
What does it means ?? Before that I need to discuss an important thing.

How many of us like Hitler, Emperor Akbar, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein etc., we might get inspired by them while studying our History books and watching their speech on the YouTube. But the death counts caused by them are countless and meaningless.

Is Humanity is anything like colonizing, demolishing many states and countries? But the people who ruled us thought that HOMICIDE was the only meaning which can fulfill the term HUMANITY and also they taught us to do so.

Try to understand the difference between the term PEACE & WAR. Just think about these people MARTIN LUTHER KING, NELSON MANDELA, MAHATMA GANDHI, MOTHER TERESA. They didn't killed any people for peace and they didn't captured any state or country for peace, but all they did was just kept silent and faced the consequences.

Probably the main problem is us. The caste system!

LOVE - the way we helping others is decreasing day - by - day. The whole humanity lies in the human's loving nature towards people even it may be a human or an animal.

The world is totally divided by many religions. In that religions, there are many subdivisions which consists many castes.

  • There are 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub castes in India, each related to a specific occupation. These formalities are there to help the people each other in order to living together. But, It sucks. For example, In India every day an Adult girl or a boy is being stabbed by his/her own family due to the inter-caste marriages. IS THIS A HUMANITY?
  • And the big problem faced by TN people (farmers) because of the blockage of Kaveri river. IS THIS A HUMANITY?
  • The another problem faced by TN fishermen while crossing the Indian border. IS THIS A HUMANITY?
  • In Brazil, The matador plunges his or her sword between the bull's shoulders, puncturing the animal's heart and killing it. IS THIS A HUMANITY ??
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the acute effects of the atomic bombings killed 90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000–80,000 people in Nagasaki. The war was between the soldiers, but for what the reason these innocent people lost their lives. IS THIS A HUMANITY??

Like this there are many problems are happening to show who is superior.

But when a problem comes, we all stand up for unity. For example,

  • JALLIKATU PROTEST in Tamil Nadu.
  • We all raised our voices when Snapchat CEO said my App is not for a poor country like INDIA.
  • Sterlite protest.
  • Kerala floods, even UAE had donated $100 million towards Kerala flood.
  • And now it's #SAVE_DELTA. Even though there are more contribution of money, dresses and books a huge amount of care, love and humanity is contributed there.

The first two generations went like anything with so many wars and partiality. We youngsters should live without any religion and caste discrimination. So we shall join our hands and strive silently for the better future with a lot of humanity.

The above are the examples to show us that humanity is still exits in our-self.

Help yourself, Help others.

One planet, One people.

The last faith in human history is HUMANITY.

Humanity - the eternal.