内海 忍  (UTSUMI, Shinobu) 

Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

PhD student, Kyushu University, Japan

About Me

I am a doctoral student at the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan. I am also a research fellow DC1 —section for "Engineering in Social Systems(社会システム工学関連)” at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

[Research Interest]

My interests lie in the field of Sociophysics, and I intend to model and analyse  Human-Environmental-Social systems into one single framework. My current project, for instance, is developing a model of Epidemiology merging Evolutionary Game Theory to incorporate various decision-making processes related to a pandemic (such as vaccination, lockdown, physical distancing, etc.) into the dynamics of disease spreading. In this study, I am taking two approaches: a simulation-based (microscopic) and a quasi-analytical (macroscopic). 

Furthermore, I am interested in the physical features of Complex Networks, the emergence of cooperative behaviour among many species, nanostructure physics, elaborate chairs, lighting, pens, paintings,  BONSAI, motorcycles, cars, et cetera...


Sociophysics・Complexity Science( Epidemiology, Evolutionary Game Theory, Network Science, Multi-Agent Simulations, Genetic Algorithm, Control Theory, Science on Form)



Links: [ORCID], [Google Scholar], [ResearchGate] [BONSAIENCE]





IPA 未踏アドバンスト採択ページ:https://www.ipa.go.jp/jinzai/mitou/advanced/2024/gaiyou-ur-1.html




エンジニアの聖地のMake Faireで盆栽IoTが大ウケでした


Make: Japan 注目展示:https://makezine.jp/blog/2024/04/mfk2024_report01.html


