Implement Facebook Login for Devices at to allow people to log into your app or service with their Facebook account. This feature allows people to log into devices with limited input or display capabilities such as smart TVs, digital photo frames, or Internet of Things devices.

With device login, your device shows an alphanumeric code and tells people to enter it on a web page on their desktop PC or smartphone. People using your app or service can then grant permissions. After your application gets permissions, the device receives an access token which your app uses to make Graph API requests to identify the person and get information to personalize their experience with the device.

Url Http Device Activation Code


When the code displays on screen, your device polls the Device Login API to see if someone authorized your application. After a few minutes, if they have not entered their code, the Device Login API returns a code_expired error. When your device receives this error you should cancel the login flow and the interface should display the call-to-action.

Display this confirmation on your device until the person clicks a Continue button. Someone may have to enter the code into a computer at another location, so they may need time to return to your device and see the confirmation before continuing.

I went to play an online game a few days ago, and it kicked me out telling me to go make a meta account. i do all the steps to make on, and then it tells me to go to to put in the code it prompted me with. I put in the code, and it said an error occurred, Generate new device code. Now i tried again a few days later, after that error happening many many times, and now it says the account I'm using does not match my purchases and stuff on my oculus account, saying I'm using a different account, BUT IM NOT. i really need help because I can't play any games.

having same problem right now, i am good following instructions and updated the quest 2 first, made the meta account etc. figured it was all done and dusted, shut down quest, restarted, and now i cant get into anything, keep trying the code in device and says code expired over and over on a loop and im punching the code in pretty quick, tried turning quest on and off a few times. i think ill try a new browser.

edit: tried the code activation using CHROME instead of FIREFOX.. worked. if you are using FIREFOX try CHROME instead. device will restart after you confirm the code, you know are good to go after that.

I have the same problem too. It keeps asking me to enter code in a mobile or pc browser. I tried both from my phone (android) and my macbook, with different browsers (edge, chrome, safari). After entering the code, in the Quest 2 it said Account Linked for a few second and then follow up by "an error has occurred, generate new device code", and that is looped endlessly.

Since many Facebook applications also use this login method in devices like TVs and Watches, we can reverse engineer the applications, get their client_code they use to request the temporary code to be shown to the user. After being shown to the user, we can get the access_token which would be a first party access_token.

The reality that anyone can access your Instagram and Threads accounts with your Facebook logins can sometimes be scary. Sure, creating a robust password keeps hackers behind bars, but what if they eventually know your password? That's where setting up Facebook two-factor authentication comes in. Also known as 2FA, it adds an extra layer of security to your account, requiring a verification code from your device each time you make a login attempt. That way, anyone needs access to your phone to log in, even if they know your username and password.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication. It's a good idea to implement 2FA on all your accounts. That means if someone wants to access your account on a new device, they'll need your password and a code generated by an authenticator app or sent via text.

Webcaster X2 uses the Facebook API to get a device pairing code that you simply need to let Facebook know about. Then your Webcaster X2 is authorized to stream to your Facebook account. It couldn't be easier!

Webcaster X2 must be connected to the Internet to retrieve a device pairing code from Facebook and then pair with Facebook. If later on you want to unpair your device, you don't need to be connected to the Internet. If you're live streaming when you unpair, the live stream stops.

Additionally, the code uses httpx instead of the popular requests library. The reason for this is that httpx is designed to be fully async-compatible, whereas requests is synchronous by default. This means that using requests in an async environment can cause blocking issues. Httpx, on the other hand, is designed to work seamlessly with asyncio, making it a better choice in this case.

Note: You can think of the device_code_login method as the listener to the click event of the button decorating it. In other words, this function will be called when the button is clicked.

This is also the safest and quickest method to recover a hacked Facebook account, as Facebook will let you log out of all other devices. Once you have reset your password, also consider setting up two-factor authentication on Facebook. If you can't log back into your account because Facebook retired its Code Generator, here's how you can now get a login confirmation code for Facebook.

The first step is more complex, and involves cryptographic signature checking. For debugging purposes, you can use Google's tokeninfo endpoint to compare against local processing implemented on your server or device. Suppose your ID token's value is XYZ123. Then you would dereference the URI _token=XYZ123. If the token signature is valid, the response would be the JWT payload in its decoded JSON object form.

Facebook login (FB Login) is a mandatory step in order to access your Facebook account. You can simply login to your Facebook account on any device by opening and entering your username and password. Here you'll learn how you can login to your Facebook account on any device and use its multiple & amazing features.

When you set up your two-factor authentication, you have a chance to receive a set of recovery codes. These recovery codes can be an invaluable way to get into your account, should you not be able to use your code generator. Follow these steps to set up recovery codes on either a PC or mobile device.

Check all your android and iOS devices, mobile browser, and even a different browser on your computer. And, if you find that you are logged in elsewhere, then you can reset the Facebook password without any need for a security code. be457b7860

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