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1. Have received an Approval To Test (ATT) letter from the NMC, detailing the required renewal modules. The ATT letter will have instruction on how to obtain your renewal examination. See a Sample Renewal ATT Letter here.

Uscg Exam Questions And Answers Pdf Free Download

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2. Have paid your examination fee, using Pay.Gov.. Click here for instructions on paying your examination fee. A receipt of payment is needed by the NMC at the time of your renewal examination request.

46 USC 7510, originally published as section 315 of the 2015 Coast Guard Authorization Act (CGAA), requires the United States Coast Guard to commission a working group to review existing and new examination questions for accuracy and availability of examination references. To address the tasks to be performed and in keeping with the membership structure of the group as specified in the CGAA, the working group is to include:

Examination working groups may be convened as long as any non-Coast Guard representative is present. Examination review will take place at the National Maritime Center and possibly at some regional locations.

The Coast Guard is continuously seeking applications from interested parties to participate in the Examination Working Group. To be considered, please *email all of the following documents to NMCExamWorkingGroup@uscg.mil:

*Email is the preferred method of submission and should not exceed 8MB. If so, they should be sent in separate emails (please put the order of attachments in the Subject line of each email). The system will not accept any compressed (ZIP) files. For other submission methods, please call (304) 433-3720.

The materials were very thorough, dense at times, but jam-packed with information, which was nice because you could read and try to absorb the knowledge at your own pace, then test yourself at the end to make sure the information actually stuck. This was one of the reasons I chose the course. What I was not aware of, however, were the massive amounts of regulations, rules and tedious USCG requirements that were buried in the materials, but not included on the practice exams as well as the intentional trickiness of the questions. Even if you know the applicable rule for the situation, by heart, many of the questions are tricky and designed to trip you up. Often, the answers seemed to range from maybe right to arguably righter, but there was only one Coast-Guard approved rightest answer that mattered.

I remember oh so many years ago when I took my exam and marveled at the plotting portion. It is as you said, a few degrees here or there and boom, a missed question if not careful. I figured the way the USCG did it was have a nerd look at each question, figure out the most common mistakes and what answer those mistake would yield. Those close answers from silly mistakes then became the foils in their multiple choice answers.

It was many sleepless nights for me as well leading up to the exam but I managed to pass, somehow. I took mine in Miami as I was on the way to Key West, riding my Harley. Needless to say I did consume some alcohol that week!

Annie, I cannot tell you how much this post soothed my nerves about taking the exam. I just took the test for the OUPV and the Masters upgrade and crushed it. There were definitely a few new questions that I had not seen before, however most of them came right out of the book, or off of the online course. Anyways I just wanted to drop in and say thank you so much!


Hi Annie ,

Your Blog opened up new learning Ideas for this Exam which I will take in the coming weeks ,I also wanted to point out another site I found to be helpful for studying for anyone that is about to undertake this experience.


Thank You for your Help!

Thanks for your post. I am taking the Mariners Learning System Online and doing more plotting practice questions.

Are the exam questions (10) on the plotting portion also similar to the quizzes online and on the book for Mariners Learning?

I think that you are much more intelligent than I, so I think I will give up and quit before I start. (I am joking) I now at least know where and how to start.



wow this is a flash back on what happened to me on my plotting part, only i didnt see the Niantic river and failed ;c, im wondering where the frequency info is. according to your story it was 13.427. on my chart for Hartford the frequency is 162.475Mhz. maybe typo? im re-testing next Wednesday.

Hey Mark. I just went for the OUPV to give me the flexibility to captain on deliveries of boats other than ours. It just seemed like the best option to give me the most flexible use of the license. But, that said, Phillip and I never plan to charter our own boat. The license just helps us with insurance, helps us get paid if we want to do deliveries and was a great educational experience for me. Hope that helps. Best of luck!

Also, if you have one day of sea time before March 1st 2014 (i think, look up the exact date) you can get a 50 ton rather than 25 ton Masters without needing sea time on a 26 ton or better boat. That was grandfathered in.

If you can get the Masters, might as well go for it, because once you have it, you have it, with the renewal requirement being 360 sea days over the last license period, or the taking of an open book test as long as you do so within a year of the expiration date.

Hi Annie, thank you for your detailed description and for all of your support. My exam date is in one month.. How many hours a day should I be doing the practice tests to be prepared? Do you suggest making flash cards to memorize certain things ? Thank you, Chris ?

I love the videos they put out, helps me understand the methodology of Nautical Navigation, after years in the Army, We had our own way so it US Captains training videos helps me to adjust my thinking in that regard.

I am in the process of studying for the exam and just want to make sure I am studying the correct material. I am using but the question are very difficult and not in the study material books. Are you familiar with this site?

Also, the three links you provided, are those enough for all of the questions on the exam?

Thank you. Enjoyed your insights at a time I was feeling overwhelmed by the Mariners Learning System. Too many light, noises and minutia.

I like using the practice exam method.

It appears that (my favorite, covering all potential topics on the exam) is defunct.

Any thoughts on how to find that test bank?


Hey there! Thanks for the great word you shared!! When you said many of the questions were verbatim, was that from the MLS material or also the web sites you used. The one you liked best is down (bummer) I am though the material and not ready to test yet. Hoping soon!!

My wife and I passed the exam yesterday in Deltaville Virginia. We followed your advice and did practice questions for days preceding the exam. Also we knew where the chart information was for the Niantic River and the frequency of Hartford. 162.475 MHz. Seeing the Niantic River made each of us smile.

Thanks for the advice.


Hey, I took an exam in Deltaville yesterday! I was in there for 120 seconds, lol. I tested for Assistance Towing (10 questions and super easy) 3 hour drive each way though. I passed my OUPV in March and Annies page was a great help! Also a great help on the paperwork!

If you want to join the Coast Guard you will be asked to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). All recruits that join the Coast Guard must take the ASVAB. Your score on the ASVAB determines your eligibility for joining the Coast Guard. The ASVAB consists of different subtests, and every job in the Coast Guard has different requirements from these subtests. The higher you score on every test, the higher the chances will be you get the job you want. To kick-start your career in the Coast Guard you can practice with our ASVAB Preparation Package to assure yourself of a high score.

The ASVAB is a multiple-choice test, administered by the US Military Entrance Processing Stations (also called MEPS), used to determine qualification for enlistment in the armed forces. The test measures developed abilities and helps to predict future academic and occupational success in the military. The ASVAB is either administered by computer (called CAT-ASVAB) or in paper-and-pencil form (called P&P-ASVAB). Roughly 70% of military applicants take the test via computer. The testing procedures will vary depending on the mode of administration. 152ee80cbc

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