I have written before (here and here) about the importance of application in teaching and learning. In fact, I consider knowledge that has not been applied useless. That is to say that knowing the facts and rules about something but not knowing how to use it in your life has little use for you beyond passing certain types of knowledge/memory-based tests.

Therefore, I assert rather firmly that all learning must be applied and, as follows, that teachers must always include application in their lesson plans for every new item of learning. Yes, EVERY new item. As a bear minimum, every lesson you plan should include something new for the students to learn and opportunities for them to apply that new thing to life so that they are capable of actually using it outside of the classroom. Anything less than this is, in the most literal sense of the word, useless.

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Many teachers seem to find this assertion particularly confronting. First of all, many of those teachers that are still beholden to a very theory-based, lecture-driven approach to teaching and learning find it offensive to be told that many of their lessons are useless; and I appreciate that in that context, it might be a fairly provocative thing to say, but it is truly what I believe. On the other hand, there are teachers who already see the value and importance of a more student-centred, skills-based approach, but simply disagree that ALL things must be applied.

On Thursday, October 15, 2015, a disbelieving student posted on Reddit: My stats professor just went on a rant about how R-squared values are essentially useless, is there any truth to this? It attracted a fair amount of attention, at least compared to other posts about statistics on Reddit.

A setup close to or including a bathroom or the kitchen would work well, but the latter is less essential considering you can store food in your chosen room and the appliances may be useless in a power outage anyway.

That could mean involving more companies like Amazon Web Services or Cloudflare, which can render websites and online applications useless by depriving them of the necessary infrastructure to operate.

Yes sir you are absolutely correct. it lags freezes while watching online videos and downloading videos from IDM. mostly it freezes due to adobe flash or its addons. I think firefox is becoming useless by its every update issues. And when every update i get on firefox. I check what improvements they have made and unfortunately they never making correction on these bugs rather make fixes on other minor issues by ignoring these huge issues.

One hundred years later, we know that they are far from useless. Without quantum mechanics, modern transistor-based electronics would not exist, and without relativity, the satellite-based global positioning system (gps) could not work. Einstein and the founders of quantum mechanics, however, were not trying to invent new kinds of electronics or navigational tools; they just wanted to understand how the universe works.

It's the end of 2015, and here I thought that it was common knowledge that using code coverage as a metric for code quality is useless at best. After all, Martin Fowler wrote a good article on the subject in 2012, but the fundamental realisation is much older than that. Apparently, it's one of those insights that one assumes that everyone else already knows, but in reality, that's not the case.

This test achieves 100% code coverage of the GoldCustomerSpecification class, but is completely useless. Because of the try/catch block and the lack of assertions, this test will never fail. This is what Martin Fowler calls Assertion-Free Testing.

My experience with perl is limited but I think if you have an expression such as output = TEST1,TEST2 it will probably result in output == TEST2 leaving TEST1 to be ignored. Thus resulting in an error of a useless comparison.

I was bussy the past year developing one Racket package for elementary school kids, math-quiz. A few days ago it was completed to the level I considered polished enough to install it as a package on Racket-lang package server. Just to make sure it works everywhere, I installed several Linux distributions, just for testing. Program was developed on Mint Linux, so I knew it works there (what I'm interested in is html documentation for math-quiz, and help desk for Racket itself opening in Firefox), and the result of my testing was as follows:

Mint Cinnamon: both math-quiz, and Racket Help desk work

Fedora Gnome: both work

Manjaro Plasma: both work

Debian Gnome: both work

Ununtu Gnome (22.04 & 23.10): NOTHING WORKS! Firefox refuses to open local files, rendering my math-quiz and the whole Racket useless!

I spent one day, trying to find out, mostly asking questions on the net, why Firefox does not open local files. That turned out to be the wrong question, because most answers were "check your files", and change some settings in Firefox.

Then I asked on Racket group, and finally got the right answer, that boils down to one word: SNAP!

They could not help me with solution, but I found one myself.

I Installed a new version of Firefox directly from apt. Finally I had to enter:

snap disable firefox

and after that, finally, docs in math-quiz, and Help desk in Racket both work.

It has been claimed that many workers in modern economies think that their job is socially useless, i.e. that it makes no or a negative contribution to society. However, the evidence so far is mainly anecdotal. We use a representative dataset comprising 100,000 workers from 47 countries at four points in time. We find that approximately 8% of workers perceive their job as socially useless, while another 17% are doubtful about the usefulness of their job. There are sizeable differences between countries, sectors, occupations, and age groups, but no trend over time. A vast majority of workers cares about holding a socially useful job and we find that they suffer when they consider their job useless. We also explore possible causes of socially useless jobs, including bad management, strict job protection legislation, harmful activities at work, labor hoarding, and division of labor.

"Today, the more we advance, the more the JCPOA becomes useless," Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said in a speech to students at the University of Tehran, using the initials of the official name of the nuclear deal.

The 2021 Nevada Legislature enacted AB 356, prohibiting use of Colorado River water delivered by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) member agencies to irrigate useless grass (nonfunctional turf) not zoned exclusively for single-family residences effective Jan. 1, 2027. e24fc04721

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