Undergraduate Research in Probability and Statistics


The program is designed to give undergraduate students a chance to participate in meaningful research activities in the areas of probability and statistics.  Another aim of the program is to give graduate students a different dimension of mentoring experience to what they experience as teaching assistants and collaborators with other graduate students.  In this program, a graduate student is teamed with one or two undergraduate students and one faculty member. The graduate student will serve as a mentor as well as a collaborator of the undergraduate student(s).


During one term (a semester or a summer) one or more undergraduate students will work together with one graduate students on a project devised jointly by the graduate student and a faculty member. The students will meet weekly with the supervising graduate student and sometimes the faculty member. The students, if there are more than one, can meet with each other more frequently. The PhD student will be paid $2500 for the mentorship. The undergraduate(s) will get 0.5 credit for independent study. If satisfactory progress is made, this arrangement can be continued for a second term.

Faculty advisors

Bhaswar Bhattacharya: http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~bhaswar/

Research Interests: nonparametric statistics, distribution-free inference, networks analysis, graphical models, statistical learning, combinatorial probability, discrete and computational geometry

Email: bhaswar@wharton.upenn.edu

Jiaoyang Huang: https://jiaoyang.github.io/ 

Research Interests: random matrices, random graphs, interacting particle systems, inverse problem, and statistical learning

Email: huangjy@wharton.upenn.edu

Robin Pemantle: https://www2.math.upenn.edu/~pemantle/

Research Interests: modern discrete probability and combinatorics

Email: pemantle@math.upenn.edu

Xin Sun: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/xinsun/

Research Interests: random geometry and statistical physics

Email: xinsun@sas.upenn.edu

Da Wu: https://sites.google.com/view/dawu 

Research Interests: probability theory, mathematical physics, causal inference, time series analysis, and Applications of machine learning in Biomedical domains. 

Email: dawu@sas.upenn.edu 

Anderson Ye Zhang: http://andersonzhang.com/

Research Interests: spectral methods, clustering, ranking.

Email: ayz@wharton.upenn.edu


Undergraduate students across Penn are eligible to apply.

Graduate students at Penn from the Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics, and Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS) program are eligible to apply.


For both undergraduate and graduate students, please send an email to all the faculty members that you are interested in working with. We will try our best to match. In your email please include

1. a short introduction of your background and interest.

2. the list of math and statistics courses that you have taken.

3. your CV. 

Deadline for Spring 2024: 1/14/2024

Projects in Spring 2023 

Spectral Record Linkage and Gun Violence

Undergraduate member: Iris Horng; Graduate mentor: Qishuo Yin; Faculty advisor: Dylan Small.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Spectral Norm for Random Kernel Matrices

Undergraduate members: David Kogan; Graduate mentors: Sagnik Nandy; Faculty advisor: Jiaoyang Huang.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Dropout and Network Pruning

Undergraduate member: Aryan Singh; Graduate mentor: Wei Fan; Faculty advisor: Yuting Wei.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Monochromatic emptytriangles in two-colored point set

Undergraduate member: Kaiqi Wang; Graduate mentor: Xinyu Xie; Faculty advisor: Bhaswar Bhattacharya.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Projects in Fall 2022 

Eigenvalues for Random Kernel Matrices

Undergraduate members: David Kogan; Graduate mentors: Sagnik Nandy; Faculty advisor: Jiaoyang Huang.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Spectral alignment of correlated graphs

Undergraduate member: David Jin; Graduate mentor: Shuxiao Chen; Faculty advisor: Anderson Zhang.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Projects in Spring 2022 

Deletion Channels

Undergraduate members: Alexandru Lopotenco and Ryan Jeong; Graduate mentors: Abhinandan Dalal and Ziang Niu; Faculty advisor: Robin Pemantle.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Inhomogeneous  W-random Graphs

Undergraduate member: Ernest Ng; Graduate mentor: Anirban Chaterjee; Faculty advisor: Bhaswar Bhattacharya.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Generative Adversarial Networks and Two-Sample Testing

Undergraduate member: Arjun Shah; Graduate mentor: Yachong Yang; Faculty advisor: Bhaswar Bhattacharya.

Slides for Final Presentation.

Simulations of the Six-Vertex Model and Loop Erased Random Walks

Undergraduate member: Max Tjauw; Graduate mentor: Zijie Zhuang; Faculty advisor: Xin Sun.

Slides for Final Presentation.