A Whole New Game Changing Token For Crypto Community
About $URINU
The URUS INU token has been designed from the ground up and verified by an industry-leading combination of top engineers and academic experts in the fields of blockchain and cryptography. It has a strong focus on sustainability, scalability, and transparency. It is a fully open source project that aims to deliver an inclusive, fair, and resilient infrastructure for financial and social applications on a global scale. One of its primary goals is to bring reliable, secure financial service and payment and profit to those people on who are currently don't have about Meta verse
Contract Address : 0x0FDce2aCf9091B79Fe981aA18d4E338FB1928900
Step 1: Purchase BNB
You can purchase BNB on Binance, Crypto.com or another exchange.
Step 2: Send BNB to Trust Wallet
Create a Trust wallet (can be downloaded on app store). Then send your BNB from your exchange of choice to your Trust wallet.
Step 3: Swap BNB for Smart Chain BNB
This can easily be done when viewing the BNB balance in your Trust wallet.
Step 4: Swap $BNB For $URINU on PancakeSwap
Connect your Trust wallet to PancakeSwap, then paste our contract address into the token field to swap $BNB for $URINU. Always confirm the official contract address:
Step 5: Swap Process
Hit the Swap Process Button and Wait for the process Ones the process is done, u can see your token on your Wallet