I am trying to setup vagrant on my windows OS. I have watched some tutorial about that. 

According to those tutorial, I should be able to map some folder from windows to the vagrant machine . I have configured homestead.yaml file with below info :

In addition to the excellent answer given by Adam, Vagrant ties everything all together. Although Chef and Puppet (and Salt and shell scripts and whatever other provisioner you want to use) are separate things, Vagrant ties it all together and makes it work with just a vagrant up.

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You don't have to think about all that. Let's say you're switching to a different project, one started by a coworker. You just checkout the code from your repo, and run vagrant up, not worrying about downloading ISOs or installing anything, or wondering which version of which distro you need to use for that particular client, or whether you have a copy of a VM that's already got everything you need.

Ability to integrate chef or puppet in with VM provisioning is key. Most Vagrant users will tell you they run 'vagrant provision' and occassionally 'vagrant reload' much more often than 'vagrant up' or 'vagrant destroy'. These tasks indicate the real work is not in spinning up/down VMs but 'managing' them after the fact.

Aside from the fact knife does not yet have a plugin for virtualbox (though I envision one in the not too distant future), there are already plugins for most 'enterprise' virtualization products, including vmware, xenserver and just about every major 'cloud' provider, as well. This means knife is far superior to what Vagrant offers if/when you are ready to move beyond virtualbox. For now, Chef community seems happy to let virtualbox users limp along with Vagrant by not integrating virtualbox apis for a knife plugin. There is a knife-vagrant plugin that does allow for use of data bags to pass arguments. But, it still requires vagrant software and it's monolithic Vagrantfile to function.

The Vagrant 2.3 release will include the initial alpha version of the Go-based Vagrant implementation. It will be shipped in the Vagrant installer packages and made available as an optional executable. You will be able to choose to use the new implementation, but you may experience some instability. Throughout the Vagrant 2.3 release cycle, we will work to stabilize the Go-based Vagrant implementation and begin to port built-in plugins. The vagrant command will continue to run the traditional Ruby-based Vagrant implementation.

Some of the vagrant birds found in Michigan that were discussed in the December 2021 Birds and Coffee Chat are the Roseate spoonbill (Spanish name: Esptula rosada), Little blue heron (Spanish name: Garceta azul), Cattle egret (Spanish name: Garcilla bueyera), Ash throated flycatcher (Spanish name: Copetn cenizo), and Royal tern (Spanish name: Charrn real americano). I invite you to check out eBird and explore common Michigan birds as well as vagrants. My personal favorite is the Roseate spoonbill, other than looking like a beautiful dinosaur, they have vibrant red and pink feathers, kind of like a flamingo. And like flamingos, they get their color from little organisms they eat found in shallow waters that contain carotenoids, a pigment also present in food humans eat like carrots and pumpkins.

But what is so exciting about vagrant birds? Well, for me, the excitement can feel like seeing a brown bear in Michigan. It is always fun to see new species! Have you ever seen a vagrant bird? Would you like to learn more? Consider being part of the online Out of Bounds Birds: Migration and Vagrancy program that starts on January 25th. Please share with us and visit the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary! Who knows what the next vagrant bird will be!

Can someone update the vagrant VM listed in the guide above? I install the latest version of visual box and the tools. I get an error that it has a different version of the tools than the host and fails to finish. I can still ssh and update the box but, as a new person exposed to this steps this can be confusing.

The git clone never shows up in /vagrant and I had to do another git clone inside the VM to be able to follow the steps and chown /vagrant to the vagrant user as its owned by root. After that the rest of the steps work

If you are using the WSL Linux-compatible shell on Windows: run commands with vagrant.exe instead of vagrant. Run vagrant.exe config --required instead of ./setup.bat, which does not work in the Linux bash shell.

You might want to compare the output of the initial run of vagrant up in your terminal with this sample. The initial setup may take a long time; if it seems to hang somewhere but there are no errors, just give it a while.

vagrant ssh starts an interactive login shell on the virtual machine. It'll log you in as the user vagrant; root access is available to via sudo, which is passwordless. Because the virtual machine is entirely sandboxed within your computer, it is configured for convenience, not security. As a rule, whenever you encounter a password prompt, the password is vagrant.

The /vagrant folder corresponds to the MediaWiki-Vagrant folder on your host machine, and its contents is shared. MediaWiki's code is installed in /vagrant/mediawiki. This allows you to use your normal editor environment on your host machine to edit the MediaWiki code that runs on your virtual machine.

Log out of your virtual machine by typing logout or by pressing Ctrl+D.Now that you're back in a standard command prompt, you can run vagrant halt to shut down the virtual machine and vagrant up to bring it back up.vagrant destroy will delete the virtual machine's files; this command is useful if you want to return your instance to a pristine state.(You'll need to follow up with vagrant up to provision a fresh instance.)

$ vagrant roles list# Display a list of available roles. $ vagrant roles enable role# Turn on role for this machine. $ vagrant roles disable role# Turn off role for this machine. $ vagrant provision# After you are done enabling and/or disabling roles, run this to make the change take effect.

MediaWiki out-of-the-box will likely run slow (page loads take 5+ seconds).This is because the virtual machine uses a shared file system that retrieves the files very slowly.Enabling NFS on Windows by installing the Vagrant WinNFSd plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd, enabling NFS shares with vagrant config nfs_shares true, and restarting the machine with vagrant reload should significantly speed up page load times.You should make sure that the plugin is installed every time you run the machine as well.[4]You can further speed it up by enabling nfs_cache, however, be warned that your wiki may run into weird errors because some files may not be updated completely when using the cache.

You can also speed up Mediawiki by using smb_shares.Make sure not to enable it at the same time as nfs_shares.Enable it with vagrant config smb_shares yes and run vagrant reload in an shell run as an administrator.If you don't run it as an administrator, you will be warned with an error when vagrant goes up and when you go to the wiki address, you will see a Wiki not found.When prompted, type in the username of your account (the name of your home user directory) and password (your Microsoft account password if your account is not a local account with a normal password).

Sometimes you may want to start over from scratch by removing the entire vagrant directory or cleaning out the vagrant/mediawiki directory. In order to speed up the vagrant provisioning process, you may want to consider keeping a local, updated clone of the MediaWiki core that you copy into vagrant/mediawiki.

If you change configuration (e.g. vagrant_ram, your VM/MediaWiki website freezes, or you experience a problem, vagrant reload may resolve it.This will restart your guest.Some roles also require reloading, which should happen automatically.

Note that vagrant destroy will not reset the enabled roles. Be sure to disable all roles after running vagrant destroy, then run vagrant up. Then you can re-enable any roles and run vagrant provision.

The MediaWiki logs can be found in /vagrant/logs.There are log files for Apache in /var/log/apache2/, but it seems they are not written to.The MySQL query log can be obtained by issuing SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON'; in a client and then looking at /var/lib/mysql/*.log.

The commissioner had heard screaming, looked outside and saw a father pushing a baby in a stroller accompanied by another toddler moving away from a person the witness described as a vagrant, who was following them with a brick, Krepp said.

Vagrant will download a box automatically and launch it. By default, this vagrant box is configured to use 3GB of memory. We do not recommend going smaller than 2GB of memory for this box because of performance. This box will also forward some ports for your convenience that need to be available on the host system. It forwards port 80 to 8080 for the web server, 9200 to 9292 for Elasticsearch, and 3306 to 3336 for MySQL database on your host system. Forwarding Elasticsearch and MySQL ports is not required for the box to work properly but are available for debugging purposes. You can adjust any of these settings by changing the values in your local Vagrantfile as necessary.


You should never mount . (the current directory) when using Homestead. This causes Vagrant to not map the current folder to /vagrant and will break optional features and cause unexpected results while provisioning.


When using NFS on Windows, you should consider installing the vagrant-winnfsd plug-in. This plug-in will maintain the correct user / group permissions for files and directories within the Homestead virtual machine.

If you change the sites property after provisioning the Homestead virtual machine, you should execute the vagrant reload --provision command in your terminal to update the Nginx configuration on the virtual machine. ff782bc1db

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