Black Magic | Satanism

Types of Magic

  • White Magic
  • Grey Magic
  • Black Magic

White Magic

White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfless purposes. Practitioners of white magic have been given titles such as; wise men or women, healers, white witches or wizards.

Gray Magic

Gray magic, also called neutral magic, is magic that is not performed for specifically beneficial reasons, but is also not focused towards completely hostile practices. It is seen as falling in a continuum between white and black magic.

Black Magic

Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes.

With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic Left-hand-magic refers to Black Magic and Right-hand-magic refers to White Magic.

Black Magic Vs White Magic

Maleficium: Ill or evil will, in it's mildest application, it seeks the selfish advancement of an individual. In it's most hateful aspect, it is vindictive and destructive.

Beneficium: Pursues the ethics of kindness and goodness. It represents the self effacement of the will of the individual toward acquisition of glory and power.


The Satanist, being the magician, should have the ability to decide what is just, and then apply the powers of magic to attain his goals. Those goals may be good or even bad.

Satanism is not a white light religion, it is a religion of the flesh, the mundane, the carnal - all of which are ruled by Satan, the personification of the Left Hand Path.


Voodoo has been associated with modern "black magic"; drawn together in popular culture and fiction. It is associated with curses, poisons and zombies.

Some of the Magical words

Aerokinesis-- air manipulation

Aeroportation-- teleporting using air or wind currents

Aquatic Respiration-- breathing underwater

Astral Projection-- projecting the consciousness into an astral ("spirit") form outside the body

Atmoskinesis-- controlling the weather

Chlorokinesis-- manipulating and creating plants

Conjuring-- creating things out of thin air

Cryokinesis-- manipulating ice and other forms of frozen water Crystallokinesis-- manipulating crystals

Divination-- telling the future

Electrokinesis-- manipulating electricity

Empath-- empaths are people who feel the emotions of other people. I'm one. Ferrokinesis-- manipulating metal

Florakinesis-- manipulating flowers

Geokinesis-- manipulating the earth and more specifically, rocks.

Granulation-- turning things to sand

Heliokinesis-- controlling sunlight

Hydrokinesis-- controlling water

Hydroportation-- teleport in water

Illusions-- creating an image of something that isn't there

Inflammation-- burn things

Invisibility-- becoming unseen

Levitation-- raising the body or other objects off the ground

Necromancy-- raising the dead

Photokinesis-- manipulating light

Pyromancy/Pyrokinesis-- manipulating fire

Shapeshifting-- changing form

Telekinesis-- manipulating objects using the mind

Telepathy-- reading minds and communicating mentally

Terrakinesis-- manipulating landscapes

Terraportation-- teleporting using the earth

Thermokinesis-- manipulating heat

Theurgy-- practicing magical rituals to invoke or evoke divine spirits (anyone can do that)

Umbrakinesis-- manipulating darkness and shadow

Umbrageous Teleportation-- teleporting using darkness or shadow

Real Incident due to Black Magic



Police raid accused man's house after tip-off from animal welfare board

Find owl carcass in cooler; autopsy shows puncture wounds, brutal killing

The man killed the owl with an intention to perform black magic, say cops

A 40-year-old truck driver from Delhi's Sultanpuri area has been arrested for brutally killing an owl with an intention to perform black magic that he believed would get a woman to be attracted to him, police said on Monday.

The accused, Kanhaya, a married man with three children, claimed he liked a girl and wanted her to be attracted to him. He went on to tell the police that he believed that sacrificing an owl would help him achieve that.

Kanhaya was arrested by the police on November 11 for animal cruelty and murder.

The police raided Kanhaya's house on Sunday after receiving a tip-off from the Animal Welfare Board of India. They found the carcass of an owl in a cooler in his house.

Kanhaya was evasive during his interrogation, a senior police officer said. However, he showed the police a YouTube video which detailed the process of sacrificing an owl. It also listed the 'tantric' rituals that had to be followed while performing the voodoo ritual.

This, Kanhaya said, would allow him to "hypnotise" the woman into being attracted to him.

"He said he liked a girl and he wanted that she should be attracted to him. He said he got an owl to perform the rituals he saw in the video," the senior police officer said, adding that his entire family was aware of his plan.

The post-mortem report of the owl said that the bird "died due to multiple puncture wounds", the police said.

"The report said that the accused had first cut off the claws of the owl with a knife, following which he inserted several needles into its liver and lungs, suggesting that he sued the owl as a voodoo," the police officer added.

"The accused has also been evasive as to how he got the owl. He has been claiming that he found the owl lying injured and brought it home but it has been found that the owl only got injuries that were sustained during the attack by the accused," the officer said.

"We are investigating how the accused managed to get an owl, and at what price and from where he may have procured it," he added.

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