Useful Facts About Lamisil 250mg Tablets Worth Knowing

Fungal infections are a common cause to worry for people belonging to all age groups. Untreated infections can cause greater damage to the skin and affect the body badly. It is wise to consult a doctor when you experience similar infections in fingernails, toenails, etc. In such cases, doctors prescribe you medicines belonging to the antifungal class of drugs.

Essential for treating

Lamisil is the medicine which the doctors prescribe for treating fungal infections which ringworms may cause. Prescribing Lamisil as an oral dose is highly beneficial for onychomycosis also. When you take Lamisil 250mg Tablets, the chemicals present in it helps in reducing the severity of the condition and eventually cures it over time.

Chemical composition

Lamisil belongs to the class of drugs that treat fungal infections and diseases. The tablets of Lamisil contain the synthetic allylamine antifungal compound called terbinafine hydrochloride. The terbinafine hydrochloride is off-white-colored and is in powdered crystalline form. It is the primary active chemical component of the tablet, and other than this, other inactive ingredients are also there.

Treatment guide

When you visit the doctor to treat your ailment, the doctor will first perform certain pathological tests and then recommend you the correct dose of Generic Lamisil to start the treatment. Before treatment, there will be a nail specimen test in the laboratory to check the fungal culture or nail biopsy. With this, the doctors can confirm onychomycosis and initiate the treatment in the right direction.

Intake guidance

Depending on the seriousness of your condition and other health factors, the doctors will specify the dosage for you. Customized doses are essential to treat better; there is no standard dose for everyone as the conditions vary with individuals. Usually, doctors prescribe them to intake it by mouth along with water. There is no restriction regarding the food intake before or after the dose.

Treating Time

Treating time varies with individual people. If your condition is severe, then it can take months to recover completely. In some cases, it gets cured in less time also. There is no fixed time for it. Doctors fix your dosage and treatment period based on the recovering possibilities. However, to grow out normal nails that will replace the infected nails, be ready for a longer period.


There are no major side effects of the medicine, but it is good to let your doctor know of any existing disease. Depending on it, the doctor can change the direction of the treatment to have no harmful effects on your health. Inform the consultant what components you are allergic to prevent allergic reactions. Also, it is better to limit your alcohol consumption while under treatment as it hampers a lot.

Last fact

Always consult an expert and clear your doubts regarding the medicine from a reliable store. Seek guidance from the pharmacist regarding the storage and temperature aspects when you buy it.