Human Steps

Human steps

We've developed an artificial womb.

We've defeated Ebola.

We've edited a human Embryo.

We've found a planet suitable for life : Planet, LHS1140b.

We've linked 4 rat's brains together.

We've created an antibiotic against the bacteria that is resistant to most drugs .

We replace the parts of DNA.

We've traveled to Pluto.

Great applause to the creators for these advancements . But, what about the basic needs? There are some countries strives for water.... There are some countries in need of electricity.... Also, there are some countries in need of good sanitation and proper health care. Nowadays, Humanity is just a word. The service towards the humanity results in oneness. Where Humanity replaces by HOPE and DISHEARTENED.

Lots of people | Less humanity

Costly watches | No time

Big houses | Small family

Lots of friends in social media | No best friends

Advanced Medicines | Poor health

High IQ | Less emotions

High Income | Less peace of mind

We've traveled to moon | Neighbors Unknown

More Degree | less Common sense

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