Dues, Books, Uniforms

Dues - What are they used for?

Dues help us pay for the awards the kids receive each week for sections passed as well as book and attendance awards at the end of the year. Dues also help pay for items purchased for Store Night where kids can spend their hard-earned Awana Bucks quarterly. Dues are for the whole year.

1st Child $15.00

2nd Child $10.00

3rd Child $ 5.00

4th Child+ Free

Books (all ages)

You only need to pay for a book when your child first starts Awana or if he/she finishes a book.


Uniforms - Why does my child need a uniform?

Uniforms allow your children to feel like they belong to something special outside of the family. Uniforms are also used for awards that track their progress toward finishing their handbooks.

Trek $ 6.00

T&T $17.00

Sparks $12.00

Cubbies $12.00

Used uniforms (when available) $6.00


Please indicate on your registration if you need help with these costs. It is our goal to have every child's dues, book and uniform fully paid this year. We are happy to make payment arrangements to fit your budget or find scholarship money to help.

We are not able to take online payments from this site at this time. We can send a request from PayPal if you prefer to pay that way.