Valar Steps Privacy Policy

The privacy policy and terms of use stated here; It is valid for all mobile applications of Valar Steps on Google Play Store and IOS App Store. By installing these applications on your mobile device, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use contained in this text. If you do not accept these terms, do not install these applications on your mobile device.

In our applications, the data entered is stored on encrypted servers in a way that only you can see and is not shared with third parties or institutions.

Internet Usage Permissions is the permission required to send Data from our Application to Encrypted servers and users need to define it. These permissions are not used to transfer any information from your phone against your will. The given internet access permission is only used for data and photo transfer of the forms you fill in the application.

Location Usage: The location usage in our Mobile Applications is used only for the instant location information you want to send from within the application. It is not used without user knowledge.

Photos uploaded and taken in the mobile application are stored in an encrypted environment belonging to the user and are only accessible to him and the institution he is affiliated with. Photos are not shared with third parties or institutions without user information. It is stored and accessible only to itself and the institution to which it is affiliated. Photos are not shared with third parties or institutions without user information.

Our applications do not collect or reproduce any personal information about you and do not make any requests from you in this direction.

Valar Steps will always show due care and sensitivity to publish quality and useful applications. Despite this, we make no commitment that the content in our applications will meet your expectations, be useful to you, or contain absolutely accurate information. We present the applications as they are. For this reason, you agree that you cannot hold ValarSteps responsible for any negative situation that may arise from our applications.

Our apps are only available at is available on Google Play Store and IOS App Store. Valar Steps cannot be held responsible for the downloads to be made from here, if our application is located in another android or IOS store or other than our official website without our knowledge.

This application may contain advertisements and links from third parties. You agree that you cannot hold ValarSteps responsible for the quality, content, security or any damages that may arise from these third party advertisements and links. You can learn how to edit your settings for ads published by Google from the ad settings page.

Valar Steps owns all copyrights for all content consisting of audio, written and visual elements and software in these applications. any of our apps or their copyrighted content; copying, duplication, republishing, disassembly, re-publication, etc. You agree that you will not take any action.

You can send your comments and suggestions about the conditions stated here, to e-mail address.

Valar Steps may change this Privacy Policy, the text of the Terms of Use and the distribution of rewards in its applications. Changes made will take effect immediately.