• For a detailed guide to AV duties, please refer to Section 4 (Recommended AV Team Setup for an Online Service) of the TJC Online Service Setup Guide.

  • Refer to the weekly reminder email from the SWR AV Coordinator for Zoom meeting information and general reminders.

  • Follow up with speaker and hymn leader in advance for sermon title and hymns.

  • Sermon Outline/Slides: Sermon speakers may provide an outline or slide content to accompany the message. Be prepared to make arrangements with the interpreter to translate the outline/content ahead of time. There is a Google Slides template that can be used if the slide is difficult to format. Please reach out to the SWR AV Coordinator if you need access to the template.

  • Sound/Video Checks: Prior to the service, reach out to the speaker, interpreter, hymn leader, and accompanist to conduct a sound and video check, as needed, ahead of the scheduled service time.

  • While the broadcast to the members viewing the service will be via YouTube, all workers will connect to the broadcast via Zoom. Before the livestream service, please double-check that your Zoom app is updated to the most current version (at least v. 5.04).

  • Login to the Zoom at least 10 minutes before the prayer session (e.g.: 7:20 PM on Friday, 9:50 AM and 1:20 PM on Saturday) to appropriately set up and prepare, and deal with any technical issues.

  • Please see worker assignments and things to note below:


Zoom to YouTube Configuration:

  • Enable mute all participants upon entry.

  • Designate AV2 Team Member as Co-Host of the Zoom Meeting so AV2 can share screens.

  • Monitor and manage audio issues. Note that the Zoom Host cannot automatically unmute a participant. You can only “Ask to Unmute.” Be sure to coordinate with the accompanist ahead of time to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Disable participants ability to unmute.

  • Livestream to TJC US SWR YouTube Channel:

    • Your email address has been added as a manager of the SWR YouTube. When prompted to login to YouTube, login under your own email address. Please contact the SWR AV Coordinator if you didn’t receive a notification or have not accepted.

    • You will be prompted to login to Zoom in a web browser before you login to YouTube to stream. Please login with the SWR.AV Zoom account login.

    • You will be prompted to choose an account to stream to. Be sure to stream to the TJC US SWR Channel.

    • Zoom meeting title on YouTube should follow this format: (YYYY-MM-DD [English Sermon Title] [Chinese Sermon Title]). Privacy should be set to Public.

    • Monitor and moderate Zoom / YouTube Channel chat.


Screen Sharing:

  • Show service info (e.g. title, hymns) and Bible verses via

  • Double-check/update date on "Prayer Is In Session" slide.

  • Watch/pay attention to the service via Zoom instead of YouTube. Please note that there is an approximate 20-second delay from Zoom to Youtube.

  • When the sermon speaker and interpreter are not reading a Bible verse, toggle the sermon speaker to be the primary video (i.e. AV Member screen-sharing the Bible verse un-shares his/her screen).

  • Announcement slides:


AV Coordinator: Bro. Dave Liou (



7:30-7:50 PM - Prayer (All)

7:50-8:00 PM - Hymn Singing (Hymn Leader / Accompanist)

8:00-9:00 PM - Sermon (Speaker / Interpreter / Accompanist)

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

  • Sermon

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

9:00 PM - Announcements (Speaker / Interpreter)


10:00-10:20 AM - Prayer (All)

10:20-10:30 AM - Hymn Singing (Hymn Leader / Accompanist)

10:30-11:30 AM - Sermon (Speaker / Interpreter / Accompanist)

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

  • Sermon

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

11:30 AM - Announcements (Speaker / Interpreter)



10:00-10:30 AM - Prayer (All)

10:30-11:30 AM - Sermon (Speaker)

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

  • Sermon

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

11:30 AM - Announcements (Speaker)


1:30-1:50 PM - Prayer (All)

1:50-2:00 PM - Hymn Singing (Hymn Leader / Accompanist)

2:00-3:00 PM - Sermon (Speaker / Interpreter / Accompanist)

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

  • Sermon

  • Hymn

  • Prayer in the Spirit

3:00 PM - Announcements (Speaker / Interpreter)