2.1 This policy applies to all institutions that are subject to Parts IV (Communications with and Services to the Public), V (Language of Work), VI (Participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians) and section 91 (Staffing) of the Official Languages Act (OLA), with the exception of the Senate, the Houseof Commons, the Library of Parliament, the office of the Senate Ethics Officer, and the office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner. In places, this Policy also refers to Part VII (Advancement of English and French) of the OLA, given the close links between official languages obligations for institutions that are found in Parts IV,V, VI and VII. Requirements under this policy apply, however, only to institutions subject to Parts IV, V and VI and section 91 of the OLA.

3.2 The OLA reaffirms the equality of status of English and French as the official languages of Canada and establishes equal rights and privileges as to their use in institutions. The OLA sets out the obligations of institutions with regard to official languages. The Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations (the Regulations) define the scope of certain provisions of the OLA with respect to communications with and services to the public.

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3.3 The OLA defines the responsibilities and duties of the Treasury Board in the area of official languages. They include providing the general direction and coordination for the policies and programs of the Government of Canada of the parts of the OLA relating to the implementation of communications withand services to the public, language of work and the equitable participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians in institutions.

3.4 The OLA also defines the responsibilities and duties of the Minister of Canadian Heritage in the area of official languages. This role relates to the obligation of institutions to adopt positive measures in order to support the development of English and French linguistic minority communities and advance the equality of status and use of the English and French languages within Canadian society.

3.7 Treasury Board Secretariat and Canadian Heritage exercise coherent, government-wide leadership in official languages and collaborate to allow for better reporting and communication of results to Canadians. The Accountability and Coordination Framework for Official Languages (2003) defines theresponsibilities for horizontal coordination and inter-departmental cooperation. The framework also sets out approaches for implementation across institutions.

5.2.2 Employees can use the official language of their choice and work in an environment that is conducive to the use of both official languages pursuant to the conditions set out in the OLA and Treasury Board policy instruments.

Deputy heads ensure that the language obligations of offices of their institutions are determined according to the OLA and the Regulations. Bilingual offices communicate with and provide services to members of the public in the official language chosen by the member of the public. In addition, deputy heads ensure that:

Given that in bilingual regions both official languages are the languages of work while in unilingual regions the language of work is generally the one that predominates in the province or territory, deputy heads ensure that, in bilingual regions:

8.1 OCHRO-TBS through the Official Languages Centre of Excellence plays an enabling role among institutions in the implementation of their official languages programs and assists them with regard to broadly based questions in the interpretation of this policy.

Clearly indicate visually and verbally that members of the public can communicate with and obtain services from a designated office in either English or French. Mechanisms are in place to ensure that services are available in the official language chosen. The availability of communications and services in both official languages can be promoted in a number of ways:

In bilingual regions, personal and central services are offered to all employees in the official language of their choice. These services are those that affect the employee on a personal level (their health and well-being, personal development, their career) or that are essential for the employee to perform their duties. Some examples:

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The Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625 addresses official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products (Official Controls Regulation - OCR).

The new rules replace Regulation (EU) No 882/2004 on official controls and other legislation which previously governed the control and enforcement of rules along the agri-food chain. The effects of the OCR are:

The scope of the new Regulation has been extended to cover official controls to verify compliance with food and feed law, animal health and welfare, plant health and animal-by products rules.

The extension of the scope to also cover plant health and animal by-products introduces a more harmonised and coherent approach to official controls and relevant enforcement actions along the entire agri-food chain. Businesses and enforcements authorities alike benefit from a simplified framework which integrates official controls rules into a single Regulation.

As per previous official control regime (i.e. Regulation (EU) No 882/2004), the new Regulation will not cover the verification of compliance with the rules on the common market organisation of agricultural products for which established control systems are in place. The new Regulation however applies to those checks carried out under marketing standards rules (i.e. Article 89 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013) with the aim to identify possible instances of fraudulent or deceptive practices involving marketing standards of agricultural products.

The Regulation, unless otherwise provided, clarifies that it also applies to other official activities. Those are the activities other than official controls which, for example, aim to verify the presence of animal diseases or plant pests, or prevent or eradicate those diseases or pests.

The new Regulation clarifies that Competent Authorities have the power to carry out official controls on all operators at all stages of production, processing, distribution and use of animals, goods, substances, materials or objects that are governed by agri-food chain rules. In order to maximise the efficiency of controls, the Regulation requires Competent Authorities to set up and keep an up-to-date register of operators subject to official controls.

New provisions enhance transparency of official controls and increase Competent Authorities' accountability to consumers and operators by enabling them to obtain information, about the way agri-food chain rules are applied and enforced. For example:

Under the new Regulation the rules on delegation of official control tasks remain broadly the same. However, it is specified that delegation can be made to delegated bodies or a natural person. New provisions also regulate the delegation of specific tasks as regards other official activities.

Operators, during official controls, are required to assist and cooperate with the staff of the Competent Authority. More specifically, to the extent necessary to perform official controls, operators must give access to Competent Authority staff to their:

The Regulation sets out rules for the designation of the laboratories carrying out analysis, tests or diagnoses for official controls and the conditions to be designated. Accreditation to EN ISO/IEC 17025 remains a mandatory condition for the designation of all official control laboratories.

Permanent derogation from mandatory accreditation of official control laboratories may be introduced by Competent Authorities for laboratories having a limited scope of activities (e.g. Trichinella in meat).

The new Regulation clarifies that rules on methods of sampling, analysis, tests and diagnosis apply to official controls as well as to other official activities in all the sectors covered by the Regulation. The cascade of methods used for sampling, analysis, tests and diagnosis is clarified and it appears as following:

A single standard document, the Common Health Entry Document (CHED), must be used by operators for the prior notification of consignments. It is transmitted to the border control post through a new integrated computerised system for official controls (Integrated Management System for Official Controls, IMSOC).

The new Regulation introduces a set of general rules in order to create a uniform and harmonised framework for official certification across Member States in all areas, covered by the scope of the regulation. These rules also apply to certification for exports to Third Countries.

Requirements to issue official certificates include that Competent Authorities issue official certificates and designate the certifying officers who must be impartial, free from conflict of interest and properly trained.

Official certificates must be authentic, accurate and cannot be signed when blank or incomplete. Certificates can only confirm the results of official controls and must enable the identification of the person who signed them.

The Commission is empowered to adopt a number of measures where there is evidence that the system of controls in a Member State faces serious disruption to the point that it constitutes a widespread risk to the agri-food chain, and the Member State has not addressed the shortcomings within a time limit set by the Commission. These would include for example the prohibition to place on the market animals or goods affected by the disruption, their transport, and the suspension of official controls at the border control post where the serious disruption takes place. 589ccfa754

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