Download Windows Package Manager


A package manager is a system or set of tools used to automate installing, upgrading, configuring and using software. Most package managers are designed for discovering and installing developer tools.

Ideally, developers use a package manager to specify the prerequisites for the tools they need to develop solutions for a given project. The package manager then follows the declarative instructions to install and configure the tools. The package manager reduces the time spent getting an environment ready, and it helps ensure the same versions of packages are installed on their machine.

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) can use Windows Package Manager as a distribution channel for software packages containing their tools and applications. To submit software packages (containing .msix, .msi, or .exe installers) to Windows Package Manager, we provide the open source _______________________________________________ on GitHub where ISVs can upload package manifests to have their software packages considered for inclusion with Windows Package Manager. Manifests are automatically validated and may also be reviewed manually.

The winget client is the main tool you will use to manage packages on your machine. The image below displays winget executed in Windows Terminal via PowerShell. You can see the list of available commands used to manage packages and work with manifests. You can search for a package (search looks at the name, moniker, and tags) using winget search vscode. Installing something on your machine is as easy as winget install PowerToys. You can check for upgrades to packages with winget upgrade or you can just upgrade everything with winget upgrade --all. Are you setting up a new machine? Be sure to winget export packages.json on your current machine (and copy the file to your new machine) so you can winget import packages.json on the new machine. With winget list you can see everything installed in Add / Remove Programs, and you can winget uninstall to remove it from your system. You can learn more about the commands and syntax from our documentation.

Today we are releasing another open-source tool to help with submitting packages to the Microsoft community repository. Open your favorite command-line interface and execute winget install wingetcreate to install the Windows Package Manager Manifest Creator. Once the tool has been installed, execute wingetcreate new provide the URL to the installer. Then the tool will download the installer, parse it to determine any of the manifest values available in the installer, and guide you through the process to generate a valid manifest. If you provide your GitHub credentials when prompted, it will even fork the repository, create a new branch, submit a pull request, and provide you the URL to track its progress. The image below displays wingetcreate executed in Windows Terminal via PowerShell.

Where neither have 1_________________. But when searching for packages using 2_____________, both do have packages, of same version. Can I associate these already existing packages to 3______? Or should I reinstall them, one by one?

You say Windows 10; that implies this is for 4____ developers and non-developers. I have no idea what a Windows 10 package is. The only packages I know of that 5_____ in the computer are NuGet packages for Visual Studio but you say Windows 10 so I am confused. Maybe this is for packages like NuGet; if so then how is this relevant to NuGet; does this replace NuGet or what? I am confused.

Basically this MS version of chocolatey package manager. Tt allows you to install the application from various source from a single location. So rather than go to every website and get the installer to be it .exe or .msi you can use a Powershell script and install 20 application at once. It allow trusted and verified applications to be installed. Linux has enjoyed this for years however MS have now got in on the act and this is much appreciated.

Work as indented much appreciated. Going to test this as a PS script via group policy, etc so much appreciated. Much love for this and I hope this is available via windows admin centre as an extension to deploy packages

Just about every developer has wanted a native package manager in Windows. That day is finally here. You are going to be able to 6______________ your way to bliss. One of the best parts is that it is open source. I had to pinch myself when I was able to 7_______________________, and then 8_________________________, and then 9________________________. You get the idea, and If you do not see an app you use, just create a new manifest, and submit a pull request.

We have provided three different ways for you to get your hands on the Windows Package Manager. If you are a Windows Insider, you may already have it. First, you can head over to the open source GitHub repository for the client. Second, you can join any of the Windows Insider rings. Third, you can join the Windows Package Manager Insider program by providing your Microsoft Account (MSA) to Windows Package Manager Insider Program and request to be included in the preview. Either of the Insider programs will ensure you automatically receive updates as we progress from preview to general availability. After you have joined either Insider program, head over to the Microsoft Store and get the App Installer. The Windows Package manager will be available after you get the update.

We looked at several other package managers. There were several reasons leading us to create a new solution. One critical concern we had was how to build a repository of trusted applications. We are automatically checking each manifest. We leverage SmartScreen, static analysis, SHA256 hash validation and a few other processes to reduce the likelihood of malicious software making its way into the repository and onto your machine. Another key challenge was all the changes required to be able to deliver the client program as a native Windows application.

We have already talked with a few of the well-known package manager teams. Chocolatey has a vibrant community with a massive collection of applications, and a rich history supporting both open source and enterprise customers. Scoop provides a convenient way to allow software to be installed without the UAC popups. Ninite keeps an eye on updates for all the apps it installed. There are many others like AppGet, Npackd and the PowerShell based OneGet package manager-manager.

Reasons listed are either already solved problems (just host your own MS packages in your repo and allow the user to add trusted repositories on their own, no need to scan everything like a gatekeeper), or issues with the underlying OS that would be a much much smarter focus (get the msix standard in a place where it can be an common interface for installs and support everything from random package managers to the Microsoft store). Instead they are just starting from scratch. This looks like its years away from being a package manager I could rely on.

The 10_______________________ (also known as 11______) is a free and open-source package manager designed by Microsoft for Windows 10 and Windows 11. It consists of a command-line utility and a set of services for installing applications.[3][4] Independent software vendors can use it as a distribution channel for their software packages.

I found a bunch of articles about using WPM with Intune (and even that required quite a bit of steps), but not much about SCCM. Has anything changed? Is it possible to easily include winget packages in SCCM now? I'd love to be able to just drop somet apps in and stop worrying about having to update them.

Due to the nature of my work I have to use different operating systems on a daily basis. I use my mac at home, Ubuntu at lab and Windows in my office for CAD. I'm not against Windows and I think there are lots of good features making it a good OS. Except there are no good package managers. See, on my mac, I use HomeBrew for almost all of the libraries, packages, and software. Same on Ubuntu with apt-get. But for the love of FSM I can't find a good package manager for Windows. There are a dozen of them out there:

Chocolatey is probably the most famous one, Scoop tries to be a replica of Homebrew for Windows, and if I'm not mistaken OneGet was adopted by MS to become NuGet for .NET package management. I would appreciate if you could share your experience with any of these. What are the advantages and weaknesses of each? Or if there are any other options out there to consider? Thanks in advance.

If you've followed me for a while you'll know that I am fan of Chocolatey, I use it to help install packages in bulk or keep them update to without much faff. Whenever I share my love for Chocolatey people ALWAYS ask why I don't use Windows Package Manager. I recently installed Windows Package Manager and I want to have a look at if it can replace my Chocolatey script I have for when I rebuild my laptop.

I love my Chocolatey script as it can help me get my laptop back up to speed after a rebuild. It helps me install a bunch of packages, Git, Azure Storage Explorer, AzCopy, Visual Studio Code, Putty, Spotify, Microsoft Windows Terminal, Jabra Direct, VLC, Audacity, PowerToys and WhatsApp.

To be honest, I'm torn. It looks like Windows Package Manager can the things I like about Chocolately. So I'm torn, I think they are both great at helping to install packages quickly and easily as well as keeping them up to date. Be sure to stay tuned for more blogs on Windows Package Manager as I explore it more! ?

The first package manager worth mentioning is the package manager you have installed right now, which is Winget. It ships with Windows 11 and was added to Windows 10 via an update. You can test it out by typing winget at the command line:

Package managers like Chocolatey require administrator privileges to install an app somewhere like Program Files, whereas Scoop takes a more restricted approach to permissions for the apps you install. 5376163bf9

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