Philosophy Graduate Students

University of South Florida

Below, you will find the profiles of the MA and PhD students in the philosophy department at the University of South Florida. You may politely contact our students if you have questions about the program.

This webpage is maintained by the Philosophy Graduate Student Organization (PGSO) of USF.

Last updated: June 2024

Joel Alvarez

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Medieval (Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, and Molina) and Modern Philosophy (Descartes and Leibniz), Native American Philosophy, Metaphysics (God's attributes and free will)

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, University of South Florida

BA in Philosophy, Brooklyn College

Important links: Personal Website

Christopher Barber

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology & Existentialism, History of Philosophy, Aesthetics

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, San Jose State University

BA in Philosophy, San Jose State University

Important links:

Tomás Bardi

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: 19th/20th Century Continental Philosophy; Nietzsche, Heidegger, Deleuze, Foucault

Email address:

Education: BA in Philosophy, Florida State University

Important links:

Brian "BB" Bieganski

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Hermeneutics, Postmodernism, Philosophy of Science, Adorno

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, Kent State University

BS in Psychology, Philosophy, Grand Valley State University

Important links:

Heather Brant

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: 19th/20th C. Continental, Phenomenology, Existentialism & Ageing, Ethics, Heidegger, Kierkegaard

Email address:

Education: BA in Philosophy and Political Science at Hiram College

Important links:

Cole Busby

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: 

Email address:


Important links:

Yvonne Candelario

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: Hume/Empiricism, Constructivism of Religion, WGS/Feminism & Religion, Ethics, Philosophy of Medicine

Email address:

Education: MA in Religious Studies, Georgia State University

BA in Philosophy, University of Texas at San Antonio

Important links:

Marrissa Cook

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Epistemic Injustice, Datafication, Philosophy of Language

Email address:

Education: MA in Medieval History, University of South Florida

Important links:

Seth Daves

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: 19th & 20th Continental Philosophy, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Kierkegaard, Levinas, Ethics

Email address:


Important links:

Romario De La Hoz

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Medieval Philosophy; Existentialism; 19th and 20th Century Philosophy; World History (esp. post-WWII)

Email address:

Education: AA in Humanities, Seminole State College

BA in Philosophy w/minor in History, University of South Florida

Important links:

Jeffrey Diamond

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: History of Continental Metaphysics, Leibniz, Philosophical Autobiography

Email address:

Education: MS in Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BA in Philosophy, College of William & Mary

Important links: Personal Website

Elliott Domagola

MA program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine, Analytic, Ancient (Greeks/Plato/Aristotle), Epistemology

Email address:

Education: BA in Philosophy and History, University of Pittsburgh

Important links:

Charles "Chet" Duke

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: History of Modern/19th-C. Philosophy (Kierkegaard, Kant), Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Historical Theology

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy of Religion, Yale University

MTS in Theology, Lipscomb University

BA in Philosophy & Religion, Freed-Hardeman University

Important links: Curriculum Vitae

Matthew Eckel

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: German Idealism; Ancient philosophy; Adorno

Email address:


Important links:

Bridget Erickson

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Philosophy of the Human Person; Human Affectivity and Emotion; Ancient Philosophy; Christian Personalism

Email address:

Education: BA in Philosophy and Classics & Early Christian Literature, Ave Maria University

Important links:

Richard "Bo" Frohock

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Social Epistemology, Expert Studies, Public Policy, Philosophy of Science

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, University of South Florida

BA in Philosophy & English Literature, Pacific Lutheran University

Important links:

Jackson Garcia

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Ancient Greek ethics and political theory, Continental philosophy

Email address:

Education: BA in Political Science, University of South Florida

Important links:

Peter Heath

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: Aphoristic Wisdom Literature; Christianity and Judaism; Dostoevsky

Email address:

Education: MA in American Literature, Miami University (Ohio)

BA in English and Philosophy, Gordon College

Important links:

Kyle Hodge

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Metaphysics (esp. PSR), Metaethics (esp. NLT), History of Philosophy, Logic, Political Philosophy (diss. subject: conservative political theory)

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, University of Florida

BA in Political Science, University of North Florida

Important links: PhilPeople profile

Jake Hogan

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Ethics, Moral Progress, Well-being and human flourishing, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Existentialism

Email address:

Education: BA in Philosophy, Brigham Young University

MA in Philosophy, Georgia State University

Important links:

Matthew Hopps

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest:

Email address:


Important links:

Leif Jacobson

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest:

Email address:


Important links:

Parjanya "PJ" Joshi

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: History and Philosophy of Science, Environmental Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Evolution, Buddhism, Process Metaphysics

Email address:

Education: MA in Climate Change and Sustainability Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai)

BA, Major in Science, Technology, and Society; Minor in Physics, University of Alberta

Important links:

Cheyne Joslin

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Disability

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, University of Sussex

BA in Philosophy, Stetson University

Important links:

Jason Keyser

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: Social and Political Philosophy, Rights, Property, Political Authority, Economic/Social Justification

Email address:

Education: Research MA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

MA, West Chester Univeristy of PA

BA, Slippery Rock University of PA

Important links:

Stephen Lasse

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy, Applied Ethics, American Pragmatism, Comparative Religious Studies

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, Texas A&M University

BS in Humanities Interdisciplinary, United States Military Academy

Important links:

Ethan Linehan

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: History of Modern Philosophy (esp. the Enlightenment and its critics); Political and Social Philosophy (esp. on progress & freedom)

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, George Mason University

BA in Philosophy and History, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Important links: Curriculum Vitae

David Odom

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: 19th/20th C. Continental Philosophy, History of Ideas, Historical Epistemology, Kant, Heidegger, Foucault

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, University of South Florida

BA in Philosophy, Florida Gulf Coast University

AA in Pre-Law Focus, Florida Southwestern State College

Important links:

Daniel Payne

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest:

Email address:


Important links:

Dylan Scott

PhD program in Philosophy

Areas of Interest: 19th/20th Century Continental; Derrida; Philosophy of Religion

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, Kent State University

BA in Psychology and Philosophy, Grove City College

Important links:

John Tuskey

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: Christianity and modernity; Postsecularism; philosophy of religion; Critical Theory; social and political philosophy

Email address:

Education: MA in Philosophy, Northern Illinois University

BS in Philosophy, Portland State University 

Important links:

Joseph Wood

PhD program in Philosophy and Religion

Areas of Interest: Comparative theology, Judaism, dialogical philosophy, hermeneutics, translation theory

Email address:

Education: M.Div. and Graduate Certificate in Muslim-Christian Studies, Virginia Theological Seminary

BA in Liberal Arts, St. John's College (MD)

Important links: