String Theory _ The king of theories

Fundamental forces of nature

Sir Issac Newton - Gravitational force

Hans Christian Orsted - Electromagnetic force

Yakawa - Strong Nuclear force

Enrico Fermi - Weak Nuclear force

All these forces works in three space position dimensions and one time dimension. That is the Left & Right, Back & Forth and Up & Down.

Explanation of String Theory

String Theory is nothing but the combination of the four fundamental forces of nature acting in 10 position space dimensions and in one time dimensions.

The above forces has their own speciality. But each one is independent to other. But one scientist came forward to put all the above forces into a theory. " The Unified Theory - The String Theory ".

But, String Theory work only in 10 space position dimensions and one time dimensions.

From those 10 dimensions, we all know only 4 dimensions. But, what about the rest of 6 dimensions. These six dimensions are called Super String Theory (String Theory).

Actually, String Theory is a theoretical framework and it may or may be exists. If you need to understand the entire String Theory in one sentence, let's see this!

If we look deep into an object, there will be a vibrating string which produces different vibrations in many dimensions i.e. Intertwined geometry (many extra dimensions fold in and on themselves). The perfect existing example is Violin. When those strings are pulled for a particular note, it produces a vibrating sequence in many dimensions.

If that sequence is viewed under the microscope in very very tiny micron level then there the String Theory may or may not be exists. But, there isn't any concrete reason or experiment or predictions for string theory. That's why String Theory is still a theoretical framework.

The math of string theory

Because string theory potentially provides a unified description of gravity and particle physics, it is a candidate for a theory of everything, a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of matter. The Laplace equation of a vibrating string clearly explains the string theory up to two dimensions.

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