Vancouver Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Light College Society
Welcome to Vancouver Fo Guang Shan's Buddhist Light College Society's webpage. You'll find the latest information about the classes we offer here as you navigate through the links. We hold a wide range of classes ranging from studying the Buddha's sutras to introducing the Buddha and Bodhisattvas to kids in our Vancouver Three Acts of Goodness Children's School.
課程海報 Posters
課程回顧 Review Video
繳交學費 (不提供退稅單) | Tuition Method (No Receipt)
(1) e-transfer- 請轉帳至: buddhalightcollege@gmail.com
(2) 現金/支票 (Cash/Cheque):加幣支票(Checks are accepted in Canadian dollars only)
郵寄或親至溫哥華佛光山服務台繳交 Please pay at the information desk or Mail your cheque to:
6680-8181 Cambie Rd., Richmond, BC V6X 3X9, Canada
支票抬頭:Buddha's Light College Society
Make a cheque payable to Buddha's Light College Society
電子郵件 Email
Vancouver Buddhist Light College Society
電話 Phone
Vancouver Fo Guang Shan Temple