Literatura ezagunena beranduago agertzen da: eleberriak (riwaya), dramak (tamthilia), poemak (shairi) eta epika (utenzi) osatzen dute. Lehenengo lan ezagunenak Utendi wa Tambuka (1728 inguruan) eta Utenzi wa Shufaka dira. Ezagutzen dira baita ere Fumo Liyongo ziklo mitikoaren poemak eta abestiak.

Swahili and Arabic came into contact in the early years of the 10th century, when Arabs travelled and settled along the coast of East Africa between the 9th and 10th centuries (Harries 224-5). According to Chiraghdin and Mnyampala, one of the reasons Arabic loanwords are more prevalent in Swahili, as compared to loanwords from other languages such as Portuguese, Persian, French, English and German, is that the Arabian Gulf is the closest to the coast of East Africa. Due to this proximity, Arabs made frequent journeys to and from Africa and, therefore, its speakers interacted most with the Bantu people (mostly Swahili) along the East African coast (1). The Arabs' and Swahilis' long history of contact led to inter-marriage and borrowing of words mainly from Arabic to Swahili. Mazrui and Mazrui state that the contact between Swahili and Arabs was not merely religious and cultural, but also economic (126). Polome alludes to the fact that the Swahili people shared the faith and culture of Arabs (10). According to Chiraghdin and Mnyampala, the second reason why Swahili borrowed from Arabic is that many Arabic words were used in the teaching of the Islamic religion (5). From this, one can see that the learning of Islam by the Swahili contributed to cultural contact and therefore, to linguistic borrowing largely of religious terms from Arabic to Swahili. Examples of loanwords borrowed in the domain of religion include: dini (religion), dhambi (sin) and jahanam (hell). Apart from religion, the Arab-Swahili interaction in trade also contributed to linguistic borrowing of words such as bidhaa (products), dhahabu (gold), fedha (silver) and khasara (loss). Cultural integration between the two groups of people led to borrowed words such as dunia (world), amani (peace), taji (crown) and rafiki (friend). There are also words related to the arts that were borrowed from Arabic to Swahili; for instance, fasihi (literature), sanaa (art), utenzi (long poem), ubeti (stanza) and hadithi (story).

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