The Object.freeze() static method freezes an object. Freezing an object prevents extensions and makes existing properties non-writable and non-configurable. A frozen object can no longer be changed: new properties cannot be added, existing properties cannot be removed, their enumerability, configurability, writability, or value cannot be changed, and the object's prototype cannot be re-assigned. freeze() returns the same object that was passed in.

Note that as the standard three properties (buf.byteLength, buf.byteOffset and buf.buffer) are read-only (as are those of an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer), there is no reason for attempting to freeze these properties.

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The result of calling Object.freeze(object) only applies to the immediate properties of object itself and will prevent future property addition, removal or value re-assignment operations only on object. If the value of those properties are objects themselves, those objects are not frozen and may be the target of property addition, removal or value re-assignment operations.

To make an object immutable, recursively freeze each non-primitive property (deep freeze). Use the pattern on a case-by-case basis based on your design when you know the object contains no cycles in the reference graph, otherwise an endless loop will be triggered. An enhancement to deepFreeze() would be to have an internal function that receives a path (e.g. an Array) argument so you can suppress calling deepFreeze() recursively when an object is in the process of being made immutable. You still run a risk of freezing an object that shouldn't be frozen, such as window.

\n Note that as the standard three properties (buf.byteLength,\n buf.byteOffset and buf.buffer) are read-only (as are those of\n an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer), there is no reason for\n attempting to freeze these properties.\n

\n The result of calling Object.freeze(object) only applies to the\n immediate properties of object itself and will prevent future property\n addition, removal or value re-assignment operations only on\n object. If the value of those properties are objects themselves, those\n objects are not frozen and may be the target of property addition, removal or value\n re-assignment operations.\n

\n To make an object immutable, recursively freeze each non-primitive property\n (deep freeze). Use the pattern on a case-by-case basis based on your design when you\n know the object contains no cycles in the reference\n graph, otherwise an endless loop will be triggered. An enhancement to\n deepFreeze() would be to have an internal function that receives a path\n (e.g. an Array) argument so you can suppress calling deepFreeze()\n recursively when an object is in the process of being made immutable. You still run a\n risk of freezing an object that shouldn't be frozen, such as window.\n

We have a Freeze set to maintain the view of a certain columns that are referred to throughout the day. However, the freeze doesn't actually work as expected, as almost every time I go into our sheet the pane has been moved either direction which defeats the purpose of keeping certain columns visible at all times.

@Loann McGee @Shawn_Durfee I'm having the same issue! I've actually watched it change the freeze while I'm in the sheet. We believe it happens when there's more than one user in the sheet but neither user is actually changing the view. I'm going to log a help ticket to see if we can get it resolved. We have to unfreeze and freeze multiple times a day. It's driving us crazy!

This has been driving me crazy for a long time and I would love to have this fixed so that the freeze column doesn't move. I'd also like to be able to lock it down for the sheets I own so that no one else can move it either. It's painful to have to move the frozen column line multiple times a day.

People freeze columns so that they are always in view. When they disappear from view when the freeze point moves on its own, it is not only frustrating, it is really confusing as a sheet user. Freezing columns is a really important basic spreadsheet function. Is this being addressed by Smartsheet at all?

BBC Global News, the commercial, international arm of the BBC, has, like other publishers, weathered sudden double-digit percentage drops in digital ad revenue over the last six months from coronavirus-induced spending freezes.

A security freeze limits access to your Experian credit report without your permission. Freezing your credit can help protect against identity theft and fraud. Having a freeze on your credit report will not affect your credit scores, but it may prevent your credit report from being accessed until you unfreeze your credit report or credit file. Freezing your credit will also prohibit lenders from extending you prequalified offers, such as a mortgage prequalification.

Freezing or unfreezing your credit report online with Experian is done in real time. You can add or remove a freeze and schedule an unfreeze. When unfreezing your credit report, you have two options. You can permanently remove a freeze until you decide to freeze it again. Alternatively, you can schedule a thaw while your credit report is already frozen, where you can specify the start and end date. This makes it convenient when you know you will need to apply for credit, such as when you are in the market to get a new car loan.

Every time you place a freeze, remove a freeze, schedule a thaw or cancel a scheduled unfreeze, you will be alerted of updates so you have the confidence that your Experian credit report is secured. Alerts can be sent via email, as long as you have opted in for this service.

Yes, a security freeze can limit access to your credit, even if it was authorized by you. If you know you are going to apply for new credit, you can plan ahead and unfreeze or schedule an unfreeze, before you apply.

You should request a credit freeze immediately after you've been a victim of identity theft or if you think your personal information has been accessed, perhaps in a data breach. Requesting a credit freeze will be important if your Social Security number may have been accessed.

While a credit freeze might be necessary in some instances, there are times when a fraud alert may be appropriate. A fraud alert lets potential lenders know that your personal information has been compromised and that someone may be trying to apply for credit in your name fraudulently. A fraud alert will not prevent a lender from accessing your credit, but requests the lender to verify your identity before granting you credit. When a fraud alert is requested, the other two credit bureaus (Equifax and TransUnion) are notified and fraud alerts are added to your credit reports with the 3 major credit reporting bureaus. This fraud alert remains on your credit report for one year. An extended fraud alert, which lasts for 7 years, can also be added, where an identity theft report from law enforcement is required.

If you place a security freeze on your Experian credit report, it is not automatically shared with other credit reporting agencies. To freeze your other credit reports, you will need to contact Equifax and TransUnion separately.

A security freeze is one step you can take to help prevent access to your Equifax credit report to open credit accounts, with certain exceptions. Freezes are federally regulated. To freeze your other credit reports, you will need to contact Experian and TransUnion directly.

Before applying for credit, you will need to lift your security freeze so that potential creditors can access your Equifax credit report. At Equifax, you can manage your freeze online with your username and password after creating a myEquifax account.

You can also manage your freeze by phone: call us at (888) 298-0045. You'll be required to give certain information to verify your identity. You'll also have the option to receive a one-time PIN by text message or answer questions based on information in your Equifax credit report for identity verification. Placing, lifting and removing a security freeze is free.

To place a security freeze on the Equifax credit report of an active duty military service member, you will need to submit proof of their identity, along with yours, and proof that you are their authorized representative. Download and follow the instructions on the Military Families Freeze Request form.

To place a security freeze on the Equifax credit report of a minor (under the age of 16), you will need to submit proof of their identity, along with yours, and proof that you are their authorized representative. Download and follow the instructions on the Minor Freeze Request form.

To place a security freeze on the Equifax credit report of an incapacitated adult, you will need to submit proof of their identity, along with yours, and proof that you are their authorized representative. Download and follow the instructions on the Incapacitated Adult Freeze Request form.

Running CVAD 1912 PVS on our VMware 6.5 environment. All of our Citrix servers are running Windows Server 2019 Datacenter. We currently have about 6 VDA servers that users log into for work. Randomly each week, one of those servers will freeze/crash. When I try to access it from the VM console, I can't do anything. Users report that their sessions are frozen as well. The only thing to do is to do a hard reset on the VM. Once it reboots, it's okay again until the next time. I don't see anything in the Event logs that suggest what the culprit is. I am currently working with Citrix support to try and diagnose the issue. They are looking at memory dumps. We are using Trend Micro Apex One as our antivirus, and Citrix Support suggested we put in place the proper exclusions. However, it's still freezing with the exclusions in place. Once the server freezes, eventually you'll see an error log show up on the Delivery Controller that the Broker Agent lost contact with the server. Yesterday, a user first called that they seemed stuck. At first, I checked the VM console and saw that I could still log into it. So I thought the server was okay still. I tried to shadow the user and it timed out. Shortly after, we received other calls from users that they couldn't move either. I noticed they were all on the same server. When I went back to the VM console, it was frozen. Anyone experience anything like this before? ff782bc1db

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