draft of the Short-term Rental Ordinance and listen to community feedback (recording available below). At the meetings many members of the public have identified concerns and shared ideas that are critical in our shared effort to craft regulations that fit the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County. Public engagement in the process will continue according to the schedule identified below.

Short-term Rentals provide revenues for community members and support tourism; they also impact the availability and price of long-term housing and can significantly impact the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Through the public process the Planning and Building Department aims to provide the Board of Supervisors with draft regulations that balance the benefits and impacts of this land use.

The draft ordinance includes amendments to Chapter 2 of the Zoning Ordinance which governs Administration, Procedures, Amendments and Enforcement. The proposed amendments would create an Administrative Permit for use in limited circumstances, and would define a standards for permit suspension. The draft ordinance also includes edits throughout the zoning code, removing the existing provisions for Bed and Breakfast as well as the Vacation Rental (V) Combining Zone.

Creating a Short with YouTube's short-form video creation tools allows you to record one or more clips that add up to 60 seconds. While recording, use the progress bar at the top of your screen to see how many segments you've recorded and the length of each.

There's no limit to the number of drafts that you can keep at one time. Note that drafts are saved to your device and not to your YouTube channel. If you delete the YouTube app or replace your device, you'll lose your drafts.

The government published a Call for Evidence on the Short Selling Regime in December 2022. In its July 2023 response to the submissions received, the government discussed its plans to revise the UK rules on short selling. A parallel consultation process was also initiated by the government concerning short sales of sovereign debt and credit default swaps (CDS).

In November 2023, the government published the Draft SSR and its related policy notes, providing additional detail on its approach to various topics raised in the consultation process. The government also published its response to the consultation on the short selling of sovereign debt and CDS.

HM Treasury is in the process of considering technical comments on the Draft SSR. The government intends to legislate on the matter in 2024. The Draft SSR is expected to come into force at or around the same time as new FCA rules on short selling, the repeal of the UK SRR, and related legislation.

Now she writes daily to her husband. She tells how she went for a walk and ended thigh-deep in mud, how the draft comes in around the window, how extravagantly she has spent on new gloves, how she misses Paris.

Is it possible to have an action executed automatically upon draft creation? For example, if I dictated a draft with Siri on my watch, could I have a specific action take place on the draft immediately without getting out my phone and choosing it manually?

If you have a Mac, then I think running a scheduled shortcut on there might be more practical, but since Shortcuts does not have a scheduling option on the Mac, you would need to do the scheduling external to Shortcuts.

The draft SEIS released today analyzes alternatives and measures to address potential shortages in the event that such measures are required to protect Glen Canyon and Hoover Dam operations, system integrity, and public health and safety in 2024 through 2026, after which the current operating guidelines expire. It also ensures Reclamation has the tools to protect continued water deliveries and hydropower production for the 40 million Americans who rely on the Colorado River.

The SEIS process was initiated in October 2022. The release of the draft follows months of intensive discussions and collaborative work with the Basin states and water commissioners, the 30 Basin Tribes, water managers, farmers and irrigators, municipalities, and other stakeholders. The draft alternatives in the SEIS incorporate concepts from many models and proposals received during the scoping period, including from all seven Basin states.

The draft SEIS includes proposed alternatives to revise the December 2007 Record of Decision associated with the Colorado River Interim Guidelines. The 2007 Interim Guidelines provide operating criteria for Lake Powell and Lake Mead. These include provisions designed to provide a greater degree of certainty to water users about timing and volumes of potential water delivery reductions for the Lower Basin States, as well as additional operating flexibility to conserve and store water in the system.

The draft SEIS will be available for public comment for 45 calendar days and the final SEIS is anticipated to be available with a Record of Decision in Summer 2023. This document will inform the August 2023 decisions that will affect 2024 operations for Glen Canyon and Hoover Dams.

The draft SEIS analyzes three alternatives, which reflect input from the Basin states, cooperating agencies, Tribes and other interested parties, including comments submitted during the SEIS public scoping period, including two written proposals from the Basin states that informed the following alternatives considered in this draft SEIS:

On Thursday, the Humboldt County Planning Commission voted on elements of the draft short-term rental ordinance, including restricting the number of Airbnbs, Vrbos or other type of short-term rental unit an operator can own.

The dissenters felt differently. Skavdal said he was not in favor of putting any limits on the number of parcels with short-term rental unit permits an owner or operator could have, while Mulder said he was not comfortable with going below five.

Advances in sequencing technology allow genomes to be sequenced at vastly decreased costs. However, the assembled data frequently are highly fragmented with many gaps. We present a practical approach that uses Illumina sequences to improve draft genome assemblies by aligning sequences against contig ends and performing local assemblies to produce gap-spanning contigs. The continuity of a draft genome can thus be substantially improved, often without the need to generate new data.

The complete genome sequence of an organism provides an invaluable resource to the wider research community and is the foundation for comparative and evolutionary genomics studies. With the recent advances in second-generation sequencing technologies (454 pyrosequencing, Illumina, SOLiD, and Helicos), genome projects have seen an explosion of sequence data production at a fraction of the per-base cost. However, this cost reduction is compromised by typically shorter sequence lengths, and unique profiles of sequencing errors compared with conventional capillary reads [1]. This leads to new computational challenges in assembly to address each of these differences as well as subsequent downstream analyses.

Draft genome assemblies vary in their quality [8]. A highly accurate genome sequence reduces the time needed to distinguish results of real biological interest from artifacts due to misassemblies. For the human genome [9], the draft assembly was followed by a labor-intensive finishing phase where the assembled sequences were improved using targeted sequencing to resolve misassembled regions, close sequence gaps, and improve coverage and accuracy in sparsely covered regions of the genome. Misassemblies and gaps usually result from repeats, as well as secondary structures, underrepresented GC-rich regions or regions simply not sequenced due to a low depth sequence coverage [10].

The standard strategy to close gaps usually involves the design of specific oligonucleotide primers to undergo semi-automated targeted sequencing at contig ends [11, 12]. Reads are extended and manually aligned to close gaps and resolve questionable regions. Although contiguation is improved in this way, the process is labor intensive and time consuming and, as a result, expensive. The massive increases in data volumes and the small contig sizes associated with second generation sequencing data further increase the time and costs needed to advance a genome from a draft assembly to an improved or finished state [8].

In this study we have developed an approach - called Iterative Mapping and Assembly for Gap Elimination (IMAGE) - to raise the quality of draft assemblies towards finished, but without manual intervention, using local assemblies of reads from gap regions. The approach utilises the large number of sequences that an Illumina Genome Analyzer produces. Reads that correspond to gaps or questionable regions are identified and reassembled locally before being incorporated back into the final assembly. An advantage of a local assembly as opposed to a de novo one is that the number of reads used is only a fraction of total available reads. This reduces the complexity of regions to be assembled as well as the time and computing memory required. We demonstrate each stage of our approach and show the reassembled region can reach up to 10 kb in a simulated dataset. We demonstrate the improvement of this approach in assemblies of any read types in several ongoing genome projects up to 350 Mb. ff782bc1db

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