Week 3

In our third week we studied Electrical Engineering, as well as biomedical engineering. Our task this week was to build a circuit that would test the user for coronavirus and give a green light if there are no symptoms, a yellow light if there was 1, a red light if there was 2, and an alarm as well as a call to emergency services.

What is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering is the engineering field focused on the creation of hardware and software that will interact with electricity. This includes everything from binary, computer logic, and circuits, to telephones, telegraphs and power plants!

What is Biomedical Engineering

Bio-engineering, or biomedical engineering is the engineering field focused on the creation of medicine and technology to assist in the human biology. This includes bionics (artificial limbs), bio sensors (like our coronavirus detection unit) as well as monitoring, maintaining, and upgrading current medical equipment

  • Describe the plan your group used to build the project.

  • Describe the process your group used to accomplish the task.

  • Describe how the principles you used to build the project and apply to the engineering fields you studied

  • Each member’s role in the project.

  • Describe the successes and the obstacles your team encountered and how your team overcame the obstacles.

  • What would your next steps be to improve your project?

  • Describe the lessons that you learned and how you will apply these lessons to future projects.

  • Knowing what you know now, how would you start your project differently?

Design Process

Coronavirus Truth Table

The truth table & Equation

We first started with doing a truth table so we could understand the logic of our circuit. From that we were able to individually build circuits.

Main Design

Spencer was able to build a solid design pretty quick so he shared the design on zoom and we watched his screen giving input on different alterations of the design. Through this we tried to debug our circuit by using the DC solver and time graph.


A huge issue we had is that our voltage and amperage would not show as expected. We weren't sure if this was because of the software bugging or a problem in our circuit. This could be remedied by having a physical and seeing what lights light up

Research Paper

Week 3 Team 5 Research Paper

The Design Process of Commercial Circuit Design

We each delegated different sections of the paper to different people for example this is what the original roles were.

  1. Abstract - Rufus

  2. Introduction - Rufus

  3. Components - Brice

  4. Digitally Designing the Circuit - Harrison

  5. Manufacturing Circuits - Spencer

  6. Conclusion - Tony

The Sources / Brainstorming

Each one of our members except tony found 3+ sources for our paper. Like usual we would wait until everyone got their sources and think of a general outline of what the paper could be given the sources we have.

Week 3 Team 5 Research Sources

Project Evaluation

Project Evaluation Week 3 Team 5