Holland InterestS

Theory of Occupational Codes

Interest Themes

John Holland's theory of career choice helps explain what career choices are likely to lead to success on the job and job satisfaction. It is the foundation of the U.S. Department of Labor’s occupational information system and is widely used by career counselors throughout the United States and the world.

This theory posits that people are more satisfied with their careers when their occupation aligns with their personality interests. The six interest areas are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Investigative, and Conventional (RIASEC). After taking an assessment to determine your code you can match your code to occupations with the similar interests. The Dept. of Labor codes all occupations with these same six interest areas (RIASEC)

Its important to note that you do not have to be a perfect match with the occupation. Although 1-3 similar interests could lead to higher career satisfaction.

Need further help with finding the right career or major match? Contact or visit the Career Center! Career Coaches can help you via customized planning with a career coaching appointment!