How to login to your cash app account?

Square Cash is the company that launched a platform for the users to make their payments easy from their mobile phones or smartphones named as cash app. This application is simply very interactive and allowed the users to transfer money to someone without visiting physically to the bank. All you need to do is to register yourself on this platform, and then you are all set to use the features of the cash application. To create an account on a cash application, you need an email id and a working mobile number. In this article, we will learn how to create a cash app account and how to sign in on your mobile device.

Steps to create an account on the cash app

If you are also looking forward to making your transactions online by using the cash app can proceed with the below-stated steps to create an account on Cash.

Step 1: first of all, you need to download a cash application from the Play Store or app store of your device. for the same open the respective application store of your device and then, with the help of the search bar, look for square Cash.

Step 2: now, the square cash app will appear in the search result. Click on the install button to get the app on your device.

Step 3: once you get the application, locate it on your device and tap to launch the application.

Step 4: On the home screen of the application, you will see the signup and sign in button. If you are a new user, then click on the signup button.

Step 5: as a result, a signup form will appear on the screen where you need to enter the asked tales. After entering the details, click on the continue button, and you will be asked to enter the details of your card, including zip code, card expiry date, card number etc.

Step 6: After that, click on the signup button, and you will see a success message that will appear on the screen to indicate that you are successfully signed up on the cash application and ready to log in.

Steps to login on cash application

After creating an account, first of all, you need to keep your user id and password of the cash account safe to keep it remembering all the time. Then proceed with the steps mentioned below to login to the cash application of your device.

Step 1: First of all, open the cash app on your device by locating it and typing on it.

Step 2: As a result, on the welcome screen, you will get a sign in and sign up buttons. If you already have a cash app account, click on the sign-in button.

Step 3: Now, the system of the application will send you the OTP on your registered number. You need to enter the same code on the screen when asked. After that, click on the continue button.

Step 4: As soon as the cash application confirm your details, you will enter in the dashboard of your cash application and all set to enjoy all the features of the application.